Zhong Mingqiang grabbed Mr. Xian again, raised his foot, and kicked him hard in the stomach. In one fell swoop, Mr. Xian was kicked away.


He fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

Su Can also walked in at this time.

"Mr. Su."

Yang Yan saw Su Can walking in. There was excitement in her beautiful big eyes, and she couldn't help shouting excitedly.

He's here.

Sure enough, he's here too.

Yang Yan's heart was pounding. Beating, looking at Su Can, his eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

"Yang Yan, long time no see."

Su Can nodded slightly. Looking at Yang Yan's expression, Su Can had no choice but to smile.

This girl is several years younger than her daughter Nian'er Duoer, but she is so crazy about herself and likes her. Su Can I just feel uncomfortable with the beauty's kindness.

Otherwise, I would accept it. How embarrassing it would be!

After hearing Su Can's words, Yang Yan came back to her senses, looked at Su Can, and said excitedly:"Mr. Su, thank you, you saved me again." Got me"

"I. She paused, then blushed and said,"I really don't know, you have saved me several times, how can I repay you!""

Why don't you pledge yourself to me?".........

This sentence was stuck in Yang Yan's throat and she didn't dare to say it.

However, this sentence was from her heart.

How wonderful it would be to be able to repay Mr. Su with my own life!


During these days and nights, all the charming things I have dreamed about Mr. Yusu will become reality. How wonderful that would be!

Ahhhh! Yang Yan.

Yang Yan was frightened by her own thoughts and became extremely shy. She thought to herself: How can you think of such shameless things?

Although, this is something you dream about.

Su Can looked at Yang Yan's increasingly rosy pretty face, and could not have imagined that in this short moment, so many thoughts were going through Yang Yan's mind!

"It's okay, if ordinary people encountered him, they would help him, not to mention, we also know each other."Su Can shook his head and said politely.

When Yang Yan heard this, she felt happy in her heart.

"Boy, do you know who I am? This is Star City, not your Yanjing City. If you dare to deal with me like this, I will prevent you from leaving Star City."


_ How can I bear it?........

"And you, Yang Yan! He trembled, pointed at Yang Yan, and threatened:"From today on, I will tell our TV station to never accept advertisements from your Duan Company. You are finished.""


When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, without waiting for Su Can's order, he walked over and stepped on Mr. Xian's face hard, telling him to shut up.

Su Can looked at it and frowned slightly.

How can a person be so arrogant? who?

"Yang Yan, what is going on?"

Su Can looked at Yang Yan and asked.

Yang Yan blushed and looked at Su Can. She didn't dare to hide it, and she couldn't bear to hide it from Mr. Su in front of her. She felt that she could give everything for Mr. Su.

Even at this moment, Su The husband made a request and asked for it.

Yang Yan would send it herself.

But now is not the time to think about this. Weird thoughts came to Yang Yan's mind, which made her feel extremely shy.

She came to her senses and immediately replied:"Mr. Su, don't I work in Duan Company now? It just so happens that this summer, Star City's TV station will hold a new female singing competition, so our company sent some people over to advertise on this variety show."

"Where is Zhang Yiming?"

Su Can frowned and said in a deep voice.

Yang Yan didn't find it strange that Su Can called their boss Zhang Yiming by his first name. Last time she saw with her own eyes the boss who turned the company into a unicorn in just half a year. , in front of Mr. Su, he was in awe.


His boss knew that she knew Mr. Su, so in the past few months, he had entrusted her with important responsibilities. Otherwise, how could she, an intern, be able to lead the team and come to Star City to be responsible for the investment and distribution of the Duan Company in variety shows?.

This involves millions, even tens of millions, of advertising expenses.

When Yang Yan heard this, she felt that Mr. Su had misunderstood, and immediately explained:"Mr. Zhang asked me to lead the team here to negotiate this advertising business."


When Su Can heard this, his stern expression slowly relaxed a little. Otherwise, Zhang Yiming would have let Yang Yan face such a person alone in Star City.


Su Can would have to reconsider. , whether Zhang Yiming is suitable or not, with the support of his own strong funds, even if he is the number one person in Su Can's genius candidate plan.

Su Can can also completely suppress and obliterate him.


If Zhang Yiming adopts Su Can doesn't mind such methods. In business, there are too many such uses of honey traps.

Su Can will not stop it.


Zhang Yiming knew that Yang Yan and he knew each other and had a close relationship. Since under such circumstances, he dared to take advantage of Yang Yan and use a honey trap in Star City.

This shows that Zhang Yiming has no awe or respect for Su Can.

In this way, a big taboo has been committed.

Now, Su Chan knows the truth.

This matter had nothing to do with Zhang Yiming. He just saw that Yang Yan and Su Can had a close relationship, and he was able to suppress so much pressure and give Yang Yan the opportunity to become the person in charge of this advertising cooperation. have to say.

I do this because I respect Su Can very much.

Naturally, Su Can would not punish Zhang Yiming. only.

Now Zhang Yiming's methods of doing things are still immature, but Su Can doesn't mind. He is just a young man who has only started his business for less than a year.

Relative to this.

It’s really not easy anymore

"What about this person?"

Su Can looked at Mr. Xian who was stepped on by Zhong Mingqiang.

Yang Yan quickly explained:"This is the head of the advertising and investment department of the TV station in Star City. His name is Xian Dagui. If our company wants to cooperate with the TV station in Star City, , it must pass through him"

"He contacted me tonight and said he wanted to treat me to a late-night snack alone and talk about cooperation. I think it’s not too late and he’s not in a hotel but in a busy city."


As she spoke, Yang Yan blushed. As for the following topic, she, a girl, was indeed a little speechless.


She was a little worried that if she encountered such a thing, Mr. Su wouldn't feel that she was incomplete!

Yang Yan originally lowered her head, as if she had admitted her mistake, but she secretly raised her head and secretly glanced at Su Can with her beautiful big eyes.

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