Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1070: Jiajia is brother's medicine

  Many mental illnesses will say that they are the sun illuminating the earth, or that they can fly high, saying that they are a big bird and can fly. There is also a type of mental illness, who smiles and says scary things, and usually actually ran to practice.

  After checking Lu Yichen's condition, Li Hongyun put away various test results and got up to leave.

Li Jia sent him out. Li Hongyun saw that Lu Shao was standing still behind him. He just smiled and watched Mrs. Lu send him away. Before leaving the house, he quietly said to Li Jia: "Madam, I have read the previous ". "City of Despair" movie."

  Li Jia blinked. "is it?"

  Why do you talk about this suddenly?

   "Later I watched the second "Eternal Heart"." Li Hongyun continued.

  "Dr. Li has any questions?" Li Jia always felt that Li Hongyun wanted to say something.

"I heard that the movie is based on you, that Cheng Yue..." Li Hongyun thought for a while, frowning: "If this is the case, I think he must have suffered a serious mental shock before the problem will arise. I think his illness has never been cured even at the end."

  Li Jia felt cold. "What does Dr. Li mean?"

   "His condition will not get better, but the film did not show it." Li Hongyun wonders if the director does not understand this, or deliberately ignored it.

  The Cheng Yue in the film was actually not well at the end, but the actor itself was normal, so it disappeared naturally in the end, but if it is a real patient, it will not be cured for no reason.

He was shocked when he saw that movie. He almost immediately remembered Lu Shao’s situation. He remembered that Mrs. Lu Shao had told him half-truth that she was dead, and Lu Shao guarded her body as if she had returned Alive.

  At first, he thought Mrs. Lu Shao was talking scary, but after seeing the city of despair, his back got cold.

Cheng Yue in    belongs to the mentally severely injured, only to become neurotic. When he is lost and recovered, he will show a sense of extreme insecurity.

  "Dr. Li, how do you think Cheng Yue's condition can be better?" Li Jia frowned.

   "Actually, he is not so good..."

   "Jiajia? What are you talking about?" Lu Yichen came out of the house and naturally hugged Jia Jia's waist. In the sun, his slender figure covered Jia Jia, and his dark and narrow eyes stared at Li Hongyun, which was unclear.

   "Doctor Li, is there anything else?"

   "It's nothing, I'm leaving now." Li Hongyun smiled dryly, always feeling that Lu Yichen's eyes were a little sullen.

  Li Jia looked at the back of Li Hongyun leaving thoughtfully, wanting to say, Cheng Yue’s situation is not getting better?

  Ke Cheng Yue’s prototype is her brother. If Cheng Yue doesn’t get better, how can her brother test it out without any problems? This is not a contradiction?

   "Don't look." Lu Yichen covered Jiajia's eyes with his palm, lowered his head, his handsome face pressed against her cold little face, and laughed in a low voice: "Look again, brother is going to be jealous."

  Li Jia turned his head and touched his handsome face. "Frankly, are you fooling Doctor Li?"

  Lu Yichen raised his eyebrows, half-truth and half-truth said: "Yes."

   "I also think what you just said is very abnormal." Li Jia was helpless. "I'm really sick, take medicine."

  Lu Yichen laughed lowly, her low-enchanted voice was **** and enchanting, and he lightly bit her. "Jia Jia is my brother's medicine, you just need to be there."

  Li Jia looked at the back of Li Hongyun's departure. Although there was a smile on his face, he couldn't see the bottom of his eyes deeply.

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