Top lane.

MMD, who was almost depressed by the pressure, finally saw his own dawn.

Seeing a large wave of fat soldiers entering the tower, MMD was so moved that he almost cried.

He could finally eat the waves properly, and he didn't have to be so scared when he was last-hitting, for fear that the opponent would come up and cut him a few times if he was in a bad mood...

Just when Shen was about to go forward to eat the waves, he saw Shen follow the soldiers into the tower

"Want to touch the tower?"MMD was stunned for a moment, but then he didn't care.

He had an advantage, so he would definitely take advantage of it. If it were him, he would also touch the opponent's defense tower when there were more soldiers.

As soon as this thought came up, MMD was about to go forward to help the soldiers, but suddenly he found something wrong.

Because this Shen didn't seem to get close to the defense tower at all, but... went straight to him!


"What do you mean?! Shen, this wave is not trying to touch the tower, does Cheirsh have any ideas about Shen?!"

At the same time, the outside world also saw Shen's thoughts.

For a moment, the scene suddenly became noisy.

"It seems like he really has an idea!" Miller looked at the big screen, frowning:"But this wave... there is no chance."

"Although Shen is in a bad state, Yasuo is also in a bad state and is still in his own defense tower.……"

"The most important thing is... it's only three minutes now!" Wawa's eyes widened:"The Yasuo E keeps holding. If Cherish wants to cross this wave, he might be killed under the tower!"

Upon hearing this, the noise in the field became louder.

Because Yasuo on the field has already approached the Yasuo directly!

The target couldn't be more obvious.

This wave is going to attack the Yasuo!

"Move, move...really move!"

"this……"The commentators looked at each other in silence.

On the other side, on the field, seeing Yasuo approaching, MMD also reacted, no longer panicking, but full of killing intent!

"Can you come over? The other side is trying to pass me!"


"I'm on my way, but it might be too late..." Kasa said

"It's okay, the opponent is Shi Lezhi, level 3 tower dive, I can kill him back!" After MMD finished speaking, Yasuo was already close to Qing Gangying, and A, Q, and A slashed him three times in an instant.

Under the double Doran and level suppression, the output burst, and Qing Gangying's status dropped a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in the same way, as soon as Yasuo made a move, the red side's defense tower area immediately turned red, and the defense tower instantly locked the hatred of Yasuo, the outsider!


The first defense tower laser had already fallen, and Yasuo's situation became a little dangerous.

However, Bai Qiu did not panic, and continued to attack Qing Gangying.

Qing Gangying was already in a low state after being attacked by Yasuo several times.

However, this was because the Q skill had been turned on, and he kicked it out. At the same time as the damage was dealt, the shield appeared!


At the same time, the first laser of the defense tower hit Yasuo.

Yasuo, who was half-blooded, was immediately half-dead.

If it comes again, Yasuo will be killed by the defense tower without Qing Gangying's output!!

"Yasuo! Ouch, I'm going to die! This wave of Shen is going to use E!" Wawa wailed:"Cherish, this wave is too hasty!!"

"Die for me!" On the field, MMD saw Yasuo's blood line, and his forehead was instantly filled with blood. He decisively used the E that he had been holding, hooking the wall with the first stage, and his hand speed reached the extreme. The second stage of E kicked directly towards Yasuo's hateful face!

But almost at the moment when Qing Gangying started to use the first stage of E, Yasuo, who had been hit hard by the defense tower, also moved! There was no sign

, whether it was the timing or the skill CD, it was just right!

A fully charged Q skill was directly fired to the side and upper!

Hurricane gathered from Yasuo's sword, and quickly swept towards the direction where there was no one for the time being.

That's right, there was no one for the time being...

The next moment, Qing Gangying, who was on the way with the second stage of E, hit it straight!

With a bang, as if encountering a storm in the air, Qing Gangying, who was flying like a roc with wings spread, shivered instantly, and the person in the air- directly crashed!

Yasuo predicted Q to interrupt Qing Gangying's E skill!

"What the hell?!"

"Ouch! Cherish! This wind! It actually blew the Yasuo down from the sky?!"Seeing this scene, the commentators from major regions around the world were stunned.

In the game, the Yasuo who was hit by the hurricane of Yasuo's Q shivered several times in mid-air, and his health, which was already low, was completely reduced to a state of low health.

Before he fell, Yasuo, who had already used E immediately after Q, had arrived! He got close to the Yasuo and chopped him down with one knife!


The health of the Yasuo who was at low health was emptied, and he died on the spot!

"IGCherish killed FWMMD!"

Single kill!!

"Dead, dead!! Shen was killed by Yasuo's sword!"Wawa said in astonishment:"Cherish completed this wave of tower crossing and killing!!"

"Yes... but what does Yasuo say? The tower lasers are also coming down... is this wave going to be replaced?"

"Soldier line! There is a soldier line, the red side's soldier line just came out! Yasuo can use E directly!"

Under the defensive tower.

After killing Shen with one sword, the second laser of the defensive tower was about to fall. Bai Qiu was now in the center of the defensive tower, and his flash was not good. He should have been replaced.

But at this moment, I don't know if it was good luck or good luck, the red side's soldier line just came.

Bai Qiu's operation was not affected at all. In his eyes, his low health seemed to be full of health.

Seamless E played a crucial role at this moment.

After Yasuo E'd the first soldier, he seamlessly and quickly connected E in an instant. , Yasuo rushed out of the red team's top lane tower and came to the outside of the minions.

Because of his fast hand speed, the defense tower laser did not fall immediately, but chased Yasuo out of the defense tower.

When it was about to fall, a white wind shield finally appeared on Bai Qiu's body.


The laser fell completely.

The state of Yasuo, who was at low health, was instantly cleared, and the visual effect seemed to be dead.

But in fact, Bai Qiu's screen was still bright. Yasuo was left with only a little health, his wind shield was gone, and his health bar was at the bottom, but he was still alive!


"Holy crap!!"

"Not dead! Wind shield! It's a wind shield, this wave of Yasuo's wind shield just refreshed!!"

Seeing this, all the audience at the Wuhan Sports Center, commentators from major competitions around the world, and the billions of viewers around the world who were watching the live broadcast, all went crazy!

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