Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 987: The prototype of the Cheng family is the Lu brother and sister

At the beginning, most of the reasons for picking up this movie were because of Lu Shao’s face and a little friendship with Mrs. Lu Shao, so he nodded, unexpectedly... Maybe this movie will become a goal he will strive to surpass for a long time in the future. Become a must-fill masterpiece on his life resume.

  The movie is on fire, and the participation of real audiences keeps the topic of Desperate City at the top for a long time.

  Finally, everyone also started to discuss some of the details. Everywhere was picked up, and the prototype of the natural story began to be pressed on top of the Lu brothers and sisters.

In the spirit of entertainment, Su Lan followed the likes and reposted a post: "The prototype of the Shocking Cheng family is the Lu brothers and sisters!" Weibo, everyone began to deepen the history of Li Jia, hundreds of years ago, she and Qiao Nan's scandal They were all picked up as evidence.

In the movie, the plot of Su Lan picking up her brother at the airport is also being compared. The evidence is that Mrs. Lu Shao appeared in front of the public for the first time in the first time. A video of madness | madness. The background is exactly at the airport. It's exactly the same as the movie!

   "This cliff is what happened when I picked up my brother!"

   "That's not right! In the movie, this paragraph obviously didn't happen. Brother drove the sister out of the car, OK?"

  "Don’t you know about art processing? Upstairs really thought it was true?"

   "That's right! It's like a'husband and wife's lung film' on the kitchen table. Is it really killing a couple to make it for you?"

  Li Jia flipped through the comments below, her mouth twitching.

  Lu Yichen leaned on the table with one hand, and let out a low laugh from time to time. The warm breath sprayed on Jiajia's side face. He smiled: "See?"

  Everyone has found the same points, but people will subconsciously attribute these things to the extent they can understand.

  Li Jia secretly sighed, indeed, she was the player in the game, and she always felt that she would be seen by others, just like the psychological hint of "the suspected neighbor and stealing axe".

  I lost the axe, I always think it was the neighbor’s son stole it, and then the more I look at it, the more I feel that the other person looks like a thief everywhere.

  Waiting to find the axe, he felt that the neighbor’s son was nothing like a thief.

  In fact, the truth is the same. She knows that the story is true, and she always feels that everyone will find it to be a true story.

  But in fact, few people really believe in such unthinkable things.

The movie has been released for a month and has maintained its long-lasting vitality. After a month, it has reached an abnormal box office revenue of 2.12 billion yuan. Compared with the hottest other super IP-adapted movies in three days, the city of despair is undoubtedly one. An amazing dark horse, and such data is only the domestic box office.

Borg has passed the most surprising period of time and has begun to calmly look at the problem. He is even asking if Lu Yichen has the intention to shoot the next one. There have been a lot of voices on the Internet calling for the next one in the past month. Borg’s Weibo has already Almost captured by the audience.

  The last egg that Lu Yichen added has become one of the must-sees for everyone. Before entering the cinema, many viewers were told by countless relatives and friends who had already watched them. Don’t leave in a hurry. The egg has a surprise.

  Therefore, countless netizens pulled out various analysis of the ending Easter eggs, and finally came to a conclusion, this is the rhythm of the second film!

  Unfortunately, I was bypassed by Shenghao Media, and I haven’t received any notice for the time being. If the first part is good, the company will consider it.

  As soon as he said this, Li Jia was shocked, because the box office curve rose strangely in the next few days.

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