"Oh... I understand." Auntie nodded and repeated in a daze:"If your hands are a little faster and your reactions are a little faster... you can do it."

"Yes." Bai Qiu nodded seriously.



"I understand. For me it is a basic operation, but for you... you can’t do it even if you have hands!"

"Interview with a genius!"

"It makes me laugh to death, how can he look so serious while saying these things?"

"Qiu Dad is like this, very cold"

"Ah~" Yu Shuang couldn't help but smile in the commentary booth. The player next to her often said shocking things when being interviewed."

"Well... in this team fight, we saw that you and Ning cooperated very well, and other teammates also supported very promptly. I would like to ask if the team was prepared at that time, or was it just a temporary reaction?"

Bai Qiu thought for a while and picked up the microphone:"As for this... we didn't expect TSM to have so many people. Ning is really strong. I hope he can come to the top lane more often in the future."

Auntie nodded and asked again:"In the early stage of this game, at the beginning, you walked from the line to the jungle openly, snatched the red buff of the opponent's blind monk, and finally escaped successfully, and even killed Shen in the line... Now that the game is over, many people outside are discussing it, and I am personally quite curious as well."

"That is...did you do this series of operations on purpose, did you calculate it in advance, or was there some accidental and luck involved?"

As soon as these words came out, the attention of the entire audience was immediately focused.

In this game, the prince's operation was very good, but his weird consciousness at the beginning of the game is also the biggest point of controversy outside.

Some people say that it is impossible for anyone to do this, the logic is too meticulous, and the failure rate is too high, and it depends too much on luck.

Others say that since it can't be done, why did it happen?

Now that Yu Shuang asked this question, it can be regarded as getting closer to the current hot topic.

Bai Qiu didn't have any ideas about this question, and said frankly:"This... the vision grabbing the red is intentional, and if it's a counterattack, it's because I saw an opportunity and wanted to try it."

"Because our lineup in this game relies heavily on me in the early stages, I must take advantage and be brave enough to try any opportunity!"


This answer made the audience cheer.

The real person confirmed that it was true!

And Bai Qiuhou's words were so powerful. When did anyone in the LPL top lane have such thoughts? Aren't they all just trying to get by?

"So that's how it is. It seems that the debate outside will soon have a result." Yu Shuang nodded in surprise, and finally said:"The last question, because today the three representative teams of the LPL region have the opportunity to play, now RNG and IG have won, and EDG's schedule is the last game of the day. Do you have anything to say to the brother team?"

Bai Qiu picked up the microphone:"I hope EDG can also cheer up and strive for our LPL region to win all the games on the first day of the S game!"



"All wins on the first day!! EDG go, go!"

EDG's popularity nowadays is obvious. As soon as Bai Qiu said this, the shouts and applause from EDG in the audience were already rising one after another.

Yu Shuang was also in high spirits and said with a smile:"Okay, I believe EDG will hear your encouragement... Then this post-match interview ends here. Congratulations again to IG for winning this game. Let us look forward to the next game together!"

The interview ended.

Bai Qiu and his aunt returned to the backstage.

At the same time, the hot topic about whether Bai Qiu's first wave was calculated in advance did have a result.

The real person admitted that it must be true!

And Bai Qiu himself was so popular, not to mention IG as a whole.

Today's game has attracted too much attention. In fact, the whole day, the first day of the S game group stage, was watched by players all over the world.

From the moment IG flattened TSM's crystal base, the news that IG won the game had spread all over the country and the world at a terrifying speed!

This is the horror of the S game. In the world game, the result of winning or losing will directly affect the world.

From this point alone, no other Riot event has the influence of the S game. On the Weibo hot search list

#As soon as the trending search term"IG won #" appeared, it immediately squeezed into the top three trending searches, with more than 3 million hits and bright red new words behind it, indicating that this trending search had just come up and it was already the third one!!

Clicking on it, I saw that various domestic e-sports media had already released the copywriting and press releases of IG's victory.

Some of the marketing accounts that were eating at other people's tables were also copying and pasting...

Of course, the most popular one was the victory news released by the IG club itself:

"#2017 World Championship Group Stage##IGTSM##IG won #On the first day of the 2017 World Championship group stage, IG vs. TSMBO1 group stage ended, our team led the opponent with a score of 1:0 and successfully won this"first show" group stage. At the same time, the MVP after the game was given to today's starting top [email protected]! The unparalleled prince is full of vigor and momentum. I hope the boys will keep up the good work and continue to fight for the LPL region in the S game!"

The pictures below are some screenshots of the game, as well as the final makeup photo of Bai Qiu MVP, and... I don't know which genius netizen made the prince's light speed EQ dynamic picture!

"Ahhh!! So handsome!"

"Little IG is awesome!"

"(Thumbs up) Great job, keep it up!"

"MVP is well deserved! Also…I want to ask if Qiu Dad still needs a wife? Yes, I can!"

"Don't compete with me for Qiu Dad, OK? Go away!"

"Cherish is so handsome. This prince makes me wet."

"He is my white moonlight. The more I watch him, the more I like him. I hope he can continue to carry the team in the next games!"


The number of comments below exceeded 5,000 in a short period of time, and among the 5,000 comments, nearly half of them were about Bai Qiu!

The Prince in this game became popular!

The third seed of LPL played against the first seed of North America, TSM. In fact, the global support rate is very low, but in today's game, Bai Qiu's Prince was too terrifying, and the IG lineup also believed in Bai Qiu, which led to such a result.

The Prince who used the light-speed EQ under the second tower in the middle lane was made into a GIF in the first time, and it became popular in major forums and Tieba in about ten minutes.

In the sky full of GIFs, Cherish's ID was repeatedly mentioned.

After a few years, Bai Qiu finally played his first famous scene that went viral.

Classic operation!

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