No, we can't let her stay at the Xiangjiang headquarters.

Let her go back as soon as possible.....

Xu Yan's mind was spinning and she had already thought of a way.

When this meeting is over, Xu Yan will be asked to go back to the mainland immediately, so as not to continue to stay in Xiangjiang and discover more problems. By then, she will be full-fledged.


From now on, she can successfully take over the Wanxiang Group.

Can't stay.

She thought to herself.

As the person in charge of the Vientiane Group, she is certainly qualified to let her subordinates perform their respective duties.

Not to mention.

Li Jianjia's office has always been in the mainland, not in Xiangjiang. She is the person in charge of the mainland business. Where does this identity lie?

Can she be in Xiangjiang?........

It is normal for her to go back early.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan felt less nervous inside.

"Well, since everyone is unanimous and no one raised any objections, I declare this matter passed unanimously."Xu Yan said lightly.

"The next step is for all departments to work together to start investigating Zebra Investment. I request that useful information be obtained within a month."

"Even if there is no way to destroy Zebra Investment at once, at least this information can allow us to severely damage Zebra Investment."

"alright! After finishing speaking

, Xu Yan showed her identity and said:"This meeting is over for the time being. Everyone should perform their duties.""

She bit hard on the last four words.

The meaning was obvious.

It was time for Li Jianjia to go back.

She stood up and walked out of the conference room.

The other vice presidents also left the conference room one after another. At that time,

Mr. Mu also walked out of the conference room and headed towards his office. As soon as he stepped into his office, he immediately saw a few of his cronies.

These people were all senior executives.........

At this time, they were sitting on the sofa area in the office, talking about it.

"Let me tell you, that Li Jianjia is the lover of a certain big shot."

"That is, she became the vice president of the headquarters of Wanxiang Group at such a young age. How could this be possible if there was no one behind her!"

"Behind this? Is it serious?"

"Definitely not serious"

"That's right, we have been in Wanxiang Group for more than ten years, and the slowest anyone here can rise to the middle level of Wanxiang Group is four or five years. Who can see the opportunity and become a senior executive of the company!"

"That's right, that's how did Li Jianjia reach this position in just a few years?"

"She definitely didn't rely on her strength."


"We must continue and pass on our voice. Sooner or later, when all the employees in the entire company are boiling over, Li Jianjia will be finished."

"Yes, you have to do this!"

"The people under me were talking a lot about this matter. I deliberately did not stop them, but allowed them to do so as they pleased."

"Lao Gao, you are so clever!"

"Hey hey hey!"

They all showed meaningful smiles one after another, very proud.

These people are all the people surrounding Mr. Mu, who are considered close confidants, or people on his side. He has been in Wanxiang Group for so many years. There are also many people who have been promoted.

And over the years, although some people have resigned, there are still many people around him.

These people are part of them.

Mr. Mu came in and his face changed after hearing what these people said. Gotta get serious.

These bastards.

What are you talking about?........

If he hadn't simply seen Li Jianjia's methods in the conference room just now, he might have thought the same as the people under his command.

However, when he saw Li Jianjia's methods, Mr. Mu was also afraid.

This method is too clever, and he has terrifying intelligence and high emotional intelligence. Although Li Jianjia is young, Mr. Mu dare not despise him.


The other party is also a member of the board of directors of Wanxiang Group.

Being able to become a member of the board of directors of Wanxiang Group is definitely an extraordinary status. Does such a person need to be committed to someone to get such an opportunity? joke

"What are you talking nonsense about?"

Mr. Mu's face turned livid and he said coldly.

In the conference room just now, he had already promised Li Jianjia. When the time comes, he would pick out a few scapegoats, kill them as a warning to others, and apologize to Li Jianjia.

If he doesn't do this,........

I'm afraid, this matter won't go away so easily.

"It’s Mr. Mu!"

"Mr. Mu is back!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Mu. In this meeting, Mr. Mu must have killed everyone. The new Mr. Li may be reduced to a background wall. Mr. Xu will also have to rely on Mr. Mu."

"That’s right, that’s right, who doesn’t know that we, Mu Zong, are the oldest vice presidents in Wanxiang Group!"

"How can this Li Jianjia be compared with Mr. Mu!"

"Definitely no better than our Mr. Mu"

"Even if it’s Mr. Xu, we have to show courtesy to Mr. Mu."


"Mr. Mu, come here, please sit down and I'll move a chair for you."

"Mr. Mu!"

Those words were followed by compliments.

When they complimented, they were belittling other people and using them to compliment Mr. Mu. Among the other people, the two who appeared the most were Li Jianjia and Xu Yan..These.

They usually do this.

Especially when Li Jianjia does not appear at the headquarters of the Vientiane Group, most of them talk about Xu Yan, and now there is an additional Li Jianjia.

Look at these people and listen. Thinking of these words, Mr. Mu will definitely find them very pleasant.

But at this moment,

Mr. Mu's heart is full of anger, full of anger, as if it can come at any time. He was about to explode.

At the same time, he was also a little scared........

"Damn it!"

Mr. Mu yelled loudly:"In the heart of the company, you people, those who eat the company and spend time with the company, actually slander the people in the company like this."

"You are simply committing heinous crimes."

Mr. Mu said righteously.


Those middle-level managers were all stunned.

What happened to Mr. Mu?

In the past, they knew very well that Mr. Mu indulged them like this, but today they are doing this as usual. Said, why did he get angry?

Why on earth?

They were a little confused.

"Lao Gao."

Mr. Mu looked coldly at the person who danced the most happily. His mind turned and he had already thought that this person would be the scapegoat this time.


This time, only a few ordinary employees were fired. Li Jianjia would never give up easily and would definitely look for trouble again.

Therefore, this time he has to pay a certain price, and finding someone to stand up requires some weight.

Talent calmed Li Jianjia's anger.

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