"Hey! What's going on?! This wave of Shen... Shen can't hit! Jayce is pulling, Shen can't touch this Jayce!"

"IG's mid and jungle also met MSF's mid and jungle... and they started fighting in the river!"

"Something is wrong…Shen won’t be killed in this wave?!" Miller’s mouth widened.

Jayce was still kiting Shen, and even after a few seconds, there was no need to continue.

Because…Shen was in worse condition than Jayce!

""Beating the short with the long arm is really addictive..."

Bai Qiu muttered in a mad way, and then without saying anything, RCD was just right, he changed to hammer form, and hammered it directly!

Sky Leap!


Jayce's hammer form Q skill Sky Leap instantly got close to Shen, and while the damage burst, it slowed down the opponent.

Then... the two of them just A each other in a very primitive way. Unfortunately, it was unfair from the beginning.

Jayce Qed over after seeing that Shen was no longer a threat.

In addition, Jayce could change to cannon form again soon. MSF top laner Alphari looked autistic and shouted:"I may be gone..."

Bang bang.

Jayce hammered down the last two times, Shen's health bar was emptied, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"IGCherish killed MSFAlphari!"


First blood!

"Dead! Counter-kill, Jayce hammered Shen to death! Get the first blood of the game!!"


Outside, following the system sound prompt, crazy cheers broke out at the scene.

"It's so cool, Jayce, he turned around and shot, taking advantage of the MSF mid and jungle leaving, and directly killed Shen at level 1!" Wawa's face flushed and said,"This is a wave of solo kills!!"

"That’s right, and… this Jayce’s pulling was so beautiful. If he hadn’t taken the initiative to hammer over, I doubt Shen would have been able to touch this Jayce the whole time… Oh my god, what the hell is this…"

Everyone was excited, but the director didn’t give everyone time to react. The top lane was decided, and the camera turned to the river.

At this moment, a 2v2 brawl was also breaking out in the river near the middle lane in the upper jungle.

MSF’s mid and jungle had been summoned by Shen before, and were about to go back to support, but as soon as they turned around, they were blocked by IG’s mid and jungle who rushed over.

IG was trying to buy time for Jayce, while MSF was anxious to go to support them. But since they had met each other, they certainly couldn't go.

Now Shen was killed alone, and the situation of MSF's mid and jungle was not very good.

The combination of Syndra + Prince was actually very strong in the early stage.

But now it's only level one, Syndra's QE can't be used, and Prince's EQ can't be used!

On the contrary, on the IG side, the jungler Lee Sin and the mid laner Galio had both control and damage at level one.

After a fierce battle, Prince was beaten to a residual health.

At this time, IG's mid and jungle also wanted to kill, and Prince could only give up a flash in frustration!

This wave... The mid and jungle actually won!


Seeing this scene, the Wuhan Sports Center was completely boiling.

Under the home field, at the beginning of the game, IG not only played an advantage in the top lane, but also in other lanes!

"Flash, the prince was hit and flashed, then IG will not chase this wave, the soldiers have come up, there should be no follow-up..."

At this moment, the battle between the two places ended, the soldiers in each lane had also come up, and the wild monsters refreshed, so they definitely couldn't continue to fight.

But even so…

"We made a profit, we made a fortune this time!" Wawa exclaimed:"Prince was beaten out of his flash this time, and Shen was killed in the top lane again...IG, this game just started, and they have already gained the advantage!"

"A jungler's flash is very important in the early game, and it was played beautifully."Rita nodded.

"Momentum, mainly momentum. After these two waves, IG's momentum came out!"Miller said loudly:"From this start, we can see that IG's condition today is very good!"



The audience cheered, and the game calmed down temporarily.

Of course, it was only calm on the surface.

After this wave, MSF lost the first blood and flash, which had a big impact on the early rhythm.

But because of the timing, they didn't lose soldiers and experience, which was acceptable.

Other lanes also returned to the lanes, and those who were farming the jungle were farming the jungle.

After Shen died and resurrected in the top lane, he TPed directly to the lane.

In this wave, MSF not only lost the first blood and flash, but also Shen's TP.

"It's a bit of a loss, MSF's start was not very good, the early stage of this game was very favorable to us." Miller said, looking at Shen who was TPing and landing:"Especially Jayce, now he is leading by one blood, after returning home for a wave of supplies, Shen will be suppressed…"

"Yes... then... Jayce didn't go back." Wawa looked at the big screen in surprise.

In the game,

Shen resurrected and TPed, but Jayce didn't go home to replenish supplies as everyone expected. With half health, he still stayed on the line and started to replenish soldiers.

"This... From what Cherish said, it seems that he has no intention of going home." Miller frowned and said,"In that case... isn't that too greedy?"

At this moment, Jayce was only half-blood after the fight with Shen just now. This blood line made all the LPL viewers feel a little weak.

"Fortunately, Jayce still has medicine on him, which is also Cherish's usual style..." Wawa understood it very well.

But Shen didn't understand.

What does it mean that this guy doesn't go home when he is half-health?

Is he looking down on others?

But on second thought, Alphari breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better not to go back. If Jayce goes home this time and replenishes his equipment and status, then it will be even more difficult for him to laning.

Alphari thought so, until a moment later, he realized that he was naive.

Because... even if Jayce didn't go home, he seemed to have a hard time against him!

Jayce, who was on the line last-hitting, saw Shen TPing over, and without saying a word, he directly relied on his long arms to hit Shen twice.

Shen subconsciously stepped back a few steps and lost a small soldier.

He wanted to go up and fight Jayce, but the opponent's arms were too long. After Shen went over, he would definitely have to hold the line of soldiers, so he could only give up temporarily.

He gave up, but Bai Qiu had no intention of giving up at all. He saw that in the following time, whenever Shen wanted to come up to last-hit, Jayce would always steal a hit from various angles and positions. What surprised Alphari the most was that in this crazy stealing, Jayce's own last-hitting was not missed, but Shen missed two or three hits!

When the second wave of soldiers arrived, Jayce directly relied on the experience of first blood to advance to level 2.

He launched a more inhumane suppression and... humiliation?

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