Mi Zang Jiao Wife: Baby Where to Escape

Chapter 1072: Brother, i'm scared

  Li Jia was holding her mobile phone in one hand and the landline in the other. His tone was steady, with a hint of anger, but the palms were sweating coldly. "What are you doing? It took so long to pick up? Is it an extramarital affair in the office? Honestly, is Xiao Jiaojiao hiding?"

  Lu Yichen’s magnetic voice sounded, with a gentle smile. "Jia Jia is coming over to catch the rape?"

   "Hmph, open the door and let me see if Xiaojiao is hiding, I'm just staring outside your door."

   "Really? Jiajia is playing the landline in the living room at home. Did you move the landline outside of my brother's office?" Lu Yichen stared at Li Hongyun, who had recovered a bit of popularity on the ground, with a gentle and strange tone.

  Li Hongyun was looked back by him, like a prey being stared at by a poisonous snake.

  Lu Yichen shook his index finger at Li Hongyun, made a silent motion to his lips, and then another motion of wiping his neck. Li Hongyun turned pale and nodded repeatedly, showing that he understood what he meant.

  Lu Yichen turned around and walked out of Li Hongyun’s consulting room.

  Until he got in the car, Lu Yichen asked the driver to drive back to the Lu’s villa, and the call between Li Jia and him ended.

  Li Jia took a long sigh of relief, and quickly called Li Hongyun.

  Just about to make a call, but before pressing it, there was a call from the cell phone, and Li Hongyun's hoarse voice came from the cell phone. "Ahem, Madam Lu Shao, I accidentally dropped the phone just now and smashed the battery out, sorry."

  Li Jia did not expose him.

  Li Hongyun was silent for a while. He knew that the call Li Jia called to Shao Lu just now was definitely not a coincidence. This young lady is a smart man. Fortunately, she reacted quickly this time, otherwise he would have died.

   "Actually, what I want to say, Lu Shao, he..." Li Hongyun swallowed, his throat sore that his tears almost came out. "His test results have no problems at all. The standard is the same as the template... and... there are no other problems."

  Li Jia was silent for a moment and sighed slightly. "I see, please trouble Dr. Li."

   "I'm fine, that's all." Li Hongyun hung up after speaking. He threw the phone on the bed and sighed in a sigh of relief.

  Sure enough, he didn't guess wrong, Shao Lu...it is impossible to recover.

  It’s just that he can control it, and perfectly hides all emotions and real thoughts in the depths, making them completely invisible.

  The set of tests is perfect like a template. Normal people will have one or two abnormalities. These are all normal, but Lu Shao’s test is too perfect. All are normal and there is no problem.

  This is a problem in itself.

  Li Jia sat on the sofa, supporting her forehead with her hands, staring at the wooden floor with her head down, and did not speak for a long time.

  Just now, if she called a little later, would Li Hongyun lose his life?

  How could it... Obviously it shouldn’t be like this.

  She thought about it for a long time, but didn't think of a reason.

  Until the back of her neck became hot, her hot lips pressed against her delicate and white neck, awakening her consciousness.

  Lu Yichen hugged Jiajia’s neck from behind the sofa, her bright rose-like lips fell on her neck, side face, corners of lips...

  Li Jia's palms are facing back, and his fingertips sink into his hair. "came back?"

   "Yeah." Lu Yichen's soft and charming voice whispered, he walked around the sofa, took her into his arms, pulled her clothes away, and kissed her.

  Li Jia bit his lip and stroked his hot cheek. "Brother, I'm afraid."

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