"Take your side!"

Li Chaoren took a deep breath and made a decision.

Li Zekai heard this and did not stop him.

His elder brother Li Zeju had already made it very clear. Among the five major families in Xiangjiang, two major families have already expressed their stance, not to mention, that The Xu family, ranked the sixth largest family in Xiangjiang, is actually not weaker than the Guo family, ranked fifth.

But the Xu family took the lead to do this.

What does this mean?

There is no doubt.

Now the other two Although the big family did not express their stance, there is no doubt that no one knows whether they will suddenly express their stance.

If so!


This is interesting.

Because the second to fifth largest families in the five major families in Xiangjiang have all expressed their opinions, and only the Li family, which ranks first, is left. What is this going to do?

At that time, I'm afraid I will be extremely passive.

At this time, there was no way to hesitate. They had to take a stand. Otherwise, taking a stand at the end would be almost the same as not taking a stand at all.

The final statement, what does that mean?

Representing the general trend, after the Li family received statements from major families, did the invisible pressure lead them to take a stand?

So, how does he see all this in his eyes? this method.

It would feel very inappropriate to leave it here, even with such a person under his control. If he did this, he might be on the bench.

Not to mention a behemoth like their Li family.

This is absolutely not allowed..........

"Dad, I will send out a message tomorrow morning!"

Li Zeju said.

"Not only that! Li

Chaoren shook his head and continued:"It's not just about speaking out. You have to do your best to do this. While speaking out, you also have to take action.""

"Otherwise, taking a stand would be the same as not taking a stand."

As he said that, his gentle old face showed a hint of cruelty.

Don't look at his face, which is always smiling. Even for ordinary people, he still has a smile on his face. He would respond with an angry face.

But in fact, if his character was really like this, the industry would not have developed so much. Maybe those industries would have been completely swallowed up long ago.

In fact, it is not just him. , in this world, any rich person who has reached such a status is like this. No one can be that simple.


Li Zeju nodded and said respectfully.

"Okay, after you finish eating the sugar water, go wherever you need to go! I went back to the study and read for a while."Li Chaoren said, stood up, and walked slowly upstairs.


He is the only one left to live in the huge Li family. His two sons rarely live here.

And he.........

In fact, he rarely lives here, because every year, he spends most of the time away from Xiangjiang, flying around the world, participating in various activities, or discussing cooperation.

The days when we can live at home are numbered on our hands.

Time flies, and a few days pass quickly.

Escape to the Garden.

Dunyi Garden, which had been quiet for a long time, became lively. In just a few days, motorcades from various wealthy families came here from all over Xiangjiang to visit the owner of Dunyi Garden.

Of course, this person is not Zhang Man.

Although, after marrying Su Can, as the woman Su Can Mingming is marrying, Huang Manyu can also be said to be the master of Dunyiyuan.


Although her status is not low, she is the head of HSBC Bank. In Hong Kong, she can be said to be at the top of the entire Hong Kong.

Usually when I go in and out, I always shout at each other..........

However, in Xiangjiang, there are not a few people who can reach the same status as her, not to mention the heads of the five major families in Xiangjiang, and other major families.

These people may not come here to visit her in person.

Therefore, Huang Manyu, who usually lives here, simply does not have the ability to let other people come to visit her in such an endless stream.

She has not reached this level.

And those who can reach this level.

There is only his man, that mysterious man. Among many wealthy families, many people only hear his voice but never see Su Can.

That's right!

Su Can comes to Xiangjiang.

This is his first time here this year.

Normally, in fact, he would stay in Xiangjiang for about a month every year. The rest of the time was spent on weekends. Huang Manyu took a private plane back to find Su Can.

And now.........

Su Zeming has two children. Su Can estimates that he will come to Xiangjiang less often in the future, and Huang Manyu, who is a grandmother, will also stay here less often.

In addition to her daily work, whenever she has time, she will return to Yanjing City or Chengdu as soon as possible.

Because, his son Su Zeming has two women.

Li Jianjia and her child were in Yanjing City, while Tang Xuan was in Rongcheng with her child. Both children were the grandsons of Su Can and Huang Manyu.

To them.

It's the same love.

Although it is said that the child born by Li Jianjia is the legitimate son and grandson, Su Can and Huang Manyu don't really care about that.

Of course, if this child, if nothing unexpected happens, can have half the abilities of his son Su Zeming, Su Can's properties will be inherited by Su Zeming in the future.

This child will also inherit it.

There is no doubt about it. certainly.........

It doesn't mean that Su Can won't care about the illegitimate son Tang Xuan gave birth to, given Su Can's huge financial resources and wealth.

He only needs to reveal a little bit of words from between his fingers.

This kid will be on the Forbes list in minutes.

It's too simple.

After all, it will take more than ten years for these two children to grow up, and after more than ten years, how many times will Su Can's wealth increase?

Escape into a garden.

It's March in spring, the sun is shining brightly. This is March in the south, but in the north, the weather at this time has not completely warmed up.

But in Xiangjiang, the temperature has soared to 30 degrees.

Even Su Can can hardly bask in the sun anymore, but there is a big tree in the courtyard of Dunyiyuan, and Su Can is lying on a rocking chair made of sea yellow.

This set of sea-yellow rocking chairs is not Su Can's set, which is hundreds of years old, but made from sea-yellow that Su Can has collected in Qiongzhou over the years.

These woods are hundreds of years old.........

Although such a sea-yellow rocking chair is not as expensive as the one in Yanjing City, it costs several million and is still available.

"You are still so majestic, you have only been here a few days! In Dunyi Garden, various high-society figures from Hong Kong will come to visit you in an endless stream. Huang

Manyu smiled at the corner of her eyes, looked at Su Can, and gently fed a cherries to Su Can.

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