
Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

On the field, the strange scene of Yasuo taking the first blood alone caused the whole scene to boil.

However, after getting the first blood, Yasuo himself was already in a group of four FW players, being chased by four people.

This scene was originally a sure death.

But unfortunately, the other IG players were nearby!

"Is it coming? You can counterattack! You can counterattack this wave!"

"Kill kill kill!!"

"We can fight! We can fight! Shen is dead!"

IG shouted. After Shen died, the people who had just left IG also returned. After

Shen died, FW only had four people left.

In a level 1 group fight, one person was missing... and all the skills were used. Tell me, how to fight?

"No need to run!" Miller looked at the situation on the field, his tone suddenly raised:"All the IG players are back! We can win this time! FW is one man short, and all their skills are on CD, this time FW——explodes!!"

"Here we go! Yasuo goes first!"


On the field.

Seeing that his teammates were almost there, Yasuo, who had been retreating, immediately turned around and used E on Rakan, the only one who hadn't reached E before.


The next moment, Yasuo did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to return to the group of four FW players!

He raised his hand and A-ed at the barrel!

"Kill him! Kill him instantly!"All the members of FW were a little excited now. Seeing that Yasuo dared to come back, they immediately focused their fire on Yasuo.

In just a few seconds, Yasuo's health dropped from full to half.

But at this time... the other IG members had also joined the battle!

There was nothing they could do, after all, IG was too close.

Previously, FW had already used most of their skills to kill Yasuo, and now the Shen was dead again.

In this case, as the commentator said... there was no way to fight!

FW, who was originally strong in the first group, was no match for IG now!

Baolan's Q skill hammered three people away, and Luo, who was focused on by IG first, quickly dropped to less than half of his health. In a few seconds, he would be gone.

In desperation, Luo could only grit his teeth and press the flash.


Luo flashed away.

This flash was considered to be an active announcement of the defeat of this wave of first-level group.

There were only three people left on the front battlefield of FW. Facing the five tigers of IG who were as fierce as wolves and tigers, they didn't even have the desire to fight.

One by one, they turned around and ran away desperately.

Syndra and Gragas who fell behind were fine. Judging from the distance and position, they should be able to get into their own jungle and escape successfully.

But the remaining Tristana was autistic. He was too far forward in this wave, and the five IG players all aimed at him after Gragas flashed.

""Shit!" Seeing that he was about to die, Xiao Pao could only flash to escape.


Another flash!

"Flash! Tristana also flashed! This wave of FW was defeated!"

"Two flashes! Oh~! IG, we won this wave!!"Wawa panted and said,"Can we continue to chase?! Can we chase for a while?!"

On the field, after Tristana flashed, the four FW players had completely distanced themselves from IG. At this position, looking at FW's health, they couldn't be killed even if they flashed over.

More importantly, the soldiers were coming up now, and time was running out, so the IG players didn't continue to chase.

""I can't catch up... then it's a pity..." Miller started to pretend.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Yasuo, who was moving freely in the crowd just now, suddenly rushed out a few steps and used his E skill to stick to the barrel at the back.

Yasuo's E mark has been refreshed!



While he was stunned, Yasuo A-ed the opponent and continued to slide forward.

The seamless E was once again displayed in front of the global audience.

Each of the four surviving FW players was hit by E. When Yasuo finally E-ed on Tristana, the other IG teammates approached again.

FW members who could no longer control their emotions could only suppress their anger and continue to retreat with gritted teeth - they gave in!

Yasuo successfully returned to his teammates and showed the red LPL team logo to the four FW players who were fleeing in embarrassment!


The whole audience was instantly in an uproar.

"Yasuo is still showing off! He wants to show off again!"

"The mark is up!! I'm telling you clearly, even if I can't kill you, I can still come and go as I please!"

The commentators from all over the world burst into amazement, and in the LPL commentary booth, Wawa Miller and others also reacted.

"Seamless E!! Seamless E again!! Cherish, so beautiful!!"

Wawa took a breath and said loudly:"We won this wave! IG, we won!!"




"Why can this Yasuo kill Shen alone in front of four people at level 1?"

"I was stunned. Is this the Feng Man?"

"Feng Man? Xiu Man!"

"Show numb, Cherish, this is real dad!"

"Is this even possible? ? Taiwan’s mentality is blown up!"

At the scene, as this extremely weird"level 1 group" ended, the audience at the Wuhan Sports Center also burst into thunderous cheers. It was too showy, too outrageous.

The audience couldn't understand too many details, but this wave of Yasuo was challenging everyone's vision throughout the whole process!

With seamless E, he was like a wind walker, moving through the five players of FW without any obstacles, and finally killed them alone!

He was only level 1! Only level 1!


In the commentary booth, several people looked at each other, and their emotions were completely aroused.

"Can this be killed by a single player?! I have been commentating for so many years, and this is the first time I see a level 1 team fight being played like this!"

Miss Rita smacked her lips and said,"It's too exaggerated... This E skill, Cherish played it very well.…"

"FW's mentality exploded. Not only did they lose people in this wave, but also including Shen, all three flashes were used up!"Miller said:"Ouch, it's so uncomfortable!"

"Cherish said,"Aren't you going to fight? I'll fight with you, why are you running away now?"

In the game.

As soon as this wave ended, FW failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. In this team battle, not only did people die, but also three flashes were surrendered.

It can be said that they lost a lot of blood. The players were not in the right state for a while.

"This is too outrageous, I really want to kill Yasuo's ancestors!" MMD gritted his teeth, his nose was crooked with anger

"The opponent is really amazing." Karsa couldn't help but said:"You should be more stable. Yasuo got the first blood at the beginning. The top lane is not easy to play."

"It doesn’t matter, let him get the first blood, I’m fine!"MMD was a little autistic in his heart, but he was still tough. It’s better to lose the battle than the battle. It’s impossible that a first blood can defeat me, right?

With this thought, MMD was stunned as soon as he came online.

Because he suddenly realized... a first blood.

Can really defeat him...

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