Su Can looked at Yang Yan's appearance, and his heart beat slightly faster. no way........

Even though Su Can is an old man, when he meets such a peerless beauty and is so young, who wouldn't be hit by youth?

Su Can smiled helplessly

"You're just a little inexperienced, that's fine."

Su Can didn't blame Yang Yan.

Seeing Su Can's appearance, Yang Yan breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile:"I'm so smart! The alarm number has been pressed on the mobile phone. If there is any problem, call the police directly."


Su Can paused slightly when he heard Yang Yan's words. He looked at Yang Yan. He didn't expect that Yang Yan, who looked innocent and harmless to humans and animals, would actually have such a small thought.

This was a bit of a surprise.

"Not bad."

Su Can smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing Su Can and Yang Yan like this, Xian Dagui became even more jealous, but now, he was stepped on by Zhong Mingqiang and did not dare to explode.

He already understood.

The person who stepped on him , is a ruthless person.

If he dares to speak, he is guaranteed to be beaten violently again.

Now, he will endure it and wait until the official people come and he is rescued, then use his power in Star City to solve this matter.

To Know.........

He was in charge of advertising and investment promotion at Star City's TV station. He was a big fat guy, and he was often contacted by CEOs or senior leaders of major companies.

This person has great connections.

He didn't believe that these people from Yanjing City could defeat his local snakes.

That Duan subsidiary, no matter how powerful it is, is still not a unicorn company. It is not listed on the market and has a market value of less than 10 billion.

Like this level.

He usually calls the bosses of these companies close friends.

Where can I see it?

As long as he wants to take revenge when the time comes, he has plenty of connections.

Thinking of this, his eyes were full of resentment

"Ming Qiang."

Su Can didn't look at Xian Dagui. To him, such little people are really not worth mentioning. These people are just relying on the power of their platform to bully some people who happen to need their help.

"Third brother."

When Zhong Mingqiang heard Su Can's words, he bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Su Can said lightly:"Check, are there any of our people here in Hunan Province in charge of the TV station? If so, call and ask. If there are such scum in this TV station in Star City, let them deal with it."

"This kind of person must have done this more than the first time. Maybe he has used the power in his hands to take countless things that he should not have taken."

"These things are enough to put him in jail for a lifetime."

Although Su Can's voice was calm, it contained murderous intent.

He knew.........

A villain like Xian Dagui must have long been thinking about revenge on him and Yang Yan, but Su Can didn't care.


Yang Yan is different.

It is her mission to come here to cooperate with the TV station, and where is Su Can!

It’s just one night here in Star City.

By the next morning, he was going to find the old man's old subordinate, and he had no time to stay here if he didn't solve the matter.

It would be difficult for Yang Yan to move even in Star City. so.

Su Can must deal with this Xian Dagui ruthlessly and express his attitude. When the time comes, Yang Yan's affairs will naturally be known to the top people in southern Hunan.

Naturally, someone would say hello or meet Yang Yan in person. Yang Yan's matter was just done casually.

Another reason.

Su Can couldn't help but see a despicable person like Xian Dagui. How could Su Can endure and let such a person continue to do evil?

It’s a good thing we didn’t meet Su Can.


He has to take care of it.........

"Ha ha!"

Xian Dagui heard Su Can's words and couldn't bear it anymore. He laughed directly and said,"Who do you think you are? The top ten people in Shonan?"

"One sentence can determine my life or death. It's really funny."

"Let me see how you can get rid of me."

He doesn't believe it.

You know, if he can do this, there are people behind him, and his status is not low. In the TV station, he is also a top figure.

And such a person, there are people behind him.

A few outsiders, really He thought that he was descended from the emperor and was an imperial envoy. It was really a joke. He had watched too much TV!

He couldn't help but laugh.

Xian Dagui wanted to see how these outsiders would deal with him?

Zhong Mingqiang said calmly He glanced at Xian Dagui and ignored him. As for Su Can, facing such a person, Su Can didn't even bother to take another look at him.

Looking at him again would be regarded as a sign of good deeds from his ancestors..........

Seeing Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang's disregard, Xian Daguiqi's heart burned, but he didn't dare to yell out loud, Zhong Mingqiang really knew how to beat him.

When the official people come, I will definitely find all kinds of connections to make your life worse than death.

He said bitterly in his heart.

Zhong Mingqiang thought for a moment and said,"Third brother, give me a minute. I'm old and can't remember. I'll check the information on my phone."

Su Can nodded.

Zhong Mingqiang took out his mobile phone and checked it immediately. to him.

Zhong Mingqiang has long memorized those who are related to the Su family and have reached a certain status in their work across the country.

He checked the ones in Hunan Province.

Found it right away

"Third brother, I found out. There are exactly two people here, but one of them happens to be the head of the department who has close ties with the TV station."

Zhong Mingqiang took a look and immediately saw one of them.


Su Can asked

"Guo Xie. Zhong

Mingqiang said:"He is not from a big family in Yanjing City. He is a native of Hunan Province. However, his family has a lot of connections with Wang Er's family, so he can be considered a member of our side.""

"Wang Er has told me several times in private that he is young and promising. He is only fifty-three years old now, and he still has the opportunity to make further progress in the future."

Zhong Mingqiang quickly remembered and said.

Guo Xie.........

It happens to be the department that manages the TV station.

"Guo Xie."

Xian Dagui thought to himself, and suddenly felt that this name seemed a bit familiar! It seemed that he had heard this name somewhere!


Where is it!

Wait a minute.

That person is not the boss of all TV stations.

In Hunan Province. That is also among the top ten.

How is it possible?

How could they know Mr. Guo?

Xian Dagui's pupils widened, and he was horrified. He felt that this was impossible. He even felt that this was Su Can and others pretended to be powerful, and he quickly shouted:"Impossible, how can you know Mr. Guo, no, this is impossible."

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