Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 804: You are awake, don't pretend

When Li Jia heard Li Hongyun's words, his brows were slightly twisted, his cheeks pressed against his brother's hot face, cold hands covered his face, and he whispered: "It was good, he suddenly let me leave the room, so I left immediately. ."

  Li Hongyun glanced at her more, her dark green eyes were as soft as a stream of spring water, soothing the restless Lu Yichen.

  Lu Yichen gradually calmed down, closed his eyes, and rubbed her neck lightly. "...Jia Jia, don't go."

  The doctor glanced at the two and sighed slightly. It was obvious that Lu Shao and Madam Shao had a very good relationship.

  "Madam Shao, Lu Shao’s arm is dislocated. Just take it back. Do you want to take it now?"

  Li Jia heard the words and calmed him in Lu Yichen's ear in a low voice. "Brother, I have a little pain in my hand later, I will endure it and it will be better soon."

  She gestured to the doctor with her eyes, and the doctor understood, holding onto Lu Yichen's dislocation.

   clicked, and the moment he connected, the pain caused Lu Yichen's eyes to light up fiercely, Li Jia's thin lips pressed against his lips.

"All right."

  Li Jia breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't just a fracture.

  Connected his arm and dealt with a few bruises. Apart from unstable mental state, Lu Yichen had no other problems.

  In the lively room, everyone else retired. Only Li Hongyun, who was observing his condition and discussing treatment plans with the Lu family, and Li Jia, who accompanied Lu Yichen, were six.

  Li Hongyun talked about the general conjecture to Mr. Lu and several others. "In general, this time Lu Shao had a premonition in advance, and he controlled his behavior autonomously, which was a good start."

  Li Jia also heard Li Hongyun's words, holding his brother's unbound hand due to the dislocation on his abdomen, pressing his ear, and whispered: "The baby is still very young and needs protection from mom and dad."

  Lu Yichen stroked Jiajia's abdomen with his fingers, a trace of anger and fear flashed under his eyes, and he grasped her waist with a slight force.

  Li Jia noticed the change in his mood. "Don't brother like them?"

   "Jia...Jia Jia..." He stroked her smooth and soft face, his voice dry and blank. "Don't want them...no kids..."

  Li Jia's heart shook, and she always felt that something important was vaguely touched.

  But not as long as she thought about it, several other people in the room heard Lu Yichen's calm but terrifying words.

  Monica turned her face immediately, Lu Minze couldn't believe it, the old man Lu was already trembling with anger, and he was very restrained when he didn't come over and slap his grandson on the face.

   "Yichen, are you really crazy?" Monica was at a loss.

   "During Jiajia's pregnancy, if Yichen comes again, the child is afraid of danger." Lu Minze frowned.

  Old man Lu’s face was gloomy and dripping with water, a pair of old eyes looked at his grandson, suppressing the surging complexity and anger, he didn't know what was going on with his grandson.

  Why don’t you wait to see your own children?

  Li Hongyun's gaze was slightly deeper. He could see that Lu Shao loved his sons and daughters so much, why now he didn't expect the children in Mrs. Lu Shao's belly at all, and even wanted to kill them?

  It shouldn't be, it's unreasonable.

  Li Jia did not expect this to be the case, and she froze for a moment. "Why don't you like them?"

  Lu Yichen touched her soft red lips with his fingertips, his eyes were hot, rubbing back and forth without saying a word.

  He didn't dare to touch Jiajia's lower abdomen, and his narrow black eyes were deeply buried in emotions, as if what he had just said was not what he said. He showed Jiajia a gentle and extremely smile, stretched out his tongue to lick her lips, lingering.

  Li Jia slowly stepped away from him, the softness of his eyes faded. "Lu Yichen, you are already awake, don't pretend."

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