"Second brother, could it be a misunderstanding?"

Huang Xiaomei said with a frown.

Huang Zhengwei also nodded and said:"Second brother, the eldest brother is not that kind of person. Could it be that some villain made slanderous remarks and made you misunderstand the eldest brother?"


When Huang Xiaowei heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted quickly:"Are you saying that the third brother is a villain?""

Third brother!

As soon as these two words came out, Huang Xiaomei and Huang Zhengwei's expressions changed drastically.

They were no strangers to this person.

They even knew about his existence. After all, he was Huang Xiaowei's brother and sister. They were so close to him, so of course they knew about him. Second.

For the Huang family to have such a status today, the person behind it is that person!

If it weren’t for him!

They would have the status they have today.

Several brothers and sisters are all leaders in the industry, and the society The status is not low, all this is because of the existence of that person!

Huang Zhengwei's heart skipped a beat. He looked around and saw that there was no one else here. He was relieved immediately. If this matter reached Mr. Su's ears.

He's finished.....

Even though he is now the top barrister in the country, he is nothing compared to a big shot like Mr. Su. And he can reach such a status without having offended many people.

If his second brother Huang Xiaowei hadn't been a prince under Mr. Su, he wouldn't have been able to open the law firm on such a large scale.

"Second brother, I didn’t know that person was Mr. Su! Huang

Zhengwei said with shame.

When Huang Dawei heard this, his expression changed, he gritted his teeth and said,"Even if it is Mr. Su, has Mr. Su never missed it?""

"What's more, our return to Mr. Su is enough, if we hadn't made Jiale Supermarket such a big success"

"Can he get so much in return?"

"And what about us?"

"After all the hard work, all we got was his leader. We worked for him in vain. Huang

Dawei said angrily


When Huang Xiaowei heard what his elder brother Huang Dawei said, his face showed disappointment. If his elder brother Huang Dawei is like this, there is no doubt that there is no silver three hundred taels here.

"When you went to Magic City, did you meet a man named Saburo Koizumi?"

Huang Xiaowei said coldly: (ccaj) Jiale Supermarket, including its convenience store chains, and the entry of various island country products are all with your tacit approval."

"In fact, there are so many spoke island foods in the supermarket. They would never dare to do this without your nod."

"Spoke Island Food! After the big earthquake last year, there were serious problems with nuclear leakage and food there, and you actually let it in"

"As the head of the purchasing department, I don't believe you don't know this."

He was very disappointed. His eldest brother's performance was unexpectedly not regretful.

Instead, he felt that they had paid more and the third brother had taken too much. They should have received more.

He didn't know that without the third brother, Jiale would have Supermarkets will never exist. When this big supermarket was established, millions of investments were made.

That was in the 1980s!

At that time, households with ten thousand yuan were all rare items. If you spend one million yuan at once, There are a few people who can do this.

If it weren’t for the money given by the third brother, could this be done?

Not only that........

In those days, you didn't just have money to do business.

And behind.

With just the little money the company makes, how can you have the money to buy all the stores when opening branches across the country?

They were all invested later by the third brother.

The two brothers were able to obtain these shares all because of the kindness of the third brother. If it had been left to others, it is estimated that not a single share would have been given to the two brothers.

This kind of thing. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention the two brothers, even another person can do it.

Too little?

"Spoke Island Food? Brother, you actually allowed the food from Spoke Island to enter Jiale Supermarket?"

Huang Xiaomei was stunned and said in shock:"Brother, how could you let the food from the Spoke Island enter the Jiale Supermarket?"

"Last year’s earthquake in the island country and the scramble for salt are still vivid in my mind. It’s not that you don’t know about this kind of thing. How could you do this?"


Huang Xiaomei's face became extremely serious.........

Huang Dawei said nonchalantly:"Why, these products have import labels and there are no strict prohibitions. Why can't they be put in Jiale Supermarket?""

"This is a purely commercial behavior. It is to add some varieties to commercial stores and supermarkets, and for the good of the company and for the company to make more profits."

"Where did I go wrong?"

He said unconvinced.

Huang Zhengwei said coldly:"Brother, this doesn't seem to be illegal, but there is a moral bottom line in the law. Is this worthy of your status as a Chinese?"

"You are Chinese! Our grandfather also fought against Japanese soldiers. Is this worthy of our grandfather?"

They were all shocked. They didn't expect that the eldest brother would be such a person.

"The third child, the fourth child. Huang

Dawei narrowed his eyes slightly and said:"Times have changed. Don't talk about those things in the past. Now the government does not prohibit contact.""

"As we do business, that’s reasonable behavior. What’s wrong with that?"

"I am right!"

He shook his head and said with a smile

"Is that correct?"

Huang Xiaowei looked at his elder brother Huang Dawei with disappointment. Seeing him plausibly and unrepentantly made him feel extremely cold in his heart.

How could the elder brother become like this?........

"I am right! Huang

Dawei's face darkened and he said,"Is it because of Su Can's order that you ask our Jiale Supermarket to remove those island products?"!"

"shut up! Huang

Xiaowei's face turned red when he heard it, and he said angrily:"How can you call Third Brother by his first name? Don't you even have any respect for Third Brother in your heart?""


Huang Dawei said disdainfully:"Our family has done enough for Su Can. If you weren't stubborn and regarded Su Can as a myth, we two brothers would have turned this Le Shopping Mall into the Huang family's. Now, you can also take on Lu Guoqiang’s position as the richest man."

"Listen to Su Can? How many opportunities have we missed.

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he said loudly:"Slow and steady?" If it weren't for his words, our Jiale Supermarket would have been where we are today five years ago."

"It's him, it's him who has hindered our development. You are still following her stupidly and stubbornly as always. You chew the bones while others eat meat?"

"Is being a dog so happy?".

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