Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 985: It's not like acting at all

  The movie is officially over.

  However, the end of the credits egg has aroused discussion in the theater.

  The lights in the cinema were all on, and a group of people who were sitting in a stable position also gradually stood up.

  Li Jia sits close to the center, and does not need to give way to anyone. She sideways looks at her brother who is holding her hand tightly.

   "Really planning to shoot the next one? No wonder Su Lan would ask me such strange questions."

   "What question did she ask?" Lu Yichen asked.

  Li Jia sighed and got up from the seat with her back waist.

  Lu Yichen carefully supported her to prevent her from reaching her waist. The child is a month old, and the size of the two steamed buns is not astonishing.

   "Su Lan thinks this story is like you and me."

"You told her that I went back to five years ago after I died. Will she believe it?" Lu Yichen smiled. If this didn't happen to him, someone told him that I was born again, and I died again. Traveling through time and returning to the past, he must have felt that this man's brain is sick.

  Li Jia can’t help but think carefully, no matter how true it is, it is only a story in the eyes of others, and it is too illusory, and others feel that it is false.

  Even if the first half of the story of Su Lan and Cheng Yue is similar to their brothers and sisters, everyone would think that Shenghao Media borrowed the prototype of her and her brother's story as the basis of creation, and would not think that the brothers and sisters on the screen are exactly them.

  The last easter egg, Cheng Yue went back five years ago and started again, which makes people feel that this is just a fabricated story.

  In fact, it is true.

After the movie was released, rave reviews. Although the plot of the story is abusive, it is not a disgusting person's physical and mental derailment or misunderstanding. Everyone has different opinions on this, but most of them are well received, especially in the very beginning. Under the baptism of the "bad movie" offensive, I suddenly saw a plot completely different from what I imagined, and there was a kind of anger that was deceived by black fans.

  Under the strong trend of rebellious psychology, the audience began to fight back fiercely, setting off countless topics about the movie, and finally no longer the original attack and criticism.

The comparison between the script and the story before and after has been praised by countless fans. Those who don’t know the truth, those who are deceived, and the passersby are all intentionally or unintentionally attracted by the hot topics, and they are no longer repelling the city of despair, holding a try. The attitude of entering the cinema.

  And the two eye-catching killers of Bo Xuanrui and Qiao Nan also attracted countless fans into the cinema.

After watching   , the eye sockets of each batch of viewers were red and swollen, and one after another, they were fighting against the black powder.

  City of Despair was released for only three days, and the Internet score rose from the most alarming low score of 1.8 to 4.3, out of 5, and the ranks above 4 are still acceptable.

  Due to the rising trend of quarrels between the two sides, some people deliberately swiped 1 point. Only if one person scored 1 point, it would take several people to get full marks to get it back. As a result, the score could not be improved.

  However, due to the gradual increase of loyal fans, the score has basically stabilized at more than four points. Li Jia is very clear that there will be less malicious scoring in the future, and the score will gradually increase.

   And Bo Xuanrui, Su Lan, Qiao Nan, Zuo Bin also followed Dahong, the fans soared, and even attracted many fans.

  Especially Bo Xuanrui and Qiao Nan, who have been praised by senior professional scholars in many fields, saying that they can't believe that they are Cheng Yue and Qiao Yue who came to the show, as if they really happened in their story.

Every expression of Bo Xuanrui in the Sulan car accident, every subtle movement, even the micro expressions, expressed the strong despair, unbelievability, and horror in his heart. The audience in front of the screen was shocked, empathetic, and totally different. acting.

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