The prince's light speed EQ is very popular.

Because the operation is so fast, people who see it for the first time will ask:"Is it accelerated?"

"It should be accelerated, the game screen feels so fast…"

"If this wasn't for the acceleration, I would have eaten my computer."

"Professional competitions… I think we can check it, right?"

It's easy to check whether the Prince's light-speed EQ flash accelerated the ground.

The live competition video is a testimony, and it was witnessed by hundreds of millions of viewers around the world. It can't be faked!

Someone directly released the competition link, which contains the playback video and marked the time nodes. Anyone who wants to check can just click in and see the Prince's operation.

This is the original speed of this operation!

"Oh my god, it didn't speed up!"

"Oh my god... Although I haven’t played games for a long time... But what the hell is this prince’s hand speed?"

"Cherish! God of Autumn, it's okay then"

"Who is Cherish?"

"Don't you know? Genius top laner! This guy is a mechanic. The speed of Prince's hand is too outrageous.…"

"Ahhh!! Daddy Qiu is so awesome that I’m going to explode!"

Amidst all the hot discussions, with the terrifying traffic of the S7 home game, the QE flash of the prince became more and more popular.

Soon, the hot search term #Prince Light Speed EQ Flash# soared to millions of popularity!

Even Bai Qiu, the initiator, benefited greatly.

His Weibo fans, which had been stagnant since the last increase, began to soar again after the game.

In just half an hour, it actually reached about 150,000!

An increase of 50,000 living people in half an hour, in the e-sports circle, this is already a very shocking data!

Such an increase also surprised countless people who secretly followed Bai Qiu and IG’s reaction after winning the game.

After the surprise, they sighed.

S7…it really is S7!

A group match was so popular that it directly made a player famous!

That’s right, compared to the qualifying round, strictly speaking, today’s S7 group match is IG’s first show on the S stage in two years.

After the successful debut, Bai Qiu also entered the international field of vision for the first time.

He really entered the international field of vision.

Because as time goes by, the EQ GIF of Prince has even set off a wave in other regions.

After seeing this GIF, the audience in the home region of TSM in North America commented:"Cherish, this previously unknown player, seems to have been underestimated by many people. He may be the strongest top laner among the three LPL teams this year!"

Cherish is the strongest top laner in LPL in this year's S game!

This evaluation is a bit flattering. After all, there was Tui Ge and even EDGmouse before, whose honors are far better than Bai Qiu who has not achieved anything so far.

But foreign countries are different from China. Europe and the United States have always been straightforward and very honest. If you play well and beat them, they will not criticize you, but will praise you to the sky.

Praise you as the only one in the world!

The most typical representative is the big brother praising Uzi, and he really praised him with all his might...

So, under this situation, Bai Qiu made his first international appearance.

Even he himself did not expect that a group match would be so popular.

""Brother, you are famous!"

Wuhan Sports Center, backstage.

IG gathered together.

When they lost the game, everyone wanted to be an ostrich.

Even if there was thunder and lightning, they would not go out to take a look.

But when they won the game... then they must take a look, to see how the outside world evaluated their performance after winning the S game.

This is a bit vain, but it is also human nature. There is no professional player who does not have the desire to perform, and there is no saint who is indifferent to fame and fortune.

So about the Prince's QE flashing picture that is now popular on the Internet, everyone in IG saw it.

Ning Mazi couldn't help but enviously said:"With this wave of operations, your worth has doubled, hasn't it!"

"To be honest, this EQ flash is really difficult, I can't do it."A Shui shook his head.

"Nonsense, you are an AD, it's a miracle that you can do it."Ning Wang taunted


""What do you mean? Do you look down on our AD players?" Ah Shui jumped up immediately.

After winning the game, the atmosphere in the team was very harmonious for a while.

Amid the noise, Rookie patted Bai Qiu on the shoulder, with relief and encouragement in his eyes:"Brother, play well, this is the group stage, as long as we perform well, this year will be your year of take-off!"

"??"Bai Qiu was full of questions.

Why does this sound so strange?

But he knew that Rookie was telling the truth, and Ning Wang was not joking just now.

After this game, one move doubled his worth, which is no exaggeration.

This is still the group stage. If it were the finals, then... ten times or even a hundred times the worth would not be impossible!

This may be one of the charms of the S game. An ordinary game has been magnified billions of times in the S game!

This is the ultimate goal of all professional players in the world, and it is also the grandest stage.

Now, IG has successfully won the first harvest on this stage, helping the LPL region to win the second victory today.

Next... it depends on EDG.

Because it is now the S game, being at the scene, IG has no intention of going back, and they are watching in the lounge.

Any team here may become their main opponent in the future!

After IG's game, there are three more games to play today.

The fourth game is LZ vs. IMT.

This game is also full of attention.

Because the team playing in this game has LZ!

LZ can be said to be the most recognized favorite to win the championship. In the summer season, they even defeated the three-time champion SKT, the god in everyone's mind, 3/1, and won the LCK Summer Finals!

This is a team that even SKT can't beat. Now that they have advanced to the S game, they can be said to be in the limelight. No wonder the official rated them as the world's number one team.

The world's number one team, playing IMT, naturally has no suspense.

The strength shown by LZ in this game is more terrifying than that of IG in the previous game. It was a crushing victory from beginning to end, and the Linglong Tower was quickly and neatly destroyed.

The game time was just over 20 minutes, and LZ flattened MIT's crystal base.

So far, the LCK division has also won two wins today, just like the home LPL division, which has not lost a single game.

After that, the fifth game started, SKT played against C9, which was another game that didn't need to be watched. C9 was directly crushed.

The first day of the LCK division has ended, and the record of 3/0 has overshadowed the home LPL.

And this brilliant record is more like an oath to the world that LCK's dominance in the S game has always existed!

No one can shake them!

Of course, there is still a chance on the first day.

Today's sixth game is also the final battle of the first day of the group stage.

EDG is on the stage!

Now the two teams RNG and IG are in full force, helping the LPL region win two consecutive victories and successfully defending the honor of the LPL at home.

Only one EDG is missing!

If EDG also wins today, the LPL region will also have a 3/0 record on the first day, which is no less than the now unparalleled LCK!

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