A cold sweat broke out from Ruan Shixiong's back.

He clearly felt that Ork was angry. if........

If what he said next didn't satisfy Ork, then he would definitely be finished.

That's right!

Olke felt very bad now, thinking that if he had no choice, the crisis they were facing would be alleviated a week later.


He was really going to die.

But before it was over, Ork didn't mind and pulled a few people on his back.

Like Mr. Jason, Ork asked himself, no matter how powerful he was, there was nothing he could do to bring down such a superior person.

Because, those are the top figures in the pharmaceutical giant alliance, how could he drag him to death together?

This backrest is impossible. but.

People like Ruan Shixiong, or in other words, the lackeys raised by OMG Capital, want them to die together..........

For Olke, it doesn't seem to be that difficult.

It's too simple.

Thinking of this, Olke took a deep look at Ruan Shixiong


When Ruan Shixiong saw Ork, he felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet and instantly spread throughout his body, making him feel as if he was staring at a poisonous snake.

This feeling, It was so terrible.

It made him feel like he was trembling all over.

At this moment!

It even made him feel like he was facing death.

Ruan Shixiong's throat squirmed and he swallowed. Big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and dripped down. Come on, even in this very air-conditioned room.

He still broke out in a cold sweat.........


Olk said calmly.

The calmer his expression became, to Ruan Shixiong, this moment seemed like the calm before the storm. Under this calm expression, what was brewing was a storm that would destroy the world. Terrifying energy.

Ruan Shixiong suppressed the uneasiness and fear in his heart and said with a trembling voice:"Mr. Olk, our people discovered that after traveling thousands of miles to visit that person, he came back soon."

"Let’s get to the point!"

Olk urged somewhat.


Ruan Shixiong bowed his body slightly. After hearing Olke's words, he bent down even more and said quickly:"We found that not long after Lu Qianshan left the Dunyi Garden, he immediately hired Bi. Xianju tomorrow night"

"You confirm!"

When Ork heard this, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes were filled with joy, he immediately started to fight, and said with great excitement.


Ruan Shixiong looked at Ork's excited look and immediately guessed that this news was definitely valuable news for Ork.

He had escaped.


Ruan Shixiong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then said:"In order to confirm that this news is true, our people found several insiders of Bixianju"

"They confirmed that this was true. Someone had booked Bixianju, but they asked that apart from the chef, they could only arrange for one person to serve the food tomorrow."

"No one else is allowed to show up. Ruan

Shixiong glanced at Olke secretly and said:"They were still wondering who this person was, who could speak so loudly. Later they found out that it was Lu Qianshan from Yong'an Bank.""

"It must be her!"

Olk showed an excited look on his face. He walked a few steps forward and turned back. What he saw was that he was extremely excited. Olke is no stranger to Bixianju. This is a family, Xiangjiang Famous private restaurant. This restaurant is very famous. All kinds of celebrities and rich people often go to eat there. Sometimes, you still need to make a reservation to get a seat. Even if you don’t make a reservation, if you want to book a table


Ordinary people do not have such qualifications.

However, if the other party is Lu Qianshan, then there will be no problem. Lu Qianshan in Xiangjiang can be said to be almost as good as the heads of the five major families in Xiangjiang. even.

In some respects, it can be said to be even worse.

Bixianju wouldn't dare not give face to such a person when booking a venue. Even if he had to book the venue for the next day, Bixianju would agree to it.

Lu Qianshan was already standing at the peak of Xiangjiang.

So, it must be her.

If it were anyone else, there really would be no way to do it.

So, here comes the question, why does Bixianju need to be reserved for this Lu Qianshan, and besides the chef, there is only one person serving food! why is that?

The answer is self-evident.........

Ork's eyes were bright and he had guessed it.

Mainly, it's too obvious.

During this journey, Qianshan had just gone to Dunyi Garden to visit that person, and just after leaving Dunyi Garden, he booked the Bixian Residence. why is that?

Isn't it just to entertain that person?

Olke thought about that person's status and his superiority, but no one in the major business magazines or media had reported the existence of this person.

He never appeared in public.

To know.

If a person like him, with such a huge industry under his control, stood up, he would definitely be respected by everyone and worshiped by countless people.

Under such a halo, who can avoid it!

This is a supreme honor!

However, this person has a terrible low profile and never cares about these honors and vanity, so he has never appeared in public.

He is a very low-key person........

According to this person's personality and being so low-key, if he accepts a banquet from others, that person will definitely not disturb that person.

That's why Lu Qianshan did that.

Very good!

The opportunity has come, this is his chance

"Mr. Ork!"

Ruan Shixiong watched Ork walking around excitedly, his eyes kept turning. He spoke in a low voice and reminded him slowly.

This excited Ork woke up.

Seeing himself like this Looking excited and overwhelmed, Olke's face regained his composure, looked at Ruan Shixiong, and said:"Yes, your news is very timely. It is very important to me. I have written it down. You are making a decision." great merit"

"After this matter calms down, I will reward you based on your merits. When the time comes, tell me what you want and I will satisfy your request."

With this news, the gloom in Olke's heart was swept away.

He was very happy.........

Facing Ruan Shixiong, he was no longer angry.

Instead, Ruan Shixiong should be rewarded

"Thank you Mr. Olke, as long as I can help Mr. Olke, I will be satisfied, so I don’t want any reward, as long as I can work with Olke. Ruan

Shixiong said charmingly to Ork.

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