"Mr. Mu!"

Lao Gao looked at Mr. Mu charmingly, bowed slightly and said

"Get ready! You will be processed and expelled from the company."Mr. Mu said in a deep voice.


Lao Gao was dumbfounded.


What did he hear?

He was fired?

How is this possible?

"Mr. Mu, are you kidding me?"

Lao Gao looked at Mr. Mu's face and found that it didn't look like he was joking. He asked cautiously.

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Mr. Mu said coldly.

When the others heard this, they were all dumbfounded and looked at Mr. Mu with wide eyes. There was still a look of disbelief in their eyes.


Lao Gao is Mr. Mu's confidant. Ah! I was actually fired.......


Lao Gao shouted loudly

"Everyone else get out!"

Mr. Mu said coldly.

"It’s Mr. Mu!"


When the others heard this, they immediately prepared to leave. This old Gao was expelled. I don't know why, but a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. They have to do this kind of thing.

Otherwise, they will also be implicated.


Suddenly, Mr. Mu said coldly.


"Mr. Mu, do you have any other orders?"

"Mr. Mu!"

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Please also ask Mr. Mu to give you orders, and we will definitely comply with them."

Suddenly hearing Mr. Mu's words, they immediately stopped like a car and turned around to look at Mr. Mu, with puzzled looks on their faces.........

It was you who made us leave, and it was you who made us stand?

What else is going on?

"Remember, after you go out, you should take good care of the people under your command. If anyone continues to arrange Mr. Li's affairs out of ignorance, I will only ask you."

Mr. Mu said coldly.

Mr. Li?


A group of them were confused.

Someone asked cautiously:"Mr. Mu, is that Mr. Li, is that Mr. Li?"

At this moment, they actually had some answers in their hearts, but they couldn't believe it. It seemed that President Mu was very dissatisfied with Li Jianjia's promotion.

And now, he actually spoke to Li Jianjia.


It’s a bit incredible!

"In addition to Mr. Li who has just become the vice president of Wanxiang Group, is there any other Mr. Li in our Wanxiang Group?"

Mr. Mu said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's jaw dropped.

They were all crazy.

They looked at Mr. Mu.

They couldn't believe it. Is this a dream?

This made them feel like, The illusory feeling, is it because I didn’t wake up from sleep?

"Everyone, get out!"

Mr. Mu waved his hand, not paying attention to the people under his hands, and then drove them away.


Some people reacted and walked out blankly. Even the trash can at the door was knocked over. They were a little unable to react because the news announced by Mr. Mu just now shocked them. They didn't even dare to think that this was Really.

How is this possible?


Those words just now are fresh in my ears.

After everyone left, the office door closed.

Lao Gao gritted his teeth, looked straight at Mr. Mu, and said:"Mr. Mu, you are afraid of offending that Li Jianjia, so you want to pull me out and use me as a scapegoat."

"You are not stupid! Mr.

Mu nodded and said:"As for the scapegoat, it's a bit serious. It should mean handing you over and giving Mr. Li an explanation.""

"You are so cruel!"

Lao Gao understood everything, looked at Mr. Mu bitterly, and said coldly:"Why me!"

"You dance the most"

"Wasn't that something you deliberately indulged in? What would we be like if it weren't for you?"

"indulgence? I've never done that before, don't talk nonsense!"

"It's ridiculous that you don't have one. Do you really think that as long as you don't admit the things you do, there won't be any problems?"

"It's you who dances, not me!"

"What a way to remove the mill and kill the donkey, what a way to hide the bird and hide it, and the wood rises to the sky. I really misjudged the wrong person, and I actually followed you to do things."

Mu Tiansheng.......

This is Mr. Mu’s name.

Mr. Mu said calmly:"You read that right, you followed me and you are what you are today. If you didn't follow me, you wouldn't even have one-tenth of what you are today."

Lao Gao laughed and said:"What a ten No one, but why do you fire me? According to the company’s rules, at the middle level and above, at the vice president level, two people need to agree before I can be fired."

"Lao Gao! Accept your fate!"

Mr. Mu said lightly.

"I'm not convinced!"

Lao Gao said coldly.

"Not convinced? Mr.

Mu squinted his eyes, looked at Lao Gao, and said,"Since you took this position, how many times have you used your position to seek personal gain with your power?" You think I don't know?"

"If I hadn't suppressed you, you would have been finished long ago."


" Lao Gao's heart suddenly tightened. He looked at Mr. Mu and said,"I don't understand what you are saying.""

Mr. Mu calmly uttered four words and said:"Yali Group!"

Lao Gao's face changed, and he instantly became extremely pale.........

Mr. Mu said calmly:"I advise you not to struggle fearlessly. If you are fired now, you may lose your reputation in the industry."

"However, how much money you have earned during your years at Wanxiang Group is enough for you, and even your children, to have financial freedom for two generations."

"not to mention.

He said coldly:"Although there seems to be no problem with the things you do at Yali Group, they are also normal suppliers.""

"However, your identity does not meet this condition, and the company has strict regulations. What you do is illegal."

"If I want to send you in, let alone your whole life, but with such a huge amount, it is normal for you to stay there for ten or eight years."


Mr. Mu's voice was light and ruthless:"Keep some dignity! This is better for you, lest you make so much money and spit it all out"

"When the time comes, you will have to go to jail and your property will be confiscated."

"After you come out, what else do you have?"

These threatening words sounded from Mu Tiansheng's mouth.

Every time these words were heard,

Lao Gao's face became paler.

In the end, the whole old face seemed to have lost blood and became pale. Bloodless, he stood there in a daze, becoming a little at a loss.

Mu Tiansheng looked at Lao Gao, and curled his lips slightly.

He had expected such a day.

The people under his hands..

As long as he makes a mistake, he will have black information about those people, and this black information is the reason why he can control these people in the end.


It looks like nothing.

But, who knows!

"Wood ascends!"

Lao Gao's eyes gradually regained some expression, looked at Mr. Mu, and said coldly:"Many people in Wanxiang Group underestimate you!"

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