"come on!"

"Number one seed, brother, beat them!"

"AHQ's son, this is a sure win"

"We should win all the games today, haha, I feel good.……!"


With the end of today's fifth game, it was time for the EDG players to appear. They stood up and prepared to go to the grand stage ahead.

Before leaving, the IG and RNG players who came specially to cheer them on one by one.

EDG is the number one seed of LPL this year, and the number one big brother.

In the eyes of global audiences and players, EDG actually represents the face of the LPL region.

Today, the official arranged EDG's game in the final battle, and it is obviously for this reason that they have high hopes for EDG.

IG, RNG and others now also have the most sincere blessings for them.

"Don't worry, we'll win." Meiko, the support, said confidently.

In Group A, SKT definitely can't beat them, but there's really no reason why they can't beat AHQ and C9.

One of them, like IG, advanced from the play-in round, and the other... is the leader of EDG in all the previous S games.���Son.

EDG has lost wildcards, but AHQ is really accurate in one-on-one matches.

Therefore, everyone is full of confidence now.

With this confidence, all EDG members stepped onto the stage.

Far away in the backstage, the IG people could also hear the boiling and enthusiasm of the Wuhan Sports Center at this moment.

After all... EDG's factory manager's hometown is Wuhan!

This is really the home court of the home court.

The game started with the attention of hundreds of millions of people.

But as the game progressed, the crazy atmosphere of the crazy Wuhan Sports Center gradually became silent as time passed. In this game, EDG played very well in the early stage, especially the mid-lane Lucian. Scout's laning strength was so strong that he even killed the AHQ mid-lane on the opposite side twice in the laning period.

But... when it came to the mid-term, EDG made several mistakes, and the AHQ lineup gradually exerted its strength. In the late stage, there was another big mistake, and EDG was directly reversed in the attention of everyone -

AHQ won the final battle of the day!

AHQ won!

This result was simply eye-popping.

The team that was least likely to lose today lost, and even the officials were confused.

After all... the reason why EDG was arranged to play against AHQ in the final battle on the first day was to put a perfect end to the first day of the LPL division.

But now you tell me that EDG actually lost?

Who can stand this?

Home court among home courts, if you win, you will be doubly happy, and if you lose... how serious the consequences will be, people can't believe it.

Because EDG is the number one seed of LPL, but it lost to Taiwan.

And because... this game is the first loss of the LPL division today!

For a moment, the entire Wuhan Sports Center was silent, and the storm on the Internet broke out instantly. Countless curses and public opinions swept EDG in an instant.

In just a game of less than an hour, EDG's reputation has become stinking, and all the black materials from several years ago have been dug up.…

"How did they lose? They had such a big advantage in the early stages."

The backstage came out, and everyone from IG and RNG was speechless.

This loss... was too inexplicable.

"It’s over, this is a blast… We’re at home!" RNG’s Xiang Guo said with a complicated expression:"EDG…Now it has to be sprayed, right?"


EDG's failure was not a good thing for both IG and RNG.

Not only was the long-awaited record of the first day of the LPL Division ruined, but more importantly... once EDG lost, if IG and RNG did not perform well in the future, they would definitely be angered by countless viewers.

In the outside world, the LPL Division is one!

With this complicated mood, it took a long time for the EDG team to return to the backstage.

After returning, they looked disappointed, but they still had a smile. It seemed that they just made a mistake. If they adjusted their state, they should be able to fight back tomorrow.

The group did not say much. All the games today were over, and everyone took the bus back together.

There was no conversation all night.

They didn't know what happened in the outside world that night because they didn't dare to watch, especially the EDG team. It didn't take much thought to know that the five starters were probably all criticized.

Because of this... Tomorrow's game is crucial!

The next day.

The three LPL teams got up early in the morning and took the official bus to the Wuhan Sports Center.

A grand opening ceremony.

The second day of the 2017 World Championship Group Stage officially kicked off.

Today, IG and RNG were not scheduled to play, while EDG was scheduled to play in the opening match.

The first match of the day has attracted a lot of attention.

After yesterday's public opinion attack, the news that EDG lost has been known to the world. Countless LPL viewers and players in China have criticized and scolded them. On the second day, they still endured the frustration in their hearts and wanted to see EDG make a comeback. They were careless yesterday, and they must fight back today!

EDG also thought so. Losing to AHQ is not a glorious thing.

In the first match today, they played against C9, a team that advanced from the qualifying round, and their strength was also lowly evaluated by the outside world.

The game started, and as expected, EDG gained a huge advantage in the early stage.

Lucian in the middle lane was the same as yesterday, playing aggressively and killing alone on the line.

He was a one-man team, and C9 couldn't raise his head.

Just when everyone thought that EDG could win back a city today and restore its reputation and LPL dignity...

an accident happened again.

It seemed to be exactly the same as yesterday.

The same plot, a mid-term team fight for the dragon, C9 perfectly seized a mistake made by EDG, and the sleepwalking Meiko didn't even have time to react, and was killed instantly.

Then it was the bottom lane AD, and then EDG lost the team fight.

The counterattack began, and the familiar taste came back. When the game time was just over 30 minutes, C9 flattened EDG's crystal base.

Win the game!

So far, the EDG counterattack that the outside world had been looking forward to for a whole day did not appear, and they were given one loud slap after another.

Humiliation, despair, anger!

In an instant, the whole network exploded!

EDG lost two games in a row at the beginning. This is no longer a question of honor or not in the LPL region. This is... Are they going to be eliminated in the top 16?!

At the same time.

Just as EDG was being criticized, the IG people in the backstage also looked autistic.

""Shit, how did the official schedule arrange this? How are we going to play tomorrow if EDG does this?" Ah Shui couldn't help but complain.

The other IG members were also speechless.

Because tomorrow's first game...will be played by IG!

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