
The door outside opened, and then a burst of footsteps sounded.

When Olk heard it, he leaned slightly towards the sofa, made a posture that seemed relaxed and comfortable, and lay down on the sofa..........

After a while, a man in his thirties walked in.

"Mr. Ork!"

The man said respectfully

"Ruan Shixiong.

Ork looked at the visitor calmly and said,"Is there any news?""

The man in front of me is a descendant of the Annan people who smuggled themselves to Xiangjiang in the 1980s. Of course, he was not born in Xiangjiang. His father smuggled himself to Xiangjiang and brought him here after he had a certain amount of capital.


When he was a child, He also lived in Xiangjiang.

His father was a member of the Nan'an Society. This time, Su Can was furious and severely punished him. Ruan Shixiong's father was also a backbone in the Nan'an Society, at a middle-to-high level.

Now, he is still inside, If he didn't come out, his father would definitely have betrayed his sentence for many years if nothing unexpected happened.

As for!

Ork didn't know whether there were still people who could get out of there, because the lives of these people were all in their hands. In the hands of that person.

If this person!

If something happens to the middle and senior management of Nan'an Society in prison, Olke feels that it is not that difficult.

You know........

Over the years, they have done this in places such as Omei. for example!

Some people can shoot themselves more than a dozen times.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, as long as they believe it, no one will investigate, and the case will end with the person committing suicide.

They are very familiar with these things, so they also know that if that person wants to, he can do it, and they can't even stop him.

Olke regained his mind a little and thought about the past few days. After he learned that the person came to Xiangjiang, he wanted to visit that person through some intermediaries.

He felt a headache. because..........

Those middlemen were not even qualified to see that person, and he was naturally not qualified to see him, but what he said to Mr. Jason on the phone just now.

That was all to fool Mr. Jason, but even though it was fooling, it had a time limit.

If this matter doesn't get better within a week, then it's time for him, Ork, to be completely finished.

For Olke, the most important thing now is that no matter what method he adopts, he has a chance to meet that person.


After seeing him, he knelt down, kowtowed, admitted his mistake, and begged him for mercy. For Ork, there was nothing he could do.

As long as that person is willing to let him go, let alone kneel down, Olke feels that he can even call that person daddy.

For these people.

Surrendering to a strong man is not a shameful thing.

To know.........

He was born in Spain, the most powerful country in the Age of Discovery, but now, in Europe, they have long been reduced to the second or third rate.

Therefore, it is not impossible to surrender to a strong man.

"Mr. Olk, we made a new discovery today! Ruan

Shixiong said excitedly.

Now, the whole Xiangjiang black and white factions are cracking down on these Annan people or their descendants because their Nan'an Society was involved in that incident.


He Ruan Shixiong did not join and just wandered around here. Among those on the edge, he is also following the right path. Otherwise, if Nan'an Society is wiped out this time, he will not be able to escape.

Now, although they have escaped, they have offended a giant like Hengyu Group. , now throughout Xiangjiang, many people are trying to please the Hengyu Group, or are afraid of offending the Hengyu Group, but few people dare to cooperate with them.

If this continues!

They will be finished sooner or later.

Therefore, in the face of what Ork ordered, Ruan Shixiong had to work hard because he knew that these people who were originally the fathers of their capital were the ones who could give them a hand.

If these European capitals gave up on them, then they would be completely ruined.


Fleeed back to Annan.

However, the life there is completely different from that in Xiangjiang. After they have seen the prosperity here, how can they be willing to go back to the backward place over there?

"oh! What's up?"

Olk's eyes suddenly lit up.

Is there any new news?

Could it be that he could see that person?

Thinking of this!

Olke felt a little excited. If within this week, he would even be qualified to meet that person. If not, then he is completely screwed. He can't even see anyone and still wants to escape?

Are you kidding ?..........

Ruan Shixiong did not dare to hide it and said quickly:"Our people discovered that today Lu Qianshan from Yong'an Bank went to Dunyiyuan in the middle of the mountain to visit that person."


Olk frowned slightly, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Lu Qianshan?

Yong'an Bank.

Although this is a giant group, even in their pharmaceutical giant alliance, it only ranks first or second. Only the Big Mac can compete with him.

However, traveling thousands of miles to visit that person is not something special for Olk. Instead, it is a very normal thing!

These days!

Ordinary! People don’t know, but how can Ork not know this?

The heads of the major families in Xiangjiang, including the five major families in Xiangjiang, as well as the major giant groups, didn’t they visit that one!

Even for the five major families in Xiangjiang, each family head went there in person, and each one went faster than the other. There were even several heads of the five major families in Xiangjiang abroad who rushed back to visit that person in person. And

Lu Qianshan.........

Although this is the person in charge of Yongan Bank and is extremely powerful, compared with that person, the gap is still a bit big!

Everyone else went.

It was not unusual for Qianshan to follow him this way, and the smile that originally appeared on Ork's face suddenly dropped.

There was a gloomy look on his face. He looked at Ruan Shixiong calmly and said in a deep voice:"Is this a big discovery that you think? A discovery that makes me happy?"

He was angry.

At first, I thought it was good news.


This kind of news is not good news! It wasn't news at all. If it were, all the high-ranking beings in Xiangjiang had visited that person in the past few days.

Could it be!

No matter who goes there alone, it will be a big discovery?

What a joke..........

"no no!"

Ruan Shixiong saw Olke's face become extremely gloomy, and he suddenly felt scared. He shook his head quickly and said in fear:"Mr. Olke, there is something inside."

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