Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 827: We will take care of your wife

   Regardless of how many young people around the table whistled and roared.

   A smile flashed across Li Jia's eyes and tilted his head to look at him. "Any questions for me?"

   "Jia Jia only loves her brother." He lowered his head and kissed her earlobe, whispering in a low voice.

  Li Jia smiled and nodded. "Dad wants to protect the baby and mommy."


  Lu Yichen was satisfied, took her hand, and continued to toast to the other guests at the table. Some of the people at the table congratulated, some half-jokingly half-seriously asked about Jiajia's situation.

   "Lu Shao gets the moon first when he approaches the water tower. I heard that Mrs. Lu Shao and Lu Shao were brothers and sisters?"

   "Is there a pseudonym for Mrs. Orange Laird? This name is very interesting. Does it have any special meaning?"

   "Lu Shao and Mrs. Shao are really a beautiful pair of talents."

After nearly a hundred tables came down, Li Jia felt that his face was almost stiff with laughter. Lu Yichen held her waist and led her to the table of familiar people from the colleague of Shenghao Media. "I'll come to the next meeting, you rest awhile."

  Li Jia station has a long backache. The weather in Varisting is very hot. She is wearing a wedding dress, even if the large area is shaded, and the large central air conditioner is running, her cheeks are hot and flushed all the way down.

  Lu Yichen settled Jiajia, and then whispered a few words, stopped a waiter and asked him to bring Jiajia a cup of sour plum soup at room temperature before continuing to greet other guests.

  "Come and sit down, little orange child has not been three months old, most of the guests know that I won't blame you." Xiaorou hurriedly called Jiajia to sit down.

   "Don't worry, Shao Lu, we will take care of your wife!"

  The people at the table were all about the same age, and smiled and asked Lu Yichen to greet the other guests.

  Li Jia gave Lu Yichen a relieved look, and joked with his former colleague who hadn’t seen each other for a long time. People at the table had countless questions to ask Jiajia, and the atmosphere soon became very lively.

  Although Lu Yichen left, he dared not let Jiajia leave his sight for a moment. There was still one thing in his heart that had not been resolved, and he couldn't feel at ease anyway.

  Li Jia's physical fitness is pretty good. At least when the fetus is still early, the burden on the mother's body is slightly lighter. At the later stage, she may not be so restful, with backaches during the day and uncomfortable sleep at night.

  She rested for a while, and her flushed face gradually recovered. The waiter dressed in festive colors handed her a cup of sour plum soup, and Li Jia took two sips with her straw.

  Beside Xiaorou, there are several other interns who turned into Detective Conan in Shenghao, but now the official staff of Shenghao Yuji began to be curious.

   "Xiaoju, there is something I always wanted to ask, is Orange Laird your pseudonym?"

   "You didn't see that a group of red eyes in the company is getting dark every day. If it wasn't for Mr. Duan to press the main page privately, I still don't know how to discuss it outside."

   "Yes! Tell us quickly!"

  A table with piercing eyes looked at Jia Jia, holding fish, holding meatballs, serving soup later, with a diligent attitude.

  Li Jia was amused secretly, glanced at his bowl, too greasy to dare to use chopsticks.

  She held the straw silently, and said under the eyes of the table full of expectations. "I am Li Jia, from beginning to end."

  "Naju Laird..." Xiaorou started to behave in a good way, her big eyes exuding a strong light, and she did not forget to give Jia Jiajiao a bowl of creamy white, delicious and fragrant soup.

   "I was also Orange Laird. I was in a car accident and recovered from my grandfather's house. I changed my identity after returning." Li Jia took a few sips of sour plum soup and put it down again, feeling much better.

   "Then your eyes?"

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