"Back off?"

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can seriously.

"It depends on what you think, after so many years, you have done enough!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Is it much?"

Huang Manyu shook her head.

"how! Su

Can looked at the solemn look on Huang Manyu's face and said,"Are you worried about whether Zeming will succeed in inheriting Wanxiang Group and other industries in the future?""

He could see the hesitation in Huang Manyu's heart at a glance.

Today's Huang Manyu can actually step down from the position of the person in charge of HSBC Bank at any time.

But, she did not step down..........

That's because now, although his son Su Zeming has a successful career and has become a financial giant in the mainland, he is not too weak even among the world's capital.

In addition to those giants, Capital Today, which he controls, will reach a scale of trillions of capital in the next three to five years. reached this level.

In fact, it is no less inferior to Redwood Capital. It can be said to be on the same level as Gaosheng Capital and Morgan Stanley.

However, Huang ManBut know.

Even if it reaches this level, it is nothing compared to the huge industry of his own man, if his son cannot successfully inherit it!

Even if capital controls more assets today, what's the use?

Her purpose!

It is better to let his son inherit the properties owned by his man.

Over the years, she had been planning for this for who knows how long. Even in order for Zhang Man to leave Wanxiang Group, she acquiesced in Zhang Man becoming her man's woman.

This is what she has sacrificed for.


Su Zeming has not succeeded in inheriting those properties. Of course, Huang Manyu does not hate her man for this. This is not his fault.

He didn't do it on purpose.........

It's because his son, Su Zeming, is arrogant in his heart and has no intention of practicing in the industries owned by his own man.

I chose to establish a capital company by myself and operate it myself.

Do the math.

In just a few years, he has grown from a starting capital of tens of billions to a giant with more than 400 billion in assets. His son Su Zeming is a genius.

After all, the start-up capital that his man gave his son Su Zeming back then was only 10 billion.

This is ten billion.

If the loss is over, the son will have to return to the industry experience under his husband Su Can. This is the agreement between their father and son.

As a result, my son is very good, and he has managed a 10 billion entrepreneurial fund to a management scale of more than 400 billion in assets.

This ability.

Even among peers from major families around the world, there are only a few of them, or in other words, this is the only one with no other branches.

In Huang Manyu's heart, although she was full of pride about this, she felt helpless in her heart, or in other words, she had known this.

I won’t let my son choose like this..........

Because the bigger the capital is today, the lower the chance of the son returning to the property under his own man's hands in a short period of time.

And when the time comes, it will take longer to formally inherit those properties.

Because in these industries, you will not be able to completely take charge of everything as soon as you enter. It will take at least three to five years to gradually become the person in charge of the middle and high-level positions.

Apart from anything else, I don’t know how much time it will take just to gain experience in the Wanxiang Group.

Wanxiang Group has more than ten listed companies, many of which have a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. How to manage such a giant?

Can it be done in just one or two years?

That's almost impossible.

If my son had not chosen to start a business, but instead entered the Wanxiang Group to gain experience, he would first have a year of experience in the Wanxiang Group branch in the Mainland and become the head of the branch.

In the second year, he can become the senior vice president of Xiangjiang headquarters. By now, I am afraid that he has already become the person in charge of Xiangjiang Wanxiang Group.

It's just that life never starts over again.........

My son has already gone his own way.

"well! Huang

Manyu sighed, looked at Su Can, shook her shoulders, and said:"Who makes your son fail? Until now, he is still just in charge of a company with hundreds of billions of assets under management.""

"If he takes charge of the Wanxiang Group as soon as possible, I can retire in a minute. Why do I need to work so hard for this brat?"

"This brat!"

At the end of the sentence, Huang Manyu couldn't help laughing and scolding.

This is it.

Sometimes, my son is too good, and as a parent, I will feel helpless. Because he is too good, he will no longer listen to his parents..

Not only her son Su Zeming.

In fact, her daughter Su Duoer is also.

Back then, after her son Su Zeming established Today Capital, Huang Manyu estimated that all her sons were like this and were unwilling to enter the family industry and gain experience in the Wanxiang Group.

So, Where is my daughter?.........

Daughter Su Duoer and son are twins, twins. If the son doesn't want to do this, the daughter can go to Wanxiang Group to gain experience.

First, she helped her brother and took charge of the Wanxiang Group.

After arriving.

After her brother successfully inherited her father's huge properties, she could also help her brother manage the entire company in an orderly manner.

She can also help her brother to plan the country.

By the time.

Then according to the man's wishes, he gives his daughter some shares. Although it is a small number, it is estimated that they are tens of billions of dollars in shares.

These are enough for my daughter to suddenly enter the Forbes list and become the top rich person. result!

After now, the daughter has not chosen to join the Wanxiang Group or gain experience in any company owned by her husband, just like the son.

This girl actually chose to start a business and started an Internet company. Now the company has a market value of more than 20 billion US dollars.

In mainland China, this is already one of the top ten Internet giants. just a few years.........

Having achieved such great results, I have to say that this is amazing, but it is like this, but there is no way to enter the Wanxiang Group.

Therefore, her son Su Zeming has no help.

This gave Huang Manyu a headache.

These two children have simply picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon. So many huge industries under their own men are all connected through the Vientiane Group!

Even though their current companies in the city have a market value of tens of billions of dollars, the companies owned by my husband, let alone Wanxiang Group, are like this.

There are no fewer than four or five companies under the Wanxiang Group with a market value higher than this level, and some even have a market value several times higher!

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