Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 997: The most ugly photo I want to delete

  Lu Yichen was not polite to him, only sneered and asked him to tell his father that his grandson was going to die in a car accident, so he should be busy with his business first, don’t worry.

  When the staff heard this, their cheeks twitched, and they quickly connected the old man’s office phone.

  The person who answered the phone was the person next to the old man. He didn't dare to delay when he heard his report, so he told the old man and said Lu Yichen's words as they were.

  The old man was slightly surprised. Winnie is a descendant of the Laird family who has the right to inherit. If something goes wrong because of delayed treatment, things will not be small.

  He hurriedly asked people to call the traffic police department for handling, and the armed police could help evacuate the crowd.

  Lu and Li's two-pronged approach, a large number of police officers rushed to the scene of the accident to evacuate the crowd and escorted an ambulance all the way to the emergency center in the city center.

  At the same time, take the accident vehicle away after obtaining the evidence to prevent obstruction of traffic.

  The handling of things was extremely fast. When a large number of traffic police and armed police quickly controlled the crowd like a tide, forced evacuation, and took away the ambulance with the constant alarm, the onlookers were shocked.

Su Lan, Bo Xuanrui, and Qiao Nan were squeezed into meatloaf. Not only did ordinary people constantly take out their phones to take pictures, but also reporters who came after hearing the news grabbed them and asked them endlessly. If the three of them had not experienced some scenes, they had to Was **** off.

   "Let's let! Please let us!" Bo Xuanrui and Qiao Nan came by themselves. They took advantage of the few hours of free today to gather together. Who wanted to encounter this?

I thought everyone would give way to let the patient go first when they saw someone injured. Who would have expected that because of the three of them and Tang Mi'er who had the accident, countless reporters and curious onlookers were attracted. The traffic that was already blocked was deadly.

  Qiao Nan, Bo Xuanrui, and a few enthusiastic people and medical staff who rushed to surround the wall to prevent the wounded from being trampled by the crowd.

  Bo Xuanrui had no choice but to call Lu Yichen for help.

   Seeing the traffic police and criminal police rushing over like a horrible soldier, everyone including the medical staff almost broke into tears.

   Finally saved!

  Bo Xuanrui and Qiao Nan have never been so embarrassed before, under the scorching sun, sweating, and no image at all.

  Sulan was even more miserable. She helped to support the unconscious Winnie. Her hands and clothes were stained with blood stains, and her hair was attached to her sweaty face. When she wiped the sweat, her face was stained terribly.

Several medical staff around    are still fans of these three people. Suddenly, they felt that the idol who had stayed in the cloud had fallen into the mortal world. Seeing them like this, I was inexplicably moved.

   and others all rushed to the hospital under the **** of a group of police officers. The medical staff who picked up at the entrance of the hospital immediately rushed to the ambulance to relay.

  At the same time, the hospital received notifications from the three and four forces, demanding the fastest treatment of the wounded and reducing the casualties to a minimum. The hospital did not dare to neglect, and all the people sent were killed.

When Winnie was sent to the emergency room, Tang Mi'er and the other wounded were sent to different departments for treatment according to the injuries detected. The three Qiao Nan panted into dogs on the sidelines. Why would you go out for tea in such a hot day? Can you encounter such a mess?

  Bo Xuanrui smiled bitterly: "I have a bad feeling."

   "Will we appear tomorrow to murder the Yiteng Entertainment artist?" Su Lan held up the wall and lamented.

  Qiao Nan glanced at them, staring at their painted faces for two seconds. "It should be the ugly photo that XXX most wants to delete..."

  Bo Xuanrui and Su Lan looked at each other, then looked at Qiao Nan.

  Three people:...

   Neatly turned around and rushed to the hospital bathroom.

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