Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 830: What did you drink for me

  "Don't panic." Li Jia's voice was very calm, Xiaorou pursed her lips, her heart was slightly calm, she nodded silently, and helped Li Jia walk into the house.

   "Sit down first, I'll go to Mrs. Lu immediately." Xiao Rou helped Li Jia to sit on the white wooden chair, and the wind was blowing under her feet, and she hurried to Monica's table to report a letter.

  As soon as she left, Li Jia bent down suddenly, picked up a small white transparent plastic box from the small lattice of the makeup cabinet, quickly poured two pills, and swallowed it with the water in the thermos cup.

  As soon as she took the medicine, there was a cool laughter behind her, and the bodyguard sternly stopped her. "Who are you? Don't come near!"

   "Shut up all of you, otherwise the bullet will not have eyes."

  Several young exotic men dressed as waiters took out black guns to the foreheads of the bodyguards, coldly stopping them from speaking.

   "Express to—"

   "Go to death."

  "Stop it." Just as the trigger was about to be pulled down, Li Jia made a sound and looked at the green-eyed man in the silver-gray suit in the middle of the waiter.

  Zero looked at her with a faint smile, and at the moment Li Jia spoke, he raised his slender index finger to stop the shooting.

Li Jia leaned on the table with one arm, and the white wedding dress fluttered like clouds and snow. The exquisite facial features made a simple makeup, which added a bit of bright and moving. The rhinestones on the brows outlined her brows and her eyebrows were transparent and bright. vivid.

  Her blue eyes sparkled, the side light hit her face, and the crown on her black hair shone with green light.

   "My dear, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." Zero lowered his head and approached and kissed her forehead.

  Li Jia's eyes were slightly cold, and he turned his head to look out the window. "What did you drink for me?"

"Look at you, you are still so vigilant, even the medicine is prepared in advance." Zero didn't answer directly. He picked up the white transparent plastic pill box the size of a little finger on the table with his fingers. He opened the pill box and approached the end of his nose, his smile widened. .

  Li Jia is taking medicine for the first time. She has not used any medicine since she was pregnant. She is worried about cold, and she also puts on pregnant belly stickers to keep her warm. She takes care of colds on weekdays to prevent cold medicines from causing unnecessary effects on the fetus.

  But this time, she was afraid. Once she sees red, the fetus is in danger.

  This baby, she always takes first-aid medicine with her wherever she goes, just to prevent the current situation.

  She adjusted her breathing, sitting still, and the two of them looked at each other.

   "Your behavior is becoming less and less limited." A hostility flashed through Li Jia's eyes.

"Originally, this was just a lie against Maine's obstetrics. I really didn't expect you to have it. Lu Yichen is lucky to make people feel...disgusting." He pressed Jiajia's lips with a coquettish smile, but his eyes were cold. . "It's a coincidence. Last time, you were also pregnant."

  His hand covered Jiajia's abdomen and was opened by her. "Don't touch him!"

   "Being a mother is different." Zero smiled and stroked her hair.

  Li Jia's eyes turned to him, and suddenly smiled: "This is the third time."

   "Huh?" Zero's ending sounded.

   "It's a coincidence, but this time..." Li Jia grabbed his hand and smiled lightly: "Do you think it's too easy for you to get in?"

  Zero's smile faded. "Is it?"

   "Zero, what you said is right, when you become a mother, you will be different." Li Jia's gaze crossed him and looked behind him.

  Uzbekistan pressed a large group of people and made the entire periphery of the room airtight, and the black muzzles were aimed at the heads of the waiters.

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