Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 915: Bo Xuan Rui endorsement

  Lu Shao can understand how to cheat his wife like this.

  Li Jia and everyone were about to go out. Seeing them walking up the stairs, Yu Qingtang couldn't help but looked at the two bodyguards beside Li Jia.

  Zhao Xun has stretched out his hand to stop, and led Li Jia to the elevator next to him. "Mrs. Young, the elevator is here."

  Li Jia was taken aback. "It's okay, I can also take the stairs."

"Mrs. Shao, there are many people at this time, so you should take the elevator." Yu Qingtang didn't think so. The elevator and the stairs are the same, but now there are many people. If he is pushed by someone while walking the stairs, he will I have to raise my head to apologize to President Young.

   "It's the first floor, you guys are too fussy." Li Jia frowned.

   "Ning Meng and a few girls took the elevator up, and we took the stairs."

  Su Jing originally thought it was too fussing, but soon he found that many careful girls on the scene looked at Li Jia's abdomen with imperceptible eyesight, and immediately empowered, understanding why these people were so careful.

  As far as he knows, Mrs. Lu Shao is already pregnant, but the month seems to be relatively young, and everyone did not expect this level, this kind of thing, it is the girls who are more careful.

   "Let's see who gets upstairs first!" After speaking, Jian Feng immediately spoke and rushed upstairs.

   "Hey! It's treacherous! We haven't gotten into the elevator yet!" The girls were dumbfounded.

  Li Jia wanted to take the stairs, but seeing everyone taking care of her so invisible, she couldn’t keep insisting, so she went into the elevator with a few girls.

  Finally, Zhao Jun and Liu found out speechlessly that they could not follow the young lady in.

  The two quickly ran up the stairs. Before the elevator arrived, they stood at the entrance of the elevator. Outside the elevator entrance, in addition to a few people from the Dragon Wings Guild who came up in advance, there were also two bodyguards wearing the same costumes as Liu and Zhao Yan.

Before the people on both sides had time to say hello, the elevator door opened and Li Jia and a few girls walked out of the elevator.

  "Madam Young, President Young will let us pick you up." The other two bodyguards said.

  Li Jia nodded, and temporarily separated from the members of the guild, and asked the hotel people to take the people from the guild to the event hall, and she went to find Lu Yichen.

After Lu Yichen went upstairs, Ruan Qu took him to a meeting room, where people from Shengshi Online Games were all sitting there, and he reported the event in detail.

  Bo Xuanrui is also one of the members present. To be honest, he was surprised when he first learned from Duan Xiu that the spokesperson of Shengshi Online Games was him.

  As far as he knows, he was not the original candidate for the endorsement of Shengshi Online Games. Shenghao had long ago wanted the first-line celebrities in the company to reveal that Lu Shao planned to choose a spokesperson within Shenghao.

Although a few days ago due to the homosexual incident, some people caught the pigtails of Shengshi Games and used them to maliciously attack Shengshi Games. However, in the face of such a well-known online game with such an astonishing flow of people, it is one of the creation support projects and is likely to go global in the future. , Many people in the company frequently use methods to get this endorsement.

I heard that the candidate has been decided internally, but it is not him. I have not received any notice before. The artists in the company privately talked about a pair of young duoes being cultivated by the company. I didn’t expect this to happen in the end. To his head.

What was even more unexpected was that Mr. Duan told him that Shao Lu appointed him, and deliberately asked him if he had booked the Golden Jade Mansion at the Imperial Hotel, which was equivalent to telling him that Shao Lu knew his identity in the game and wanted him to pick it up. Endorsement.

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