Twenty minutes later.

Wu Ying was brought out.......

At the same time, the entire Crystal Palace was surrounded.

In a private room

"uncle. Gao

Sen picked up the wine glass and looked at a middle-aged man. This man was his uncle Zhang Xiaogang, who was also responsible for identifying the seriously injured Ding Qiang who was unharmed.

"Thank you for doing me this big favor. I’ll give you a toast. Gao

Sen toasted

"Ha ha! Zhang

Xiaogang smiled and said:"It's just a trivial matter. This kind of thing would be a little difficult for the other families who make a living in the county. But for a small rural family, it would not be difficult at all.""

When he said this, he seemed to be superior and not at all difficult. This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. In any family with some status in the county, if there are young people in the family who have conflicts with others, , if the other party is an ordinary person, they will ask Zhang Xiaogang for help when assessing the injury. He is too familiar with this kind of thing.


As long as Chunqiu's brushwork is used, a serious injury can be turned into a minor injury, so he really doesn't think anything about this kind of thing.

"Ha ha!"

Ding Qiang said with a smile:"A poor family in the countryside dares to rob a woman from his cousin. They really don't know the heights of the world. This time, their family suffered misery."

Gao Sen smiled proudly.

He believed that after this incident, Wu Shen would have no chance to be with Qian Juan. Even if Qian Juan had feelings for him, so what? How could Qian Juan's parents let their daughter dance ? Into a pit of fire!


Qian Juan's parents are very fond of him. As long as he behaves better, sooner or later he will marry that Qian Juan.

When the time comes, he must humiliate her Wu Shen


Suddenly, the door to their private room was kicked open.........


Gao Sen was furious.

"What do you do?"

Ding Qiang also shouted loudly.

They were startled. While they were eating, someone suddenly violently broke open the door to the private room. What on earth was going on?

Then, they saw a group of official personnel in uniforms coming in. , and then there is another person they are very familiar with.

"Wu Shen?

Gao Sen said angrily:"What are you doing Wu Shen?""

Ding Qiang was also furious.

Only Zhang Xiaogang showed something wrong in his eyes. He was a little confused because there was another person next to Wu Shen.

That was one of the top people in the county.

He was also responsible for public security. Man.


Why is he next to that country boy?

"Wu Shen, is it them?"

Lan Hu looked at Wu Shen and asked.

He didn't face the criminal suspects like that, but his voice was a little soft. You must know that Wu Shen is a pleasant person to his immediate boss.

Although I don't know, this looks like, What kind of status does a country boy have, but he can be treated like this by his boss. He is definitely not an ordinary person.........

"Mr. Lan is them, the younger one is Ding Qiang, the older one is Gao Sen, and the middle-aged man is their uncle, Zhang Xiaogang, the vice president of the hospital."

Wu Shen not only recognized Gao Sen and Ding Qiang, but also recognized Zhang Xiaogang.

"Okay, they're all here."

Blue Lake nodded.

"Mr. Lan, is there any misunderstanding? Mr. Ye and I are classmates. We met last time when Mr. Ye’s son got married."

Zhang Xiaogang felt something was wrong, and quickly moved out of his relationship.

Being able to become the deputy director of the county hospital, he is naturally not without connections. He is a classmate of a person in the county whose status is similar to that of Blue Lake.

He wants to take advantage of this A layer of identity to avoid this disaster

"snort! Lan

Hu snorted coldly and said:"Zhang Xiaogang, what you did is simply extremely vicious. You actually dared to modify the injury assessment on some innocent people.""

"This time, if something happens to you, all of you will come back with me. You will not be able to accept the investigation. Even if you have a huge background, you will not be able to escape."

Blue Lake doesn't give Zhang Xiaogang any face.

Just kidding.......

Zhang Xiaogang's classmates are just at the same level as him, so they don't count.

My ranking is just one place lower than that one. but.

They are all on the same level.

As for what happened this time, Mr. Lin, the person in charge of the county, personally ordered it, and no matter how strong the resistance behind the matter was, it would be dealt with to the end.

How big can Mr. Ye’s face be? this moment.

No face can be given at all, and Blue Lake was very direct and did not reveal more information to avoid this matter. There was no room for maneuver.

He was worried that if he did this, it would be half-hearted. At that time, it would be Mr. Lin who would be offended! his status........

Much worse than Mr. Lin.


Mr. Lin is less than forty years old now, but he has reached his current status and has a bright future, and he is already fifty years old.

In such a small place, his status is not low.

However, it is almost impossible to go further.

But if he has a good relationship with Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin gets promoted in the future, he might be able to use Mr. Lin's relationship to help his son develop better.

Which one is more important, how could Blue Lake not know?

"Mr. Blue."

Zhang Xiaogang's face changed greatly, and he was a little confused. Everyone is a well-known person in the county. Besides, Mr. Ye is on the same level as Blue Lake.

Why doesn't he give him any face?

You know........

Apart from this relationship, in fact, marriages and other things between the major families in the county are very normal things.

Maybe, in the Lan family, there is someone who is not out of the fifth server and will marry him in Blue Lake!

For example!

His classmate Mr. Ye is also related to the Lan family. The daughter of his sister's sister-in-law's second aunt is Mr. Ye's wife.

On the Blue Lake side, if you count, they are also related.

Now, this Blue Lake doesn’t give any face at all?

What happened?

"Wu Shen, what tricks did you do to trick Mr. Lan into coming here?"

Gao Sen saw that it was useless even if his uncle moved out of the relationship. He was shocked and angry. He looked at Wu Shen and couldn't help but cursed:"No matter what despicable means you use, Mr. Lan will definitely see clearly. It's useless.."

Wu Shen looked at Gao Sen indifferently, as if he were looking at a dead person, and didn't bother to speak.

As early as just now, he could see that the Mr. Lan and Mr. Lin he looked up to on weekdays were not as good as Mr. Su, who was considered his equal. In front of them, they were like little minions.

But Gao Sen and others........

He is even more of a minion among the minions.

"Don't say so much, take everyone away."

Lan Hu waved his hand, and the people under his hands immediately stood up and handcuffed Zhang Xiaogang, Gao Sen, and Ding one by one.

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