"Yasuo... why did he go back? What does that mean?!"

Wuhan Sports Center, live.

After several struggles, the IG and FW groups have separated and have no intention of continuing the team fight.

The other four people on the IG side have even gone into the jungle.

But at this moment, Yasuo, who was at the back, turned around and went straight towards the FW members who were leaving!

This scene instantly confused everyone.

What does Yasuo mean?

"Do you still want to fight?" Miller stared and looked at the status of all FW members.

Except for Qing Gangying, almost all of them were at full health.

""You're not going to kill Shen in front of the five FW players, are you?" Wawa joked.

As soon as the joke came out, everyone was stunned by what happened on the field. Seeing

Yasuo turn around and run towards them, all the FW players were filled with questions.

"Is the person on the other side crazy? Is he giving it away?"

"Kill him, kill him, the other IG members all go away!"

"Oh my god, what a gift, brother, did you buy it?" Everyone was confused, but they immediately became excited.

Yasuo came here alone, do you really think you can 1v5 at level 1?

"I'll go straight in!"

The Gragas at the back called out. At this time, Yasuo was almost close to them. He found the right position and rushed over with his E skill!

""Come on!"

Just as Gragas was about to use his E, Bai Qiu's Yasuo seemed to have predicted it in advance, and used his E skill at the extreme position, instantly E'ing to the side of Tristana. With a swish, Yasuo moved to Tristana's side in an instant, and used a basic attack to remove the backswing, and directly slashed at the low-health Shen surrounded by FW.


At this time, Gragas's E hit nothing, and Karsa was confused.

""Fuck him! I'll do it!" Syndra and Tristana reacted quickly, and immediately stopped to attack Yasuo. Syndra used her Q skill to attack.

The two reacted and their hand speeds were very fast. Yasuo's E to dodge Gragas' E skill was very fast, but they still reacted.

But... they were fast, and Bai Qiu was even faster!

When Syndra's Q just started, Yasuo didn't feel any sluggishness. He used his E skill again in an instant, and slid sideways in front of Syndra!


Syndra's Q dark sphere exploded, but there was no trace of Yasuo at all!

"Seamless E!"Mid laner Maple was stunned

""Shit!" At this time, Qing Gangying had already shouted.

Because when Yasuo E came over, he had already slashed Qing Gangying with another slash!

Yasuo was still very strong at level 1. After two slashes, Qing Gangying, who was already low on health, became even more weak.

"I'm ready to use W!" At this moment, Luo's W was ready, and Gragas had already turned around and rushed towards Yasuo.


For the third time, Yasuo's E skill slid past without stopping again, as smooth as a Dove advertisement, and E directly to the returning Gragas.

The next moment, Luo's grand appearance was lifted directly into the air!


Yasuo was already at the maximum distance and attacked the Blue Steel Shadow again!

The third attack!!


"Yasuo!! Cherish! E skill! Seamless E!! Not a single skill hit?!"

"Oh my god… what the hell, what did I see?!"

Only then did the outside audience react, and they were all stunned.

This wave of Yasuo's operation sounded complicated, but in fact it was seamless and completed in an instant. Bai Qiu's hand speed was so fast that in everyone's eyes, before they could understand what was going on, Qing Gangying was chopped three times! He was almost dead!

""Shit! Run! Run!"

FW's Karsa reacted the fastest. Seeing this scene, he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

But it was too late to speak now, because not everyone had the same reaction speed as him.

Yasuo's operation of shuttling back and forth among the five people at level 1 was too terrifying. When Qing Gangying just wanted to run, Bai Qiu had already directly E'ed him.

Bang bang.

He didn't run this time, because... the target of E was temporarily gone!

But he didn't run, but he slashed Qing Gangying heavily with two consecutive slashes.

The low-health Qing Gangying's health line was completely at the bottom.

MMD was frightened, but he didn't make any mistakes. He kicked Yasuo with the conditional Q. After the shield appeared, he didn't dare to hesitate and flashed in seconds to keep the distance!

"Flash! Shen! This wave is about to die!!"Wawa looked at the scene on the field with astonishment:"Oh my god, what happened? This Yasuo actually randomly used E in the group of five FW players at level 1?!"

"Oh my god... this wave won't really kill him, right?!"Miller was also dumbfounded.

The Qinggang Shadow on the field flashed to escape, but Yasuo did not give up and continued to chase after him.

Behind Yasuo were the other four teammates of FW who were shocked and angry!

They were indeed shocked and angry. No one expected that this Yasuo was so bold that he dared to come over at level 1 to kill the low-health Qinggang Shadow in front of them!

And... it looked like he succeeded?


The next moment, Bai Qiu saw Qinggang Shadow's shield disappear, and he directly pressed his flash!

The yellow light lit up, and Yasuo instantly caught up with the fleeing Qinggang Shadow and struck a fatal blow with a knife, slashing him down!

Qinggang Shadow, who was at low health, had used his flash, and there was no way out at all, so he took the knife. His health was emptied in an instant.

He fell to the ground

"IGCherish killed FWMMD!"


First blood!!

"First blood! Dead! Cheirsh, got first blood! Oh my god!…!"

When commentators from all over the world saw this scene, they were all stunned.

First blood... just like that? How can you get first blood like this?!

"Show off! Cherish showed off right at the start!! In a group of five people, at level 1, all alone, he hacked the Blue Steel Shadow to death! In the midst of thousands of troops, he took the enemy general's head!"

Wawa reacted and became excited instantly:"What kind of Yasuo is this? What the hell is this?!"

"Wind Man? This is Show Man! This wave of show is so amazing!!"

"But how to escape after killing people? This time, Yasuo was blocked by four FW players!"

In the game,

Yasuo performed a stunning operation show in a crowd of people, but he was also blocked by the four angry FW players.

E marked the CD temporarily, and the flash was used.

This time... how to escape?

"It seems... we don't need to run, right?" Miller looked at the situation on the field and suddenly said bluntly:"One of FW's people died in this wave... They didn't even touch Yasuo, and…"

"All the skills are gone! IG can fight back this time!"

"Cherish…oh my god, this guy is really showing off!"


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