Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 917: His ears just seemed to have auditory hallucinations

  Following his sight, she saw four bodyguards leading a young girl over, she seemed to look over, wind was blowing under her feet, and she ran over quickly.

  Lu Yichen's expression was slightly irritable, he walked quickly to meet him, and the politeness of alienation became truly soft and watery.

   "Run slower!" Lu Yichen's voice sounded with a slight accusation, and his body first took the girl's waist. "How many times have you said it? Still not obedient."

   "It's okay." Li Jia smiled and stood up straight, looking at Bo Xuanrui on the side. "The president is here."

   "President?" Bo Xuanrui was stunned, there was a few seconds of sluggishness.

  He and the young lady in front of him had met once, and some unpleasant things happened on very inappropriate occasions.

  How did she call him the president?

   "Dragon Wing." Li Jia said again. "Guess who I am?"

  Lu Yichen's chilly eyes floated straight to Jiajia's face, indicating that he is still here.

  Li Jia rolls her eyes secretly, people are pestering in front of her, afraid that she will run away with other men?

Bo Xuanrui's expression froze. Although he could vaguely guess that Shao Lu knew that he was the president of the Dragon Wing Guild, he really couldn't think of how this matter was related to Li Jia, and what was going on with him as the president?

   "Don't make trouble." Although Lu Yichen was dissatisfied, his tone was really pampering, and Bo Xuanrui couldn't help but look at the couple more.

  He found that there is an indescribable soft atmosphere between Lu Shao and Mrs. Lu Shao, or is this the legendary dog ​​food?

   "Madam Shao also plays online games?" He thought for a while, maybe it was Lu Shao who told his wife about it, so Li Jia knew that he was Dragon Wing and it made sense.

  "After playing for half a year, my account was stolen not long ago. I am currently operating a low-level pastor who has just joined your guild." Li Jia smiled, and wanted to give Bo Yingdi a blow.

  Bo Xuanrui obviously didn't realize it, or he felt something hidden in Li Jia's words, but he would never associate her with the "running rhino", just smile. "It turns out that the young lady is also a new member of our guild."

  What he thought was, isn’t Mrs. Lu Shao pregnant? Shao Lu will let her play games?

  "New member?" Li Jia curled her lips and shook her head. "I'm an old member. I've always been treated as a ladyboy. I was hacked and married Weicheng Chaoyu some time ago. I was crowned **** again. I was also put on by the president, your wife in the game. I heard that she I was dumped by the guild leader. I don’t know if I know that the guild leader is Bo Yingdi later, will I faint with anger?"

  Bo Xuanrui: "......!!!"

  He just seemed to have auditory hallucinations in his ears.

  Li Jia saw that Bo Xuanrui's face turned green and green, and his expression remained normal, without any clues, and the brows were slightly raised.

   deserves to be an actor at the actor level.

  Lu Yichen embraced Jiajia’s waist, lowered her eyebrows to see that the bottom of her eyebrows were full of vengeful smiles, and the slender white index finger could not help but lightly nod the center of her eyebrows. "naughty."

  Bo Xuanrui endured very hard. He was silent for a long time. Before parting with Lu Yichen and Li Jia, he finally couldn’t help but said, “I don’t know what the name of Mrs. Lu Shao’s game is?”

  The insidious laugh of Li Jia. "Emperor Bo should have guessed it."

  Bo Xuanrui's face twitched, and he nodded silently, and the staff of Shengshi Game led him to another direction.

  Before leaving, the steps were still a bit erratic.

  Li Jia watched him leave until the figure disappeared in the aisle, threw himself into Lu Yichen's arms, and laughed out loud. "Hahahahaha! Look at the face of King Bo."

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