Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 916: Bo actor and Lu Shao

  There are often celebrities who book rooms to rest in the Dorsett Hotel. His behavior is not noticeable. He really did not expect that when he booked a room, he would get the endorsement of individual competition.

   He listened to the people in the Shengshi Games official finishing the official event, and looked at Shao Lu who had already stood up. He said something to the two bodyguards around him, and the two went out.

  After that, the people in the conference hall left one after another to prepare, and Bo Xuanrui saw Lu Yichen looking at him.

  He walked over and said politely, "Shao Lu, hello."

  Lu Yichen's lips were filled with a meaningful smile, and he was not in a hurry to leave. He looked at Bo Xuanrui, and his low voice was filled with inexplicable meaning.

   "What do you think of the script of "City of Despair"?"

  Bo Xuanrui was astonished for a second. He didn't expect that he was not asking about the game, but about a movie that had just started shooting, but he quickly adjusted his expression. "I really like the characters in the revised script."

   "For example...?" Lu Yichen seemed to be very interested in his interest.

   "The heroine's personality is beyond my reach." Bo Xuanrui looked serious. "Not everyone can be as decisive as her. When the hero dies, he must hope that the person who died is himself."

   The polite smile on Lu Yichen's face disappeared. "People who haven't experienced all of this really can't understand it. I believe you can play his role well."

  Bo Xuanrui did not speak any more, he was able to experience it, and he was unforgettable.

  There is always a person in the world who can control all your emotions. When she suddenly disappears from your life, it also takes away all your emotions.

  Once, he, like Cheng Yue, the hero of "City of Despair", had a "Su Lan", but then she and his children died before his eyes.

  He still clearly remembered that it was a very hot summer, and the thunderstorm weather was cloudy and cloudy. He just went to the other side of the road to buy her roasted sweet potatoes when it rained. She was afraid that he would get caught in the rain and came over with an umbrella.

  Just a few meters of the road, he watched a car rushing over and knocking her out.

  She was still holding the handle of the umbrella before she died.

  At that time, he didn't know how to react. He stood there blankly, like an ice cellar, and couldn't even cry.

  When he saw the script of "City of Despair", he saw that the heroine passed away in a car accident while pregnant, and the whole figure looked like a monster. He wanted to take on the role of Cheng Yue.

   "Can I ask a question?" Bo Xuanrui's gaze went into Lu Yichen's.

"what is the problem?"

   "Some people say that this story is very similar to you and Madam Young. I don't understand why you wrote such a story? Isn't the comedy ending bad?"

  He didn't believe that it was a real story. He didn't even understand why Lu Shao would modify such a story.

He doesn't like Cheng Yue. He can feel from the revised script that Cheng Yue loves his sister miserably, but he is unwilling to admit it, and is afraid of taking it. Su Lan has had enough of this mental torture, right? ?

  Only death can free her from suffering. He even suspects that Su Lan committed suicide, not an accident.

"This is just the beginning of another story." Lu Yichen's low and magnetic voice is weird and unpredictable. He and Bo Xuanrui have already walked out of the conference hall. The lights outside are bright. Bo Xuanrui turned his head to look at Lu Yichen, but saw his sight. Looking in other directions.

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