Li Hongyun was stunned. Father Lu, Monica, and Lu Minze all had their faces in astonishment, obviously they had not recovered from Li Jia's words.

   looked at Jiajia and Lu Yichen in disbelief. "what?"

  Li Jia let out a breath. "Let me calm down!"

   Angrily slammed the door and left. The door made a loud noise, shaking everyone in the room in place.

  Elder Lu looked back at his grandson, Lu Yichen's eyebrows curled slightly, his eyes were fixed on the pattern on the carpet, and he said nothing.

  Li Hongyun stared at Lu Shao in front of him. It looked like it was normal, but he felt something was wrong.

   "Shao Lu?"

  Lu Yichen didn't speak, but Old Man Lu spoke, his tone was inexplicable, and there was a hint of helplessness. "Why do you say this in front of Jiajia?"

  Monica's chin was about to fall to the ground, she stepped forward and stared at her son as if she didn't recognize him. "Do you know how your wife feels when you say this in front of your wife?"

   "If your dad dared to say this when I was pregnant with you, I won't kill him with a single shot, and I will divorce him immediately, and I will never want to interact with him ever since."

  Lu Minze twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Would you like me to bring your son and daughter over, look at them and say it again, don't think that the baby is not your son when the baby is young." Monica really didn't expect that her son would be treated like Jiajia, who was already pregnant. Said not to have children.

  Don’t say they are angry when they expect the baby to be born, Jiajia is afraid it will be even more uncomfortable.

  "Don't talk anymore. Just get divorced with Jiajia. Don't have any weddings, so you don't need to get divorced right after the wedding." Old man Lu said even more rudely.

  Lu Yichen hadn’t spoken for a long time. When he heard this sentence, he looked up, his dark pupils swept over, unable to see the emotions under his eyes, and said lightly: "Untie the rope."

  Li Hongyun took a step back. For some reason, he stared at Lu Shao's dark eyes with an inexplicable fear.

  As a psychologist, he has a surpassing sensitivity to abnormal diseases.

  Lu Yichen stared at him suddenly, his eyes were not like the eyes of a living person looking at people, like a tormented ghost trapped in an abyss looking at the people on the shore, Li Hongyun's hairs stuck up all over his body.

  Don't know why, I suddenly remembered a sentence Mrs. Lu Shao had said to him.

"... When I died in a car accident for the first time, I died in front of him. He was a little irritated, slept with my body and got married, thinking that I was still alive. Then I came back. He was fine, but Sometimes it's a bit...well, mentally unstable."

  He felt that Mrs. Lu Shao was exaggerating, describing herself as a corpse who had lost consciousness, but at this moment, he didn't know why, he suddenly felt that Lu Shao had done it completely.

What is wrong with   ?

   "You think you know me well? Huh—" Lu Yichen suddenly laughed, but his low-pitched voice was very sharp.

   "Jia Jia was pregnant for the first time, and she died in a car accident..."

  "The second time she was pregnant, she had just given birth and became a vegetable. I know, Jiajia died at that time!"

  It was also the same time, when Jia Jia came back, Jia Jia restored the memory of two lives, and she returned to him.

   "Jiajia is pregnant again." Lu Yichen suddenly said, his handsome and monster face turned evil with a sharp smile, and his charm is like a bright and twisted mask on the stage, and his dark pupils are full of lingering gloom. "You don't know anything!!!"

  If Jiajia leaves again, he knows that she will not come back again! She will never come back!

  Li Jia stood outside the room with her back leaning against the wall, her eyes drooping slightly, staring at the wooden floor under her feet.

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