Lin Yalong was shocked in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

"Play it to him."

Su Can said lightly.


Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

He took out his mobile phone and started playing the recording he had recorded.

Although Lin Yalong didn't know what it meant, he was not in a hurry, and he was even more sure in his heart that the person whom Mr. Zhong called his third brother , status and status are definitely extraordinary.

He can see that this Mr. Zhong looks exactly like Mr. Su’s subordinate..........

At this time, the words of Gao Sen, Ding Qiang and Wu Shen were slowly played from Zhong Mingqiang's mobile phone.

Lin Yalong frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know what happened, the things played on the phone seemed like someone had set up a trap to frame a high school student! this?

Thinking of this, Lin Yalong's face became slightly angry.

Even if you don’t know who the other person is.

However, it is undoubtedly a very dirty thing to set up a trap against a high school student who has not yet entered society and is like a blank piece of paper.

Is it related to this matter?

Lin Yalong thought to himself.

Soon, this recording will end

"Mr. Zhong, what is this? Lin

Yalong asked curiously.

Zhong Mingqiang smiled and said,"Wu Shen, tell me what happened. You are one of them. Tell it to Mr. Lin.""

If Zhong Mingqiang calls Lin Yalong, it would naturally be Xiao Lin. However, Zhong Mingqiang is giving Wu Shen an opportunity to get to know Lin Yalong.

Lin Yalong is the person in charge of their county. After getting to know each other, if the Wu family wants to do something in the county, There will be people to help with some things.

Of course.........

It is also very possible that after Wu Changguo followed his third brother to Yanjing City, with the help of the Su family old man, the whole family moved to Yanjing City to make a living.

It is impossible for ordinary people to go there with a family of nearly ten people.

But for the third brother. too easy.

Just give them some business and help them, no matter how far they can go, but buying a house in Yanjing City in three to five years is not a problem.

"Mr. Zhong, I understand."

Wu Shen wanted to refuse, but when he saw Zhong Mingqiang's determined look, he immediately said,"Mr. Lin, this is what happened."

He spoke eloquently, telling what happened between him, Qian Juan and Gao Sen. Then Gao Sen actually set up a trap to get Qian Juan and tricked Wu Ying.

So that the Wu family would not have money to compensate. , there was no money to pay the bride price.

He told what happened, and Lin Yalong’s face became extremely gloomy.


When Lin Yalong heard this, his face became furious, and he said angrily:"How dare you act so wantonly and bully ordinary people because of your family's power?"

"The Gao family, the Ding family, and the vice president of the hospital all deserve death."

He was extremely angry.

This was not just a matter of justice.

More importantly,.........

He could tell that Zhong Mingqiang wanted to stand up for the Wu family, although he didn't know how the Wu family did it, allowing a high-ranking person like Zhong Mingqiang to stand up for them.

But there is no doubt about it.

Under Lin Yalong's rule, something like this actually happened, which undoubtedly caused him to lose face in front of Mr. Zhong and the others.

That can be considered his responsibility! damn it.

The Gao family was not only cheating the Wu family, they were also cheating him! just in case.

If Mr. Zhong and the third brother he respects feel that this is the result of his poor governance, and that this is all his fault.

So, this is undoubtedly a disaster for him.

His future was even ruined because of this.

To know.

His family background is very ordinary, but because he worked as a secretary for Mr. Guo and has some skills, he was supported by Mr. Guo.

With his current age of nearly forty, he has reached the point of being responsible for a whole place. Such a future may not be available to even those big families in the provincial capital.

As long as he can maintain it, let alone go further.

Or, it’s not impossible to take two more steps. even........

Maybe before retiring, I can dream of reaching a position slightly lower than Mr. Guo, even at that position.

That is also very high.

If you put it in the city, they are all extremely large families. Even in the provincial capital, even if they cannot compare with the top ten families, they can still reach more than 20 places.

However, these statuses and future prospects may have made Mr. Zhong and the third brother unhappy because of today's incident, and they even made nothing. this moment.

Lin Yalong wants to kill Gao Sen, Ding Qiang and others

"Mr. Zhong, please rest assured. I will handle this matter immediately and have Wu Ying released."Lin Yalong has a good memory. He has memorized the person from the Wu family that Wu Shen mentioned just now.

Of course.

It also depends on where.

There is Mr. Zhong here and the people behind him. If they are in the county, some At the banquet, he would not write down the names of several people in one night.

Unless these people had a very special status

"Thank you Mr. Lin."

After hearing Lin Yalong's words, Wu Tieshi and others immediately stood up and thanked.

Wu Changguo also thanked:"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

"Old man, this is unbearable, unbearable."

How dare Lin Yalong ask Wu Changguo to thank him!

He had already seen that the third brother, whom even Zhong Mingqiang respected, respected him very much, no matter how he dressed or his skin color, it seemed , Wu Changguo is just like an ordinary old farmer in the county.

Even the third brother is so respectful to him.

How dare he.........

Su Can looked at Lin Yalong, this guy had a sharp eye.

As for what happened in this county, Su Can didn't think it was Lin Yalong's fault. Su Can became an ordinary person after the Su family perished in his previous life.

He visited many of those little places.

In a small place, don't underestimate some small families. These small families have been in this county for generations, and there are various marriages and intermarriages within the families.

That relationship has long spread throughout the county.

Although these people do not have high positions and powerful positions.


They can easily handle matters in some departments. In addition, there are many marriages in their families, so it is actually very difficult to clean up.

"Mr. Wu, I am not strict about this matter. I will call immediately and ask someone to release Wu Ying and bring him here. When Wu Ying is brought back, I will deal with those people."

Lin Yalong took a deep breath, immediately took out his cell phone, called his right-hand man, and immediately asked him to go to the detention center and release Wu Ying.

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