She said it is an understatement, but even a more careful person can feel the danger and abnormality in it. How could it be possible to disappear in a car accident?

  In a coma for half a year, is it a vegetative in general? Who can sleep for so long in normal people?

  Li Jia's expression remained unchanged. She actually knew that, strictly speaking, she was in a coma, and she had experienced all the bits and pieces of her previous life. After she woke up, she had memories of the two lives.

  She also knows the reason for her brother's worries. Both times she was pregnant and walked around the ghost gate. Even if both were coincidences, no one dared to take risks.

  The first time she died in a car accident shortly after she was pregnant, and the second time was in this life, she became a vegetable directly.

  If it were not for the stimulation of the memory of the previous life, maybe she would really not wake up and pass away silently in silence.

  This time, if there is an accident, she knows that she will not wake up again. She is not a fox with nine lives in the myth. Once an accident occurs, she is really dead.

  She didn't dare to die. There were two babies in her belly, as well as the baby's father. If she died, she would not dare to think what her brother would become.

  Li Jia put a slippery shiitake mushroom in her mouth. She will do everything to protect herself and her unborn baby.

  At the table, everyone talked and laughed, and soon the topic broke again, and began to discuss the baby in Jiajia’s belly, and by the way, he cursed the viciousness of Maternity's maternity, even the child.

  Li Jia just listened to them talking and laughing, but soon she vaguely noticed something wrong with her stomach.

  Her face turned pale, the chopsticks had a meal, but she didn't dare to show the strangeness, carefully put down the chopsticks, and said to Xiaoju: "I went to see my parents, I have never been there, I am afraid they are worried."

  She smiled and said something to the person on the table. Everyone didn't keep her. After all, the bride couldn't sit with them all the time today, and she was very considerate to let her go.

  "I'll accompany you." Seeing Jiajia get up, Xiaorou greeted her companion on the table, and accompanied Jiajia to leave.

  When Li Jia got up, Lu Yichen had already walked some distance away, and was laughing and talking with someone at another table. When she saw her getting up, his eyebrows jumped.

  Li Jia shook her head at him. There was nothing wrong on her face. He just pointed in the direction where Monica was, indicating that she was just looking for her mother.

  Lu Yichen nodded insignificantly, but winked at the bodyguards around him, and many people followed Li Jia in the dark, just in case.

  As soon as Li Jia turned around, the smile on her face became mechanical. Xiaorou hadn't noticed the problem, but she was surprised when she found that her palms were soaked.

   "Little orange? You..."

"Don't say anything, help me back to my mother. There may be a problem with the sour plum soup I just drank." Li Jia's forehead oozes thin sweat, and she has makeup on her face and lipstick on her lips. No one can see from her face. Something went wrong.

Wenrou turned pale when she heard her calm words. She has lived in a family with many sisters since she was a child. She has endured too much family fighting and gloom. She might want to leave the whirlpool when she escaped. Know it's powerful.

   "Xiaoju, hold on, I'll go to the doctor right away." Her voice began to tremble, and if something happened at this time, she wouldn't dare to think about the consequences.

  There are so many people present. In such a place, who dares to attack Jiajia?

  Li Jia’s stomach hurts, but fortunately there is no redness. If it were not for the cosmetics, she would know that her face would be pale.

  Xiao Rou supported her. She wanted to walk fast but was afraid of hurting her. She walked slowly and worried that it would be more dangerous if the time was prolonged. She was anxious.

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