The hospital is busy, and the outside is already three floors inside and outside, full of fans and entertainment diners who have heard the news.

  Lu Yichen had already anticipated this situation. The wounded were blocked by criminal police all the way. When they arrived on this floor, no one was allowed to approach except medical staff.

  Considering that it is a hospital, it is always necessary to let patients see a doctor. Therefore, the hospital has coordinated the deployment of relevant staff to prevent radical fans and entertainment from mixing into it.

   After confirming that all the wounded in the car accident had been sent to the hospital, Lu Yichen immediately called Duan Xiu to prepare him.

  The accident situation is special, and everything can happen.

  He went secretly to the traffic police brigade to understand the whole incident, and to obtain evidence before everything happened.

  He does not intend to let Shenghao express his opinions on this matter one step in advance, only to see what Yiteng Entertainment wants to take the opportunity to do.

  Sitting in the car, looking at the traffic police brigade surrounded by reporters, Lu Yichen rubbed his temples, still listening to Duan Xiu's call.

  "You asked me to take action from Tang Mi'er a while ago, and all the evidence has been collected."

"Don't take this matter in a hurry. Find a good time to throw it away." Lu Yichen leaned back in the car lazily, his thin lips red as blood. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and couldn't see what was in his eyes. look.

"Qiao Nan has a lot of mess scandals. Before he was from Tianheng Entertainment, we don't need to bother about it. Now he is an artist of Shenghao, and it is now an opportunity." Duan Xiu looked through the computer and rushed over to shoot. Some videos and photos.

It’s hard to imagine reality when you look at this photo. Just like making a movie, the three leading stars in the City of Despair are squeezed, their clothes are all wrinkled, and their faces are sweaty. Many fans have taken advantage of them. Have.

  Anger, anxious, embarrassed, angry, frightened, depressed, you can send a chat emoji package.

  He flipped through all the photos, and finally he was able to determine that the three of them originally intended to save people.

  However, there are many points that can be attacked as malicious.

  For example, Qiao Nan’s anger and disgust when he was pushed and shoved to take advantage of the opportunity may be distorted to dislike the wounded, and to save others is just a show.

  For another example, why did the three of them appear at the scene of the accident so coincidentally? Maybe it's their self-directed and self-acted drama?

  Also, Su Lan is supporting a foreign young man. If he is not someone else, he may be specifically pointed out to ignore his compatriots and lick foreigners...

  Duan Xiu watched it several times, found out several possible troubles, and finally fixed it on Tang Mi'er's face.

  She was in a coma, her face was covered with blood, her injuries were serious and she was lifted off.

  Everyone knows that Tang Mi'er is the hottest actress of Tianheng Entertainment’s rival, Yiteng Entertainment. After such a big incident, it happened that Shenghao’s artist rescued her. Isn’t this a joke?

  Maybe it was deliberate killing and then directing another play.

  Duan Xiu thought of this possibility and raised her concerns to Lu Yichen.

  Lu Yichen saw the person sent back, nodded to him to indicate that the matter was settled, and at the same time handed him a mobile hard drive.

  Lu Yichen's red lips slightly hooked, and he tucked the hard drive, and said to Duan Xiu. "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements for the traffic police, and all the evidence collected at the time of the accident is here."

  If anyone wants to make a ghost, he has to start from the cause of the accident. How can he give the malicious people a chance to come in?

   Duan Xiu heard this and regarded him as convinced.

  In the hospital, although Winnie and Don Miller were not sober, they were out of danger.

  Bo Xuanrui, the three were cleaned up, and they were about to sneak away without paying attention, but they would receive a lot of attention wherever they went.

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