Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 828: I heard that Lu Shao is mentally abnormal

   "My eyes have changed? Did you wear cosmetic contacts before, or do you wear them now?" the person next to him asked quickly.

  The voices at this table did not deliberately lower or raise their voices, but when they saw the bride sitting in front of the poor table at the next few tables, they couldn’t help but pay more attention to this side and naturally heard their conversation.

   "I didn't wear it before, and I haven't worn it now. That thing sticks to the eyeball for a long time and hurts my eyes. I rarely use it." Li Jia explained with a smile. "After I had a car accident, I changed my eyes in Sweden."

   "It turned out to be like this!"

   "How can no one think of such a simple truth?"

   "Do you think you can change your eyes at will? Who would have thought that your eyes are different because your eyeballs have been changed?"

  All the people at the table suddenly realized that they knew the important news!

The ears stretched on the side, and the people who ate food and drink showed a clear expression. Although they would not believe it easily, the old Marshal Li who appeared at the wedding banquet took the bride and handed her to the groom. He has confirmed Lu from the side. They had already begun to believe in the identity of the young lady. At this moment, listening to Li Jia's words would probably understand the cause and effect, and the authenticity of Li Jia's words was greatly increased.

   "Did you hurt badly when the accident happened? I heard that it was to save Lu Shao, Xiaoju, don't you know that when you were not in the country, Lu Shao was terrible!"

   "Someone broke the news that Lu Shao was not in good spirits because of your death!"

   "Nonsense, Shao Lu was not okay just now? Where does it look like crazy?"

  A table of people talked about it. Those who came to the wedding banquet were all related to Li Jia, and everyone was biased towards Li Jia.

  Li Jia knows how bad the rumors outside once were. "At the time he thought I had passed away. I was in a coma for a while, and only returned to China after waking up. He wanted to give him a surprise to see if he knew me. Many people didn’t know me. He just thought I was familiar with him. The screen can recognize it at a glance."

  She concealed some personal details, and smiled and rounded out his brother's abnormal reaction later.

"It turns out that Shao Lu was like that at the time because he really thought you had passed away, my God!" For some people who were paying attention to Shao Lu at the time, Lu Yichen was completely crazy at the time, even if he appeared in front of the camera, his face and The frozen 10,000-year ice is a good fight.

  If he really thought his wife was gone at the time, then the reaction would be normal.

  But. "Why doesn't Lu Shao know that Xiaoju is not dead?"

   "Think about the situation at that time. The Lu family did not announce that Xiaoju had passed away. It was just a random guess by others."

  The people at the table are very curious, they are professionally sensitive in the media, they can't help but want to dig out the truth, and vaguely feel what is inside.

  However, Li Jia was not only their target of mining news, but also a friend, so someone immediately changed the subject. "Lu Shaohao loves his wife, look, go out to toast, and don't forget to look over here frequently."

  Speaking, Xiao Rou made a nuisance on the side where Lu Yichen was toasting. "Look, it really is."

Li Jia turned her head to meet Lu Yichen's eyes. She smiled and blinked, then turned to the table of friends next to her and said: "I did have some accidents at the time. I was missing in the car accident. My family did not know about it. I slept for more than half a year, and it took some time for my limbs to recover after waking up. Everyone thought I was dead, and I didn't expect that I would be safe."

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