The next day, Star City Airport.

Su Can's motorcade slowly stopped in front of his private plane.


The car door opens........

Su Can walked out of the car, and then Wu Changguo also walked out on crutches. Su Can supported Wu Changguo, and in addition, Wu Shen was beside him.

That's right.

Yesterday, the frame-up of Wu Ying was completely resolved. There was no big power or background behind Gao Sen, Ding Qiang and Zhang Xiaogang.

With Su Can's intervention, Guo Xie ordered Lin Yalong to complete this matter at all costs, which was not an easy matter.

Therefore, in addition to the few people in Gao Sen who were captured that day, those in their direct lineage who served in the county were all controlled.


Just to investigate their crimes.

Under Lin Yalong's personal attention, they were unable to turn around. Finally, it was time to see how far their crimes could land them in jail.

However, Lin Yalong estimated that he would definitely not make it easy for them. There was no strictest, only stricter.

They must pay a huge price.

And after this matter is resolved........

Su Can and Wu Changguo asked if the old man could go to Yanjing City with them if the old man wanted to see him. What Su Can didn't expect was that Wu Changguo agreed that day and would leave the next day.

Because his grandson is fine, his worries are gone and there is nothing to worry about.


Instead, he missed his former boss, that good friend, the old man of the Su family, so he decided to go to Yanjing City immediately the next day.

However, he did not take everyone in the Wu family with him.

Even though Su Can sent out an invitation, Wu Changguo was very stubborn and couldn't let everyone go. Instead, he chose Wu Shen to go to Yanjing City with him.

Because the other three grandchildren are now at school age. If they go, they will definitely have to take several days off.

As for the two sons and daughter-in-law, Wu Changguo felt that it was spring plowing time at home and they were all busy as a common man.

No matter how rich you are.

The fields at home cannot be left uncultivated..........

He was a man who had experienced countless famines and had extremely conservative views, so his two sons and daughter-in-law stayed behind.

However, Su Can could tell that Wu Tiese and Wu Tiezhu were fine. Maybe they had been taught harshly by Wu Changguo since they were young, and they didn't dare to refute from the bottom of their hearts.

Their wives, on the other hand, showed a hint of disappointment.

This is to Yanjing City!

How many people have never had the opportunity to go to Yanjing City in this life, but this time, they have such an opportunity, but they can't go.

Of course they were disappointed, but they didn't dare to bring it up.

Su Can was helpless when he saw it.

But it's okay.

After Wu Changguo meets his grandfather, his grandfather will definitely ask him to help the Wu family, even if they have no ability in this life.

Su Can can also make them become like those middle-class families in Star City in Hunan Province, who will not be too poor at all.

When it comes to this family situation........

I really don’t lack money to travel to Yanjing City. and.

Su Can may not be able to persuade the older generation of people who love the fields. For them, they are people who have come out of the old society.

They know how rare and precious it is to have their own land.


More than 90% of the people do not have their own land. They are tenants of the landlords and rent their land for farming.

After paying the rent to the landlord, what was left was not enough to feed a family of four.

In addition to Wu Shen, there is of course Su Can's security team. Next to those security teams, there are several people wearing white coats and carrying some boxes in their hands.

These are the doctors of Xiangya.

Su Can was worried that Wu Changguo was too old and had to fly for several hours. He was afraid that something would go wrong because of this, so he asked several top doctors to follow him.

For Su Can.......

There is no shortage of money.

Of course, he invited doctors who were on vacation, not those on duty. In Su Can's previous life, because the Su family perished, he became an ordinary person.

Even if he later had a net worth of over 100 million.


With such a small amount of money, he doesn't have many connections in some of the top hospitals in the country, and he has to queue up to register.

He knows it very well.

For those who are sick, it may take weeks, a month, or even months to get a call from a specialist.

He was a person from that time, how could he use his current position and power to do these things that he hated so much!

Therefore, he only invited doctors who were on vacation.

They take turns and are on vacation........

Su Can invited them and gave them generous rewards. Naturally, it was not difficult to

"private plane?"

Wu Shen was shocked when he saw the plane in front of him and quickly exclaimed.


This is actually a private plane.

Even though he has never flown by plane, he has always taken trains when he went to work in other provinces, but he has never eaten pork. , haven’t you seen pigs running?

There are many reports on airplanes and private jets on TV and on the Internet.


The plane in front of you is a private jet!


"Is Mr. Su actually so rich?"

Wu Shen was shocked.

He originally thought that Su Can was so powerful. With just one phone call, he could wipe out the Gao family, the Ding family, and the Zhang family in one day.

But what he didn't expect was that Su

Can was so powerful.

We have private jets.........

No wonder, such a thing can be accomplished with just one phone call.

Several doctors from Xiangya nearby were also shocked. this?

This employer is actually so rich. Is he a regular on the Forbes rich list? But when they looked at Su Can, they had no idea that there was such a rich man!

To them.

Although their status is much better than that of ordinary people and they often fly, most of the time, they fly in economy class!

Only those top doctors who can be called bosses by graduate students have first-class access.

These people.

In this life, I have only flown in first class a few times.

They didn't expect it.

What I thought was a simple hire turned out to be a king bomb at the beginning, and now I'm on a private jet!

It's not like a private helicopter.

They are real private jets, with the lowest value, and are worth hundreds of millions. This person is definitely one of the top tycoons.

They felt surprised........

However, they didn't know Su Can at all. A few curiously took out their mobile phones to check the encyclopedia, but they had no choice but to find the person who matched Su Can on the Internet.

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