Xiangjiang, Bixianju.

Night falls. Although it is March weather, night falls very quickly. It is not like summer, where the weather does not dim until after eight o'clock.

Now, it's only half past six.

Night has covered the void.

In more than ten or twenty minutes, the entire night will probably cover this Pearl of the Orient, and the entire Xiangjiang River will enter black. but.

As one of the largest cities in Asia, even when night falls, the lights in the city light up, making the whole city look like daytime..........

There is also constant traffic around Bixianju. only!

In front of its door, it was not as busy as it was some time ago. Various cars stopped and guests entered this private restaurant.

Today, almost no cars stopped

"Mr. Olk, here we come, here we come!"

In a Mercedes Benz business car, Olke sat in the back and looked along the car in the direction of Bixianju.

At this time, Ruan Shixiong, who was driving, made a sound.

When Olke heard it, I looked in the direction he said.


I saw three cars, slowly driving over.

The two cars in front and behind were worth millions of Hummers, and the one in the middle was a Rolls-Royce, these alone are worth more than 20 million this time.

This is a car combination.

In Xiangjiang........

Even though there are all kinds of luxury cars, few people can afford them. Only the top rich can afford cars of this level.

You know, that Rolls-Royce alone is not something ordinary people can buy if they have money, but it requires identity customization.

The net worth must be at least over one billion US dollars to start.

"It's really him!"

Olk saw the license plate number from a distance and was suddenly happy.

This license plate number was not unfamiliar to him.

In the short time since he came to Xiangjiang, he had never had the chance to see this person because he wanted to see him, but he had long remembered it. I got the license plate number of this person's car.

In addition, this license plate number is very rare in Xiangjiang. People who can get such a license plate number are either rich or noble. People who ride in such a car are naturally not simple..

A look of ecstasy appeared on Olke's face.

Yesterday, he got news from Ruan Shixiong, saying that Lu Qianshan was going to Bixianju to entertain people, and he also asked everyone else in Bixianju to avoid it, leaving only one person..........

This Olke felt that it must be a banquet for the low-key Su Can. as expected.


His chance has come.

Ork only felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, because now that he saw the person who was entertaining Qianshan, he knew that his chance was tonight.

Otherwise, he would never have had the chance to see that person at other times.

And now.

This is the only chance.

Thinking of this, he was very excited.

However, Olk also knew that this was not the right time to get out of the car. If he got out of the car rashly and rushed out, he might not see the person at all, but his car would leave directly.

That's right!

Because if he rushes out rashly like this, he will be regarded as an attacker. In order to protect that person's safety, his security will definitely drive away.

Then he will miss the opportunity.........

Thinking of this, Olke decided to wait in the car. When this person came out after going in to have dinner with Lu Qianshan, this would be his opportunity.

"Mr. Olk, do we need to go out now?"

Ruan Shixiong asked

"No need, keep waiting!"

Olk said lightly.

While they were watching, Su Can's motorcade had slowly arrived at the gate of Bixianju.

The car stopped.


Zhong Mingqiang got out of the car from the co-pilot of the Rolls-Royce. Other security guards gathered around, looking in all directions to protect Su Can. Zhong Mingqiang walked to the car door and helped Su Can open the door.

Su Can got out of the car. Inside, walk out slowly

"Third brother, we are here!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"Let's go!"

Su Can nodded and walked inside.

On the other side, Ork saw Su Can getting off the Rolls-Royce from a distance, and his face was a little more excited.........

It's really him!

I saw the license plate number just now. This car belongs to that person, but the person sitting in it may not belong to him!


Even people saw it.


If I was 90% sure just now, now I am 100%, 1,000%, 10,000% sure that this person is Su Can.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his inner excitement.

Whether you can escape or not depends on tonight.

At this time, Su Can, Zhong Mingqiang, and two security guards slowly went upstairs, while some of the remaining people left in their cars. in xiangjiang.........

Parking spaces are the most difficult to find in the world. Many street-facing stores have few parking spaces, and many parking spaces are on the roadside. so!

A very unique enterprise in the world was born in Xiangjiang, which is valet parking.

Many middle-class people go to shopping malls and there are no parking spaces there, so they give their cars to people who park their cars downstairs in the mall.

Give someone your car keys and he will drive around for you. When you want to come out, call him and he will drive back immediately.

This kind of valet parking is really not cheap. but!

The incomes of the middle and high-level people in Xiangjiang are really not low, and they are fully capable of spending this.

Naturally, Su Can's fleet could not park for those with valet parking. Instead, it had security guards acting as drivers, who drove the cars to nearby parking lots or other places to park.

Or, drive around.

Don’t say it’s Su Can..........

In Xiangjiang, even those with some status, wealth, and security will not easily hand over their cars to valets.

If you really do this.

Many of their businesses have long since ceased to be that big. who knows.

Are these valet parking agents other commercial spies? If you dare to do this, even if the other party will not kill you, they will put a few bugs in the car.

Or, use some other means.

It can destroy you in minutes.

Su Can and the others quickly went upstairs. As soon as they entered Bixianju, they could see that this was a very old-fashioned private vegetable shop. Although the decoration was new, it was antique.

And in the middle of the store, a woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful appearance was already sitting.

This woman is naturally Lu Qianshan..........

Before Su Can arrived, Lu Qianshan had already been here, waiting for Su Can

"Mr. Su!"

Seeing Su Can, Lu Qianshan stood up excitedly, walked over quickly, greeted Su Can, and showed a happy and sweet smile.

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