Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1071: Baby what's up

  Li Hongyun returned to his consulting room, took out Lu Yichen's pre-made tests, and looked through them one by one.

  Checked it several times, but I didn’t see any problems.

  For this kind of mental problems, ordinary physical examinations are basically useless. You can only use topic tests and related questions to let patients draw something or express their opinions on something, and judge by their explanations and opinions on affairs.

  Lu Shao’s daily behavior can not see the problem, his words and deeds are normal, and the test is more impeccable.

  "This is too perfect. Why is it weird?" Li Hongyun did not research for a long time.

  Every question is normal. When asking questions, the answer is also normal, perfect answer, standard answer.

  "Standard answer..." Li Hongyun was taken aback and took out the normal answer of the test.

  In this contrast, the back of his head was sweating.

  "Hello? Dr. Li? Any questions?"

   Early the next morning, Li Jia received a call from Li Hongyun again.

  On the phone, Li Hongyun seemed anxious. "Mrs. Lu Shao, I need to tell you something. I found Lu Shao's test..."

   Halfway through, there seemed to be some strange noise on Li Hongyun's side, there was a bang, and then he didn't hear Li Hongyun's voice.

  Li Jia was surprised. "Dr. Li? Dr. Li?!!!"

  Li Jia had a bad feeling. She hurriedly went downstairs, rushed into the living room, picked up the phone in the living room, and quickly dialed a call.

  Li Hongyun’s residence, his mobile phone was slapped to the ground and turned off. His face turned blue, and his hands clenched the hand holding his neck tightly.

  The handsome and coquettish man tilted his head and glanced at him, then smiled and shook his head. "Why bother? People who are too smart tend to die faster."

  Li Hongyun widened his eyes and shook his head again and again.

   "I really hate people like you who are pursuing the bottom line and trying to understand everything." The man shook his head with a low smile. "As for people, it's rare to be confused. It's good for everyone, don't you think?"

  Li Hongyun had already begun to roll his eyes, desperately trying to break free, but the man who restrained him was surprisingly strong, and Li Hongyun had no resistance at all.

   His only remaining sane allowed himself to calm down and save himself. He knew that the man in front of him was not a normal person at all, and he would definitely kill him! Only one person can save him now!

  He desperately pointed at the phone that was thrown to the ground, trying to attract the attention of the man in front of him.

  The man raised his beautiful brows slightly and glanced sideways. "Have you called her?"

  Li Hongyun nodded desperately, his brain was already lacking oxygen, he felt that he was going to die next moment.

   "Heh." The man didn't care. "Don't worry, I have an alibi."

  Li Hongyun's hair is cold, his legs kicked hard, and he could no longer struggle.

   Just before he felt suffocated and died, a cell phone rang.

  The demon beauty man licked his bright red lips, took the phone out of his pocket with one hand, and glanced at the caller ID on the phone screen. He pursed his lips, a trace of grievance under his eyes.

   In the end, Li Hongyun was thrown away, who was dying.

  Li Hongyun coughed desperately, the man glanced at him coldly, Li Hongyun's face rose purple, but he forcibly endured the cough and breathed.

  Li Jia's heart beats wildly, her fingers trembling.

  She dialed the phone, and it rang for about ten seconds before the other party answered the phone.

  Lu Yichen’s gentle and mellow voice came from the other end of the phone, with a hint of laziness in his voice. "Baby, what's the matter?"

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