Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 803: Because Mrs. Lu is pregnant

   Jiajia is pregnant with her two grandchildren! ! ! The good news confirmed only two days ago, if this is lost...

  Monica thought of this, but she didn't know where the courage came from. Taking advantage of the moment her son hadn't come out completely, she rushed over and slammed the door of the room, violently clamped Lu Yichen's arm!

  That aura, it seemed to be about to pinch Lu Yichen's arm off.


  Li Jia clearly heard the sound of her brother's broken arm. Her scalp was numb and her heart was bleeding.

  Is it his own?

  However, at this time, she didn't care about her heartache, and took advantage of the strength on her wrist to disappear, and quickly exited the encirclement.

"Jia Jia, how is it?" Old man Lu stared at Jia Jia barefoot, turned his head calmly and ordered the maids and nanny who were all awakened one after another, and said to the nearest maid: "Give the young lady a pair. Keep warm shoes."

  "Good, good." The maid turned to get the shoes.

  The room is full of carpets. Li Jia didn't feel cold. She came out with a wooden floor. But just now, she just wanted to stop her brother from coming out. She didn't notice that she was not wearing shoes. At this time, the soles of her feet were stepping on the cold floor.

  "I'll call the emergency call first." Thinking of the situation just now, Li Jia couldn't help but worry. Perhaps she was calm in the face of many such situations.

  When the maid brought the shoes up, Li Jia hurriedly put them on the wall and asked her to fetch the medicine box from the cabinet in the living room downstairs.

  Lu Yichen did not come out of the room. Due to a hand injury, he was quickly restrained by a well-trained bodyguard and tied to a black swivel chair.

  Li Jia made an emergency call and called both the family doctor and psychologist Li Hongyun.

  Li Hongyun knew that Lu Shao had a mental disorder, but he had not personally seen his symptoms when he was onset. He only heard it from other doctors in the hospital. This was the first time he saw it directly.

Since Lu Shao was discharged from the hospital, he has been trying to find ways to reduce physical therapy as much as possible. He firmly believes that the medicine is three-point poison. The doctors in the hospital are deeply influenced by western medicine and disagree with his naive ideas. I hope that Lu Shao takes too much medicine so that his proposal can be recognized and implemented.

  At first, he thought that everything was useful. He only needed a little guidance and psychological counseling. However, he did not expect that Lu Shao would have symptoms of the disease again, but he thought in his own mind that it was expected.

  Because Mrs. Lu Shao is pregnant.

  A mother-to-be, for the baby, will definitely keep a little distance from her husband, and Lu Shao’s psychological factor is the main cause.

Li Hongyun looked at Lu Shao who was tied and immobile. His dark eyes stared directly at Mrs. Lu Shao. The light underneath his eyes was fierce and intense. A handsome face that had attracted countless women was flushed with excitement at this time, and his thin lips seemed to be red. Dripping blood.

  The family doctor was examining the injury on his arm. Li Jia stood aside, bent over and gently wiped the sweat from Lu Yichen's forehead, and the others in the room discussed how to deal with the current situation.

   "Madam Shao, what happened before Lu Shao became ill?" Li Hongyun observed the patient's condition and asked Li Jia.

Li Jia's palm covered Lu Yichen's forehead, causing Lu Yichen to struggle fiercely. His face was bloodshot and flushed. Li Jia's cold and soft hands were like a drug addict. He couldn't help rubbing it, licking with hot and humid tongue. He licked his lips, whispered in a low, hoarse voice.

   "Jia Jia."

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