Xian Dagui was frightened.

If it were anyone else, he really wouldn't be afraid.

However, that was Mr. Guo, who was specifically responsible for managing them.

Don't say it's him.........

Even the person behind him does not have a high status as Mr. Guo, and it is said that Mr. Guo has a very good relationship with a top family in Yanjing City.

If these people really know Mr. Guo.


He's finished.

Xian Dagui turned pale and struggled to shout:"Who is Mr. Guo? You people are worthy enough to know Mr. Guo and call Mr. Guo?"

"You are bluffing me, it’s all lies"

"Yes, they are all fake."

Xian Dagui couldn't believe it.

At the same time, he held a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that people like Su Can were bluffing him. This was not true.

If it was true, how could they have come here if they had so much energy? In this Star City, instead of looking for Mr. Guo, a few people came here to have supper.

This is impossible.

This is the trace of disappointment that Xian Dagui holds in his heart.


When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he glanced at Xian Dagui indifferently. How could a person like Xian Dagui know that there is a sky outside the sky and someone outside the world?

"Contact Guo Xie, but don’t mention my existence, lest the news about me leaks out and there is some whitewashing of the things to be done tomorrow."

Su Can said in a faint voice.

"Third brother, I understand."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Of course he understood what the third brother meant.

In Hunan Province.

Although not many people know the identity of the third brother, those at the top naturally know it. If Guo Xie knows, People with his status have come here in person.

So, what happened?

How come there is no reaction from others!

By then, if Su Can meets Guo Xie, others will know about it soon. , which means that Su Can's identity has been exposed.

Now, throughout China, Su Can's identity is not a secret among some high-status people.

Even some people don't know..........

However, after some people mentioned it, I vaguely knew something about Su Can.

Don’t say anything else.

Just the fact that Su Can deliberately revealed his status as the major shareholder of Wanxiang Group was enough to shock countless people. this status.

According to the current market value of Wanxiang Group, it has a net worth of 200 billion.

Not to mention the Big Mac level who has a net worth of 200 billion in the past 11 years. Wherever he goes, he is always a guest, the God of Wealth.

Even ten years later.

With such a level of wealth, he is also a Big Mac. Wherever he goes, he is always a guest!

To know.

The size of the company that can reach this level of net worth is at least 500 to 600 billion. This level is more than just a Big Mac!

Not to mention, some high-status people also knew that Su Can was born in the Su family in Yanjing City.

Just that.

It's no less than Su Can's net worth.

Zhong Mingqiang knew Su Can and what Su Can meant. He was going to find an old man named Wu Changguo tomorrow. This time he came in secret.

If it gets too big.

Then, it deviates from the original intention of the third brother..........

"Third brother, please don’t worry, I will tell Mr. Guo."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Tell him that when I am free, I will meet with him in private."Su Can thought for a moment. Since Guo Xie was asked to do the work, it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet him. Besides, this

Guo Xie is not an outsider.

If this person can do it, Su Can won't mind and support him.

After all, Reaching Guo Xie's status is enough proof that such a person has enough skills and intelligence. Otherwise, no matter how big his background is, it will be difficult to achieve this step.

This is a hurdle.

Unless it is to provide a retirement pension. position, and it is obvious that Guo Xie is not this age. He is only in his early fifties.

There are still many opportunities

"It's the third brother."

Zhong Mingqiang received Su Can's instructions. He already had a hunch that if the third brother's words were told, Guo Xie would be extremely happy.

You know, those who have reached Guo Xie's level, there are still many people in the Su family's lineage. There are so many.

I don’t know how many people wanted to ask to see the third brother, but they didn’t get that permission.


Guo Xie unexpectedly got such an opportunity. Telling this made countless people feel extremely envious, wishing that this person was him!

Seeing the understatement of Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang, Xian Dagui panicked. this?

This sounds so similar, as if Mr. Guo is inferior in front of them, his status is lower than them.

How can this be.

Even the top and second-ranked people in Shonan must be polite and courteous when facing Mr. Guo, but these two people are extremely polite.

This spectrum seems to be bigger than those top figures.

These two people can’t be real!

Xian Dagui's heart was pounding.

He stared at Zhong Mingqiang with wide eyes.

But I saw Zhong Mingqiang taking out a mobile phone. This is the latest model of Xiaomi's mobile phone. It seems that it has just been launched, and it is scheduled for July!

How come he has this?

Xian Dagui was a little surprised.

Nowadays, this little mobile phone company holds a new phone launch conference every year, but it usually takes a few months for it to go on sale!

Unless you are a senior executive of Xiaomi Mobile Phone, if not, you won’t be able to get it at all........

You know, this Xiaomi mobile phone is said to be an industry owned by Huatong Patent Company, the world's number one communications giant, and its background is very huge.

Many people, if they want to suppress them, dare not move.

Because the background of Huatong Patent Company is huge.

This phone.

Even if there is no one behind him, how can this person exist?

Of course Xian Dagui didn't know.

Not to mention that this Xiaomi mobile phone is a mobile phone that ordinary people can see only after the Xiaomi mobile phone conference. Even before the conference, as long as the latest model of Xiaomi mobile phone appears.

They will give a few mobile phones to Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang.

This is what Yang Daqian said.

That's right!

Not only did he send it to Su Can, he also specially gave one to Zhong Mingqiang, and this one was for several of the latest mobile phones.

Because although Yang Daqian's current status is high and his personal wealth has reached tens of billions, in Xiangjiang, he is only below the five major families in Xiangjiang and Xu Zhengmao.

However, facing Zhong Mingqiang, he did not dare to be too arrogant. he knows.........

Before he followed Su Can, Zhong Mingqiang had already followed.

Moreover, if you think about it, if Zhong Mingqiang was put in the past, he would be the famous person next to the emperor, just like the ancient eunuchs with palm prints.

That kind of people.

Although the strength he controls is not as good as his own, he is in the heart of the emperor. Sometimes, just one word can cause people like them, who have huge strength, to suffer big losses.

How dare he be arrogant in front of Zhong Mingqiang.

Therefore, if there was anything good but not valuable, he would give it to Zhong Mingqiang.

Those that are valuable.

Naturally, he didn't dare to give it away. If he did, if Su Can found out, he would be dead.

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