Qiao Jiayi hurriedly finished speaking and left, and the three of Su Lan looked at each other. "A female star surnamed Tang?"

  There are many actresses surnamed Tang, but there is no doubt that there is only one female star surnamed Tang in the entertainment industry recently.

   "Tang Mier." Qiao Nan said lightly.

  Yiteng Entertainment people?

  Yu Qing’s ex-girlfriend.

  I already had the answer in my heart, but I didn’t expect something happened so coincidentally.

The three of them looked out through the one-way glass windows. The two cars that were involved in the accident saw their homes as rich and expensive. They were both luxury cars. The bus was too close to the accident vehicle when the accident occurred, and it was two floors. The instability caused it to roll over and suffered the fish from the pond.

  Car owners who were blocked all around came down to help save people. The weather is very hot this season. If you stay in the car for a moment, the lives of the seriously injured will be threatened.

Today is Monday, and it is not the rush hour. There are not many people in the bus, but there are more than a dozen people. Fortunately, none of them died when they were carried out. Some of them seemed to be broken bones during the heavy blow. Some of them got scratches and crawled out of the car one after another.

  The black Rolls-Royce that hit the guardrail was carried out by a handsome foreign man with blond hair and green eyes wearing a green T-sleeve. He was bleeding from his head and was dizzy. It is estimated that he was hit hard.

  Su Lan saw his excessive blond hair dazzling under the scorching sun from afar, her eyes widened in surprise, and she immediately stood up from her seat. "It's Winnie! Give Shao Lu a call! I'll go out and have a look first!"

Su Lan did not expect to be an acquaintance. Although she had never expected to fall in love with foreigners, nor did she like Winnie, but at any rate this person is a friend. If such a big thing happened, she saw it and was sitting and drinking coffee. Not human anymore.

  "The blond foreigner, still at this age, should have something to do with Jiaer, let's go with her cousin who came to China from Sweden." Qiaonan couldn't sit still anymore.

  Bo Xuanrui had taken out his mobile phone to call Lu Yichen, and went out behind them.

  When Lu Yichen saw the call, he was accompany Jiajia for a checkup. After he informed Jiajia, he went out to answer the phone alone.

  I didn't expect that these three would encounter such a thing.

  I don’t know what news will come out tomorrow.

  He didn't dare to tell Jiajia about this for the time being, so as not to worry about her, he said that there was an urgent matter in the company to deal with, and asked the bodyguard to guard Jiajia and hurried to the direction of the trauma emergency room.

  By the way, he called Lang Yanhan and asked him to pay attention.

  Lang Yanhan happened to be a surgeon, and Winnie’s business happened to be left to him.

  He wanted to wait for the patient to arrive in the hospital, but unexpectedly received a call from Bo Xuanrui halfway through.

  On the phone, his voice was anxious, and his voice was almost hoarse when he shouted.

  "...Can't make it...ambulance...too many people...reporters..."

  The background sound is too noisy, and Lu Yichen can only vaguely hear a few key words, and his face turns black.

  Thinking of who the people were at the scene, he endured the urge to scold them for being stupid, and directly called the Criminal Police Brigade.

  What's wrong with chasing stars when it's killing people! There are also those reporters who are still thinking about their news at this time!

  It's not reasonable to be reasonable, you can only come hard!

  After making a phone call to confirm, he thought for a while and thought it was better to tell the Li family.

  The relationship between Winnie and their Lu family is not as close as that of the Li family, why is Winnie the maiden of the Li family.

  His phone call came into the office of Old Man Li. The person who answered the phone heard that it was him and asked him to wait, which meant that the Führer was very busy and was dealing with things, so please don't call in.

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