Top lane.

After successfully meeting up with his teammates, Bai Qiu went home, replenished his status and went online, and also got an extra Doran's Blade.

Double Doran's at the start!

Many people were a little surprised to see Yasuo's outfit.

This kind of outfit is very common in rank games. After getting the first blood at the beginning, double Doran's can increase the suppression power in the line, which is an extreme laning routine.

But... this is the S game!

Starting equipment such as Doran's Blade cannot be synthesized.

In other words, if Bai Qiu can't get too much advantage with this outfit, he will basically not make much money when he goes back to sell it later.

"Double Dolan...Cherish, you are really confident in yourself."Wawa couldn't help but shook his head and said,"Most players wouldn't do this."

"Although I haven't played many games, my first impression of Cheirsh is his confidence. Miller said with a smile:"He is extremely confident, even to the point of being arrogant."

"……That's a good thing!" Wawa said after a long silence.

For a professional player, self-confidence is really hard to come by. Many of the LPL top laners are not really that weak, but they are completely beaten by the LCK top laners and lose their confidence and spirit.

The appearance of Bai Qiu really makes everyone's eyes light up.

Because the LPL region... lacks top laners with this kind of personality.

"Yes, and this build... Yasuo's early laning ability is full, and Shen will be in trouble..."

Shen is indeed in trouble.

When MMD came online, he saw the two artifacts on Yasuo's equipment bar, and his face turned green.

"Two Dorans, do the opponents treat me as a human being?"


"Brother La, help me catch it later, it's hard to fight against it."MMD saw this equipment and knew that he was going to be hard to fight.

"OK, hold on, wait for me."Kassa nodded.

Go to the top lane.

The level one group fight delayed the time to go online, but fortunately, the minions were not missed. After Yasuo and Shen came online, the laning officially began.

MMD thought that even if the opponent suppressed him, it would not come too quickly. After all, Shen had Q and shield in the early laning stage, and it was not so easy to beat.

But soon, he was stunned.

Because he found that the opponent did not play by the rules!

As soon as he came online, Yasuo saw Shen coming to supplement the minions, and immediately used the minions to E over. Seeing this, Shen subconsciously used Q to kick Yasuo.

While dealing damage, it also triggered the shield of Q.

In this way, Yasuo actually did not gain anything from the blood exchange.

But after this wave, Shen became autistic.

As soon as Yasuo came back, he seized the opportunity not long after and E over again.

This time, Shen didn't have Q, and the most important thing was... MMD found that his minions, except for the two who were hit by E, did not go to attack Yasuo!

This was uncomfortable, as Shen's health was consumed by more than one-fifth in one wave.

As soon as he came online, he was disabled.

But this was just the beginning. When Yasuo took the lead with the first blood and reached level 2 first, the pressure was even more excessive. He blocked Q in one wave, used the shield to deal damage to the minions, and went up directly to consume the damage in the second wave.

Everyone understands the truth. This routine is not impossible to destroy. As long as you are close to the minion line and have the minion line as a backup, the opponent will come over with a lost Mistakes can even lead to counter-kills!

But... after several confrontations, MMD found that the opponent was too accurate in predicting his CD, and he was a master at avoiding the minions' aggro range and using Yasuo's shield to block damage! He was really a master! The outside world can't see the situation in the top lane, but MMD, the person involved, can feel it most intuitively. The opponent's seemingly mindless pressure is actually looking for opportunities and angles every time he presses over or uses E!

And as an opponent... he had no way to avoid it! He was hit inexplicably, and he He couldn't even touch Yasuo for a few times...

After a few waves, Yasuo just reached level 3, and Shen reached level 2, and MMD's state was already in a state of great weakness!

Of course, because Yasuo kept Eing the minions, his state was only half.

But... it's hard to beat!

I can't beat him!

This is the only thought in MMD's mind. A few minutes of laning, the outside world flashed by, but for him, it was like a year!

This feeling is like a master and a king laning, the two of them are one level apart, the opponent can always find you, you don't even understand what's going on, and you're about to die.

Who can stand this?!

"Top lane! Oh my god, how come the top lane Shen is dying?!"

Outside, when the camera was focused on the top lane, everyone finally realized something was wrong.

It had only been less than two minutes since the laning started, what was going on in the top lane?

Shen's state... was seriously damaged!

"Oh my god, Cherish, this Yasuo fights too fiercely…" Wawa watched for a while and couldn’t help but smacked his lips and said,"Is this how Yasuo exchanges blood?"

"…I don't know. I've never seen Yasuo like this. Miller was silent.

"If there are a few more waves, Shen will have to go home." Miss Rita's eyes widened:"Is he going to be forced to go home right after he came online?"

Everyone was a little speechless.

No one expected that the winner would be decided in such a short time in the top lane.

Before the game, they talked about competing with each other... In the end, it was found that the two were not at the same level at all.

Of course not at the same level.

If Bai Qiu relied on jungle ganking, or a few solo kills, it would be acceptable to suppress Shen like this.

But... now there is neither jungle ganking nor solo kills, it is just pure suppression!

It is unreasonable, in a normal laning, he can suppress you inexplicably and make you breathless!

This is too scary, giving people a feeling of complete suppression and surpassing in hard power.

"It shouldn't be that difficult to go home... The soldiers have been pushed forward, and this wave of Qing Gangying finally got a good kill."

Top lane.

With Yasuo's crazy pressure, it's impossible to keep the soldiers under control.

Now the two waves of soldiers on the blue side have entered the red side's defense tower.

Inside the defense tower, Qing Gangying watched this scene and was moved to tears.

Damn... I can finally eat a soldier properly.…

"Is the opposing jungler here?"At the same time, Bai Qiu asked

"…I didn’t see it, but I guess it should be in the middle lane or the upper jungle area." Ning Wang reported and asked,"What are you going to do?""

"Oh." Bai Qiu nodded, looking at the low health Qing Gangying under the defense tower, he was a little eager to make a move:"I want to surpass this person."


Ning Wang was stunned and looked at the game time uncertainly.

It's only... about three minutes now?

Three minutes to cross the tower alone?!

"Brother, don't mess around..." Ning Wang subconsciously advised.

But it was too late.

Because at this moment, Yasuo and the soldiers had already entered the defense tower together!


"Yasuo...what do you mean? This wave doesn't look like he's going to touch the tower..." Wawa stared in astonishment,"Are you trying to...kill Steel Shadow?!"

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