Su Can opened his mouth and bit down.

These are large cherries with a fresh and sweet taste. They are picked on the same day, kept fresh as quickly as possible, and then sent to Xiangjiang.

The price is not cheap. but.........

For people of Su Can's level, they are just ordinary small fruits.

Even, in terms of their wealth, it is just like the wealth of ordinary people buying a grain of rice.

After Su Can finished eating, he was about to spit out the core. Huang Manyu saw it and stretched out her slender hand to take the core that Su Can spit out. Su Can looked at Huang Manyu.

He came to Xiangjiang three days ago, and on the second day, the Xiangjiang Li family announced that they were short selling the companies that Su Can had given Xu Zhengmao their list. then.

The other two major families in Xiangjiang, namely the Li family and the Guo family, saw that among the five major families in Xiangjiang, the first, third and fourth ranked ones all sided with him.

The two of them are the only ones left, what are they waiting for?

Therefore, after the Li family's announcement, at noon that day, two other major families among the five major families in Xiangjiang also announced short selling.

At this point, the five major families in Xiangjiang have all expressed their stance.

As the five largest families in Xiangjiang, their statement instantly set off the fishing boats in Xiangjiang, not to mention the Wanxiang Group, the largest giant group in Xiangjiang..........

There is also the Xu family, the sixth largest family in Hong Kong, and Zhongheng Real Estate also announced its voice.

These people were almost at the pinnacle of Xiangjiang. When they spoke together, it immediately caused a huge chain reaction.

Some of the vassal families of these big families, or the big families that have reconciled with them, have also responded to the support of these big families.

For these five major families in Xiangjiang, it is actually normal to have vassal families.

It would be a bit unusual to reach this level without a vassal family.

Even for many people.

For example, these days, a person with a net worth of tens of millions will have some people's properties attached to him under his property.

Not to mention these huge behemoth families that control hundreds of billions or even trillions of assets.

With their announcement.

The huge Xiangjiang River has become clearly divided. Except for those families who are neutral, remain silent, and do not speak out, no other family dares to come out to oppose.

Or, directly declare to stand with the listed companies on the other side of the list.

Who is this stupid?.........

At this critical moment, the five major families have joined forces, and the largest group in Xiangjiang has also taken action. With this combined force, let alone suppressing Xiangjiang.

Even in the capital circle around the world, they are invincible. No single capital group can defeat them.

Unless, they also unite.

Otherwise, it’s really not enough to watch!

"I originally wanted to come here to have a few days of peace and quiet with you, but they found out my whereabouts and came to visit one by one, leaving me with no choice but to have time to spend with you."

Su Can said with a smile.

"Come on!"

Huang Manyu rolled her eyes at Su Can. Although she is about the same age as Su Can, in her fifties, she has maintained a very good figure over the years. She is also rich and has no shortage of money. With all kinds of maintenance, she She looks like a woman in her thirties.

Such a roll of the eyes makes her look a little charming.

Huang Manyu complained:"You are not here to accompany me. You are just here to solve those things. Come to Xiangjiang to accompany me." I'm just an excuse"


Huang Manyu couldn't laugh or cry and said:"You know I go back to the mainland every weekend now, either to Rurong City or to Yanjing City to see our two precious grandchildren."

"You didn't come earlier or you didn't come late. Now that you're here, I have no choice but to go back and see those two precious grandchildren this weekend."

"This kid, if you don't pay attention, will grow up in the blink of an eye."

Huang Manyu sighed.


Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. You still have such thoughts?.........

Back then, after Huang Manyu broke Nian'er and Zeming, she was still a workaholic, and later, after giving birth to her child, she was still thinking about work.

She is a very ambitious woman who wants to achieve success in her career.

Therefore, even after the children were born, most of them were taken by Su Can or servants. Huang Manyu was only free to go back during holidays.

Even, sometimes I don’t go back. no way.

Su Can can only be a baby daddy.

However, now, after having grandchildren, Huang Manyu changed her style drastically. She was so intimate with her two precious grandchildren, which surprised Su Can.

Su Can even saw several times that her son Su Zeming looked depressed and helpless when he saw Huang Manyu looking at her grandson's baby.

Su Can estimated that this boy must have thought of his mother Huang Manyu's treatment of him when he was a child, plus the treatment of this child now.

This contrast.

In my heart, I guess I feel bitter.

What a kiss from another generation!

Su Can understands this very well, just like after he had a child, his parents' kindness and kindness were left to their grandchildren.

And myself..........

It was all done with a straight face.

Su Can's family status has plummeted. Now, after seeing his son Su Zeming's family status, it has plummeted after having those two children.

Su Can felt a little bit wickedly happy in his heart when he became a father.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu's complaints and said with a smile:"How about we prepare a successor and retire from the position of HSBC Bank, and then we will be able to live happily with our grandchildren."

Huang Manyu is in the position of the head of HSBC Bank. , actually a long time ago. since.

After she and Su Can got married, Su Can supported her to become the head of HSBC Bank. It has been almost twenty years now.

Not only that, in HSBC, Su Can secretly repurchased its shares and gave some to Huang Manyu, plus the shares Su Can had acquired.

In fact, Huang Manyu's shares in HSBC Bank are no less than 15%.

If you quit the position of the person in charge now, you can actually take up the position of a member of the board of directors casually.

In fact, with her prestige from having been in charge of HSBC for many years, she can point to someone and become the heir in every minute.

And the board of directors has no choice..........

Of course, the major shareholder in the board of directors is Su Can, and with Huang Manyu's shares, the couple can already decide this matter with one word.

When Huang Manyu heard this, a solemn look appeared on her face.

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