Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 986: Become famous overnight

   And Qiao Nan learned that Su Lan died in a car accident, and learned that his mother had done to Su Lan, and his emotional control was astounding.

   And his role is very similar to his reality. The aura completely shows the process of Qiao Yue's transformation, and then the indulgence of being hit, and some people are intimidated to promote his degeneration.

  The decadence that made him abandon himself after he became famous, and the fragility of crying alone is even more touching, making all fans tears in the theater, wishing to rush over to comfort him one or two.

  Cheng Yue’s love for Su Lan is extreme. The more gentle and silent Joe is, Zuo Bin is full of destruction and hysteria. Everyone is impressive.

  In such a situation, Su Lan did not arouse the audience's disgust, and she also showed her superb acting skills.

  After the movie came out, she gradually entered the ranks of first-line celebrities, and the movies she had previously participated in were also found to be watched.

The   City of Despair crew members became famous almost overnight, and even a few of the supporting actors were busy participating in various activities.

  The actress who is the most unpleasant Xia Ruoxue was also invited by the various program groups to talk about a lot of interesting things about the crew, and she was busy going around.

  It can be said that everyone has stepped from the lowest point to the stage of elation, and with their efforts, they have severely incited the people who blacked them.

  At the crew celebration party, Li Jia also joined the ranks of joy.

  "Do you know how much the box office will be this week?"

  "Break the 1.1 billion mark!"


  In the club, the crowds were staggered, and the crew members stood up to clink glasses.

   "I can't believe it. It has been shown for one week in a row, and the attendance rate has dropped very little." Many viewers went into the cinema over and over again, especially the two box-office winners.

In his heart, Borg felt that he had a dispensable attitude towards Qiao Nan's joining. In addition, he had to hire a actor to hire a male third. The money spent was incomparable to ordinary actors, but now it seems, Qiao Nan's fans are really crazy.

  The biggest highlight of this movie is that in addition to the extraordinary performance of the actors, there is also a full storyline. In addition, the unexpected ending weakens the tragedy of the film and makes the development of the story unexpected.

Although it is divided into male lead male partner, the main line is only Cheng Yue and Su Lan, but the characters of the three major male stars are too clear, and the experiences and stories are strong and shocking. They are the highlights of the whole drama in any drama. , The effect of gathering in a movie can be imagined.

  The reputation of the previous City of Despair was too bad, resulting in a large contrast between the front and the back, which made the highlights after the release infinitely magnified, causing a strong rebound. The attendance rate of the first two days of the film was just the opposite of the situation two days before the normal movie.

Generally speaking, the movie has just been released, and the first two days are the peak of the box office explosion, but the city of despair is uncharacteristically. In the following days, it hits a record high in a week. On the fourth day, it attracted the highest peak in a week, setting a domestic film for one week. Break through the one billion mark within.

Borg has a hunch that this will be the highest score in his domestic film, which is completely beyond imagination. When he saw the script for the first time, he just thought the plot was good, in line with the aesthetics of young men and women nowadays, plus two No matter how the actor joins, he won't lose money.

  In this era, originally, as long as the actors’ acting skills were not too bad, the fan effect was also strong, but he did not expect that the performance of the movie was far beyond his imagination.

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