Aunt Lin is a servant of the Huang family, and she is actually no one else. She is related to Huang Xiaowei's family, so she is considered a relative, from his mother's side.

As the saying goes, when one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.....

It is almost impossible to cut off the relationship with the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt. only.

Let's see how this person chooses.

Just like Su Can's brother Dong in his previous life, he also arranged for all his relatives to work in the company, but he didn't give them high positions.

You should be in whatever position you should be in.

Although Huang Xiaowei is not as good as that Dong brother now, he is not that weak, and his influence is not low.

The relatives at home have also arranged a lot of work in the company, but they are just ordinary people. If they have some ability and want to start a business, they will also help.

A person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven. This is not the case anywhere in the world!

Sister Lin has been working as a nanny for Huang Xiaowei's family for ten years, and she also knows Huang Xiaowei's temperament. If he says this, there must be something important to discuss.

"Then I'll go back to my room to rest. If you need anything, call me!"

Sister-in-law Lin turned around and walked towards the back room.........

Watching Sister Lin leave, the eldest brother Huang Dawei's eyes showed surprise and said:"Xiaowei, what happened? Sister Lin got away.""

"Brother, what happened?"

Huang Xiaomei's face also changed slightly.

Huang Zhengwei said in a deep voice:"Brother!"

"Stop talking, talk about it later! Huang

Xiaowei did not explain, but waved his hand and said:"You guys come to the basement with me and talk!""

As he spoke, he didn't wait for the brothers and sisters to react. He turned around and looked at his wife and said,"Wife, you watch from the living room. The few of us have something to discuss."

Huang Xiaowei's wife was also reasonable, nodded, and said,"You brothers and sisters, go talk to me if you have something to say! I'm here."

Of course she is not the kind of person who always shouts loudly that Huang Xiaowei hides it from her, crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

If this were the case, she would not have reached this stage with Huang Xiaowei. Back then, she and Huang Xiaowei When she got married, the conditions in her family were much worse than that of Huang Xiaowei's family, because at that time, Huang Xiaowei, under Su Can's instruction, had already opened a Jianor Supermarket.

But could she compare?........

After following Huang Xiaowei, Huang Xiaowei gave her family many job opportunities. Later, they got married, and Huang Xiaowei also helped her natal family a lot.

Now, although her natal family has not achieved any great wealth, her brothers and sisters, who live in Yanjing City, do not have a house or a car.

No matter which one, it will not be less than two apartments.

This condition.

Back then, none of the neighbors who lived in the same courtyard had that person. If they met such conditions, their family could be considered prosperous.

In addition, Jiale Supermarket is a top supermarket. With Huang Xiaowei's help, her two brothers opened a farm in the province near Yanjing City and planted thousands of acres of land.

The fruits and vegetables produced are all sold to Jiale Supermarket at a guaranteed price. It is a business that is sure to make a profit!

Therefore, their family conditions are not bad either.

Some of the other brothers and sisters opened shops, and some went to work in the establishment. Although their status was not high, in the streets nearby, their status was not low.

This is Yanjing City!

In Yanjing City, having status is enough.

This is also where she is smart........

Because she knew that she was an ordinary woman and her husband was the head of such a big company. If she was constantly suspicious, she would make all kinds of evil remarks.

There are so many outstanding women out there, any one of them can replace her.

And do it.

On the contrary, it made her position very stable.

After seeing his wife's words, Huang Xiaowei nodded to her, stood up, and said,"Come with me! Let's talk."

He walked towards the back. At the corner of the stairs, there was a staircase. Down, and below, a gate appeared.

Huang Xiaowei suddenly opened the door. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Huang Xiaowei enter the basement, Huang Dawei, Huang Xiaomei, and Huang Zhengwei looked at each other, then took a deep breath and followed.

This basement is no stranger to them either.

They have been here several times. Huang Xiaowei always had important things to talk to them about, and he arranged them here.

Once inside........

I saw a basement with an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters. The huge pillars supported the basement, so that the basement could be built so big.

The reason why this can be done is because this house was built by Sino-Ocean Real Estate, the company headed by Wang Er.

When they first wanted to build this villa, Huang Xiaowei and others provided the drawings according to their own ideas and built their own villa.

Huang Xiaowei sat down and saw his eldest brother and others coming in.

"Xiaowei, what happened!"

Huang Dawei looked at Huang Xiaowei who was sitting. He couldn't hold back anymore and couldn't help but speak.

Huang Xiaomei and Huang Zhengwei also looked at Huang Xiaowei. They were both confused, why is this second brother acting so abnormal today!

This What happened.

They were all confused.

"what's going on? Huang

Xiaowei curled his lips, looked at Huang Dawei, and said,"Brother, don't you know what happened?" Ask me instead!"

"What do I know!"

Huang Dawei's face changed slightly, and there was a flash of strange color in his eyes.

"Second brother, what did you say?"

Huang Zhengwei was confused.........

Huang Xiaomei also frowned.

"Ha ha!"

Huang Xiaowei suddenly laughed like a lunatic and said:"Up to now, you still don't know that our Huang family was almost destroyed by our good eldest brother."

"We have worked hard (Li Li Zhao) over the years to build the Huang family into what it is today. We are preparing to reach the level of a first-class family in Yanjing City through the development of the next generation."

"However, this time, eldest brother almost destroyed our Huang family"

"If it hadn't been for this time, I wouldn't have known that such a good brother on the surface was actually such a disgusting person in private."

As soon as these words came out, it exploded like a thunder. Huang Zhengwei and Huang Xiaomei were stunned and looked at Huang Dawei in disbelief.

Although their eldest brother Huang Dawei didn't help them as much as his second brother Huang Xiaowei, what kind of person was his eldest brother? So, they know it very well!

He is a good man.......

How could he be acting like the second brother said?

"Second child!"

Huang Dawei's face changed, and he turned red with anger. He clenched his fists and slammed them on the table in front of him. He shouted angrily:"What happened to make you insult me ​​like this?".

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