"OMG……! Cherish! Cheirsh!!"

"Is this all possible?!"Wawa was stunned and said,"He's not dead yet?!"

Wuhan Sports Center. Seeing Yasuo successfully crossing the tower at level 3, with only a little health left, and not dying, the audience burst into applause.

"Awesome! Cherish, this level 3 tower dive! Successfully killed Shen!"

"Q interrupts E, and E is used to refresh the wind shield... Turtle, in this set, Cherish has used everything he can.…"

"Oh my god…"

In the LPL commentary booth, Wawa said excitedly:"I want to know now, were the soldier lines and wind shields calculated in advance?! If so, this guy is really… scary!"



"Qiu Daddy!!"

"How long has it been since the game started? I'm so shocked…"

"Level 3 half health tower dive?!"

"It's just outrageous!"


The crowd was in an uproar. Everyone was excited by Bai Qiu's forced tower crossing.

It was too much. He was only level 3!

Even if the jungler came to gank him, he might not be able to cross the tower. In the end, Yasuo, who was not even at full health, forced his way over the tower and killed Shen alone!

Without going into the details of the operation, this move alone was enough to shock everyone.

"It's really a bit exaggerated, this is the S game." Shen Chao next to him couldn't help but say:"Yasuo plays like this, crossing the tower at level 3, it feels like... the high-level players are bullying the little ones..."

As they were talking about this, the dead MMD also reacted, his face flushed, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Don't panic, I'm here! To avenge you!"

At this time, Kasa, who had been heading up the road for a long time, finally came over.

Hearing the voice, MDD was startled and gritted his teeth and said,"Kill him!!"

"Gragas! Gragas is coming!"

In the outside world, watching Gragas coming around the river, the LPL commentators' faces suddenly froze in joy.

"The support came so quickly, Karsa. In that case... Yasuo should be replaced." Miller looked at Yasuo's position.

At this moment, Yasuo was behind the first tower of the red team. Gragas was afraid that Yasuo would escape, so he walked directly into the first tower from the river. Although Karsa was only half-healthy, it was obvious that he came to support in a hurry.

But looking at Yasuo's even lower health... it was basically over.

"It's still acceptable. This time, Shen Gangying lost two waves of soldiers, and Yasuo's one-for-one trade was also a profit."Shen Chao said calmly:"All FW can do now is to stop the loss"

"Yes, eh… Yasuo actually turned back to farm… Is he trying to farm as many soldiers as possible before he dies?"

In the game.

After seeing the barrel coming, Bai Qiu, who was left with only a little health, did not run away, but attacked a ranged soldier.

After Q was ready, he poked the soldier to death with a Q. A white light flashed on his body—he had upgraded!

His low health state was restored a little, but it didn’t have much effect.

"This brother knows how to handle things."Kasa couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. He didn't hesitate any more. Gragas had already come to the first tower. Looking at the Gragas not far away, he directly used a Q skill.

Looking back confidently, he didn't need to look, Yasuo was already dead.


But just when Karsa turned around, he saw that Yasuo, who seemed to be replenishing his economy before dying and preparing to die, released a wind wall at the moment when Gragas used Q.

Whoosh, bang.

Gragas' Q skill was directly blocked outside the wind wall, and then exploded...

It didn't hit Yasuo!

The wind wall blocked the Q!


"Huh?"Kasa was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly, turned around immediately, and used his E skill to charge straight at him.


Seeing this, Bai Qiu's hand speed reached the limit, and he directly E'ed out towards the aggro of a small soldier that he had deliberately attracted by last-hitting just now!

This small soldier was also one of the two small soldiers that he had not E'ed out when he seamlessly E'd just now!

With a swish, Yasuo's hand speed was too fast, and in an instant, he had returned to the bottom of the defensive tower.

The E skill of the barrel hit him, but it hit nothing!

He dodged it again!

"What the hell?!"

"Yasuo! Move! E skill! Dodge it! This time, both Gragas' Q and E missed?!"

Wawa stared, dumbfounded.

The next moment, his voice suddenly became excited:"Oh my god... No, can we escape this time?! Cheirsh!!"

Can we escape?

At this moment, Yasuo had just upgraded, and his status had recovered a lot. He had been taking medicine all the time, and his health was no longer very low.

After being outplayed twice, Karsa's scalp was a little irritated. He turned around and ran straight to Yasuo under the defense tower.

Killed someone, outplayed me, and you still want to escape?

You're dreaming?

But Bai Qiu could indeed escape. When Gragas just turned around, he had already attacked again. In the previous wave of soldiers, the second soldier had already reached the edge of the defense tower. Yasuo used his E skill and used the soldier as a medium to successfully get out of the tower! He opened up a flash distance from Gragas!

He ran away!

"Ran away! Really ran away! Oh my god, what the hell is this thing, Cherish, can it even run away like this?!" Miller’s eyes widened, sweating profusely:"Kasa’s mentality exploded!"

"We must chase...Kassa must chase, we can't let this Yasuo get away this time!"

On the field, after seeing Yasuo's second E, Karsa was just stunned, but he still chose to continue chasing without hesitation.

Yasuo's condition has recovered a lot, but for him, the next skill is ready, or he can directly flash to stick to the opponent!

Yasuo... must die!

Just thinking this, the barrel just walked out of the defensive tower, and saw a sound wave in the shadow of the jungle vision on the upper side, as if assisted by God, blocking the vision and hitting directly and accurately!


"Lee Sin is here! Ning Wang is also here to support! This time Yasuo is safe!!"

"Help! Ning!"

Off the field, all the LPL spectators breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the blind man suddenly appear.

It was too thrilling.

If the blind man hadn't arrived at this wave, Yasuo, who had no skills and soldiers, would have been dead.

Now that the blind man has come, a half-blood barrel must not go over, otherwise even if he flashes to kill Yasuo, he will be replaced.

At that time, it will not be a stop loss, but a double whammy!

Karsa also understands this truth, so even if he is unwilling in his heart, the moment he sees the blind man's sound wave, he knows it's useless.

Just when he was about to turn around and go back, Ning Wang's blind man was a lot of reckless. Seeing that his first stage of Q hit, he directly pressed the second stage of Q.

Flying to the face of the barrel, QQAEA burst perfectly played.

In an instant, the half-blood barrel's state dropped again.

Looking at this...

It's actually dangerous!


""Wow!" Karsa was also confused. He didn't expect that Lee Sin's damage was so high.

Now Yasuo had completely distanced himself from him. He couldn't change players even if he wanted to.

Karsa was extremely frustrated and almost vomited blood. He gritted his teeth and pressed the flash.


Gragas chased others, but was forced to flash and returned to his own defense tower.

"Flash! This time, the barrel flashed actively!"

"Wow...IG, this wave of blood profit!"

"It’s a pity though, if Gragas hadn’t flashed, this wave should have killed him, oh…" Wawa saw this and got the advantage, but he still didn’t behave.

Miller couldn’t help but laugh, and was about to tease him, but the next moment, Gragas had just flashed over, and before he had taken a few steps, a hurricane of extreme distance blew over!

It arrived almost at the same time as Gragas!

Is this… Yasuo’s predicted wind?!


"Shit! Yasuo…Q! Predicted Q!! Hammered Gragas!"

"This time...Kassa is going to die too?!"


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