At eleven o'clock that night, Yanjing City.

In Yanjing City in winter, the cold wind howls, and there are basically not many people on the streets, except for a few specific neighborhoods with nightlife.

This is not like Yazhou.....

If it is Yazhou, this point is the beginning of nightlife.

Huang Xiaowei's motorcade had just left the airport and headed home.

On the way back, he had already contacted his elder brother Huang Dawei, his younger sister Huang Xiaomei, and his younger brother Huang Zhengwei. His younger sister Huang Xiaomei happened to be in Yanjing City.

But the eldest brother Huang Dawei and the younger brother Huang Zhengwei were not there.

Huang Xiaowei strongly requested that they rush back to Yanjing City immediately.

In fact.

His elder brother Huang Dawei was in the Magic City and could return to Yanjing City faster than him. His younger brother Huang Zhengwei was in Tianjing and could return there faster. He estimated that everyone was here.

Ten minutes later, Huang Xiaowei's car arrived in front of his family's villa.

As a top rich man, of course he lives in a mansion, even in a city with the highest housing prices in the country like Yanjing City.

His villa is also seven to eight hundred square meters in size. only!

Now, only 22 and his wife live in this huge villa, because the eldest son has grown up and graduated and founded a small company of his own.

This was also influenced by Su Zeming. now.

In that circle, Su Zeming was so outstanding that everyone envied him, and they all wanted to set up companies and build their own careers.

It is not easy for Huang Xiaowei to dampen his son's enthusiasm. He has to give his son a chance to grow up. Only when he hits the wall himself will he realize that starting a business is not easy. When the time comes, he can come back and inherit the family business.

Of course, this depends on the third brother’s permission.........

Huang Xiaowei simply gave his son a 100 million entrepreneurial fund. He was not as rich as Lu Guoqiang. Lu Guoqiang was the richest man with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and gave 500 million to start a business.

And he, with a net worth of tens of billions, only gave him 100 million.

If this 100 million is lost, we have to come back and work hard at the Jia Le Supermarket.

In addition to his eldest son, Huang Xiaowei also has a younger daughter who has been admitted to Zhejiang University as a graduate student and is studying for graduate school. She will not come back in a few days.

My daughter is a caring little cotton-padded jacket, and she also studies well.

It is not difficult for rich people like them to send their children to a good university, especially from abroad, where all kinds of capital operations are possible.

What is really difficult is the college entrance examination subjects currently being taken by top universities in the country. This is where learning ability is truly compared.

His youngest daughter has excellent academic performance since she was a child. Although she is not as good as the children of her third brother, she is still considered a top-notch existence in this circle.

Not counting the bonus points from various competitions, her scores reached the admission score of Zhejiang University. With the bonus points from this competition, she was admitted to Zhejiang University.

Now, it’s even more time to apply for graduate students.........

As his thoughts were spinning, Huang Xiaowei realized that the car had stopped in front of his villa.

Through the car window, you can see the bright lights in front of the villa and the bright lights inside the home. It seems that several brothers and sisters have arrived.


The car door was opened by the secretary. Huang Xiaowei got out of the car and walked directly towards the villa.

Opening the door.

Through the shoe cabinet area of ​​the door, he saw a few figures. Maybe he heard the movement. A figure looked like he was in his forties. A beautiful woman aged 60 years old came over.

This is Huang Xiaowei’s daughter-in-law

"You're back! The eldest brother and Xiao Mei Zhengwei are here."

My wife came over quickly and helped Huang Xiaowei take off his outer coat. He was wearing a different set of clothes in Yazhou, and when he returned to Yanjing City, of course he was wearing a different set.

If he was wearing the same clothes, he would be wearing the same clothes when he was in Yazhou. , you will suffer from heatstroke in the winter. Of course, if you had returned to your home in Yanjing City wearing the clothes in Yazhou, you would have been frozen to death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Xiaowei nodded slightly, He took off his coat and changed his shoes. There was heating in the villa, so he didn't need to wear so many clothes.

He walked towards the house.

As soon as he glanced around, he saw his elder brother Huang Dawei, his younger sister Huang Xiaomei, and his younger brother Huang Zhengwei. Here.

Apart from the three of them, there is only one nanny left.

As for the old man, there is no old man here.........

Of course, it's not that Huang Xiaowei's parents are gone. His parents are not very old now, because his eldest brother is only about fifty years old.

And his parents are in their seventies.

Since he followed Su Can, the living conditions at home have improved, so when his parents were forty years old, they had no worries about food and clothing.

How could accidents happen due to difficulties in life?

In addition, there are conditions for this, and various medical conditions are good, so I am still very healthy now. only.

His parents did not live with them, but lived with his younger brother Huang Zhengwei's family. After all, in that era, according to the custom of the older generation, the older children got married first, and if conditions allowed, they would soon get married. The family will separate and the younger son will get married in the end.

This naturally followed my younger son.

The same is true for the Huang family, but they are different from ordinary people. The income of any of their families is not low.

The eldest brother Huang Dawei has a net worth of more than one billion, and he himself has a net worth of tens of billions. Although his younger sister does not have that much money, she has taken another path and has a high status in the district.

This condition is not bad either.........

The younger brother, Huang Zhengwei, is one of the top lawyers in the country. With the help of Huang Xiaowei's connections, he established a law firm with an annual income of at least tens of millions, and a net worth of 953, which is also several hundred million.

I miss the old man so much. We all go to my younger brother Huang Zhengwei's house, and we don't have to worry about the monthly living expenses that the old man needs.

No need for money anymore.

This contradiction of supporting the elderly has naturally disappeared.

Seeing Huang Xiaowei, Huang Dawei suddenly smiled and cursed:"Xiaowei, what's wrong? Did something important happen? We are out of town, and you asked us to go back quickly?"

"yes! Brother, what happened? Judging from your tone, it's so serious!"

The younger brother Huang Zhengwei also said.

The younger sister Huang Xiaomei said with a smile:"Second brother, what happened? Does it involve our Huang family? There's nothing you can't solve."

If her second brother Huang Xiaowei can't solve the problem, then they can't solve it together.

Because she knows that her second brother Huang Xiaowei has a net worth of tens of billions. Although this is a lot of money, it is a lot It is true that he cannot solve the problem.

However, behind her second brother Huang Xiaowei, there is a big shot.

With that person........

As long as her second brother didn't make a big mistake himself, who would dare to deal with her second brother without giving that person face?

"Sister Lin, go and rest first!"

Huang Xiaowei looked at the servant next to him and said coldly...

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