Mr. Mu thought for a moment and said,"Mr. Li, our Wanxiang Group is naturally much stronger than it was eight years ago."

Upon hearing this, the other vice presidents also followed suit and started talking......

"Three years have passed and Wanxiang Group has almost doubled in strength."

"Today’s size is definitely not comparable to what it was three years ago."

"In 2008, our Wanxiang Group was not as powerful as it is now."


"Our Wanxiang Group also grew rapidly after 2008."

They said sentence by sentence.

What is she going to do?

Xu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

She didn't believe that Li Jianjia, a twenty-four-year-old girl, could break the game. Even some old foxes might not be able to break the game!

This It was a trap she had carefully set up.

Can she break it?

Xu Yan did not speak, but looked at Li Jianjia.

Li Jianjia then opened her mouth, asked Xu Yan, and said,"I remember Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu was able to become the leader of Wanxiang Group The person in charge, it was in 2008 that he made great achievements, so he jumped up from the subordinate companies and became the person in charge of Wanxiang Group today!"


Hearing these words, Xu Yan's face changed slightly.

She seemed to have guessed something


Xu Yan nodded deeply and said:"2008 was a critical year. Before that, I had joined the project for two years. Later, in 2008, I completely completed the project."

Li Jianjia smiled slightly and said:"I still remember that at that time, Mr. Xu, you short-solded the giants at the time, the top ten top investment banks in the world, the Leiman Brothers, which caused this giant investment bank to completely collapse. , shocked the whole world and the financial circle."

When the other vice presidents heard this, their eyes lit up.

They also guessed the reason why Li Jianjia said this.

These senior vice presidents are not ordinary people.

Even if they are not as powerful as Xu Yan, they are all in the industry. , that is also a top existence, if it goes outside.


He is at the level of the person in charge of some top investment banks.

Therefore, they quickly realized what this meant.

Li Jianjia did not give them a chance to speak, and said to himself:"What I want to say is that before 2008, we dared to go to war with Brother Lei Man."

"Now, the strength of our Wanxiang Group has more than doubled! It has reached such a huge scale now"

"Don't you dare to go short against one of the top ten investment banks in Europe?"

"This is just the top ten in Europe, not the top ten in the world"

"Could it be that as we get bigger and stronger, we lose the courage and confidence to deal with the weaker Zebra Investment Bank?"

Li Jianjia looked at everyone and said coldly.

When the vice presidents heard this, they looked at each other.

When Mr. Mu heard this, he said,"Mr. Li is right. We are indeed a little cautious. As an investment company, , what is our purpose?"

"Isn't it just that you use your own conditions to devour all kinds of nutritious nutrients to increase your strength?"

"So what if Zebra Investment is strong?"

"When facing the Lei Man brothers, we dared to go up and tear apart their shields, killing this giant that is one of the top ten in the world."

"Now, it’s just a zebra investment bank"

"It's nothing."

He said coldly.......

When the other vice presidents heard this, they all looked like wolves.

In the investment banking industry.

No one is at ease.

Even at their current age, no one would hold back if they had the chance to tear off a piece of meat from another Big Mac.


The board of directors has issued an order, let’s get started

"Mr. Li is right!"

"Now we have stronger strength than before, just do it"

"That's right"

"What is the purpose of our investment bank? Is it not to continuously expand and grow in scale, shorting Zebra Investment Company and plundering wealth from them? This is the kingly way."

None of the vice presidents objected, and all of them suddenly supported it.

When Xu Yan saw it, her face changed slightly.......... damn it.

She cursed inwardly.

Li Jianjia actually broke the situation. The situation she set up for Li Jianjia was completely broken. Her conspiracy did not succeed completely.

Li Jianjia really broke through. and.

She didn't completely offend those vice presidents.

Because, if these vice presidents feel dissatisfied because of what Li Jianjia said, blame Li Jianjia, and become enemies with Li Jianjia.

Doesn't that mean.

Are these people denying everything they have done in the past three years?

Deny your own achievements?

How can it be........

They would not do this. Li Jianjia said those words to their hearts, even if the achievements they made were not that great.

However, just relying on what Li Jianjia said, they all have to support it!

"Sophisticated, so sophisticated."

Xu Yan was shocked in her heart.

Li Jianjia is young, even younger than Su Zeming, only about 24 years old. She is actually dealing with such intrigues in the workplace, so powerful.

Moreover, this is a layer-by-layer big... The net shrouded it.

However, Li Jianjia opened it layer by layer, and actually did not hurt the things under the net. This ability was shocking.

Xu Yan felt the pressure.

"She is not simple, and her methods are amazing. If I continue to regard Li Jianjia as a simple person, I will lose to Li Jianjia sooner or later."

Xu Yan secretly thought in her heart.

From this moment on, she stopped despising Li Jianjia. For her, she was a little too much just now.


After Li Jianjia came to Xiangjiang, she began to support her all the way. She didn't think that the young Li Jianjia had such abilities.

She dug several holes in a row, trying to set up Li Jianjia.

Li Jianjia jumped over. and.

Perfectly solved these

"Can't stay, this person can't stay in Xiangjiang."Xu Yan sensed the crisis. She thought she could use Li Jianjia to attack Su Zeming's lineage. She made a great contribution to Zhang Man.

But now it seems that every time she attacked Li Jianjia, she was doing it for Li Jianjia. Establish prestige, an opportunity to establish prestige.

This is not a blow!

This is simply giving away points!

She is assisting!

"How could someone who could be chosen by Mr. Su to become his daughter-in-law be a simple person! I was still too careless!"

Xu Yan shook her head, with a bitter smile in her heart.........

What kind of person is that person?

Could she not know.

She actually forgot this, she had not lost unfairly these two times.

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