Li Zeju and Li Zekai looked at each other, not knowing how to speak. this matter.

They don’t know that!

In fact, when they were very young, their father had already trained their business abilities. Otherwise, as soon as they graduated from there, they would join the group and make some achievements.

This would all have a foundation..........

For their father, that incident was a heartache that had been hidden for decades. Whenever he thought about it, he would feel extremely helpless.

"Dad, what do you mean?

Li Zekai asked:"Are you going to take sides?""

Li Zeju didn't speak.

"What, you don’t want to take sides? Li

Chaoren looked at his youngest son lightly and asked.

Li Zekai shook his head and said,"Dad!" I think we are just businessmen, there is no need to fall to any side just to see which side is stronger."

"As long as we do our own thing and have a clear conscience, it will be fine. Once this is involved, many of our Li family's industries will suffer some bad effects."

"Especially business abroad!"

Li Zekai hinted

"Ze Zhi, what do you think?"

Li Chaoren asked his eldest son.

Li Zezhi thought for a moment and said:"Now, it's not what the attitude of our Li family is, but now, in the entire Xiangjiang, among the five major families, the relationship between the Bao family and the Su family is The closest thing is that after the death of the old ship king, he personally supported the Bao family, which was about to fall out of the five major families in Xiangjiang."

"What does he want to do?"

"Of course, the Bao family would agree as always, and was the first to agree. This also allowed the Bao family to receive a lot of support from that person for more than ten years."

"The assets of the Bao family have changed from the last position at that time to the third-ranked existence among the five major families, surpassing the Zheng family."

"If this continues, if that person has any new direction and brings the Bao family in, the Bao family may surpass the second family, and even surpass our Li family."


His eyes fell on his younger brother Li Zekai and said:"In addition to the Bao family, the Zheng family also has a large stake in the business of the Zheng family. Their New World also has a lot of business in the mainland, and works with that person. Several people work very closely together"

"Therefore, the Zheng family also made a statement half a month ago, and now there are only the other Li family, the Guo family, and our Li family."

"Two of the five major families have already expressed their stance, although apart from our Li family, what do the other two think? We are not the parties involved and cannot do anything about it, but we can guess it."

"In Xiangjiang, even if you offend those European and American capitals, it is better not to offend that person. Over the years, others do not know the existence of that person and what he has done."

"Don't we know?"

"and! He paused for a moment, his eyes showed a hint of determination, and said:"Our Li family has some cooperation with many industries under his control. Even our investment companies are investing in his industries on a large scale, or related to him." even though........

This time, I lost a little bit by investing in Hengyu Group.

That's right!

When the news spread in the circles in Yanjing City that Su Nian'er had saved the old man with that potion, major capitals from Yanjing City poured into the Xiangjiang stock market and frantically bought shares of Hengyu Group.

The Li family quickly discovered the problem, and through their connections in Yanjing City, they learned the inside information and immediately mobilized large-scale funds to buy it.

It's a pity that the purchase was a step late.

Although I bought it, the overall profit was more than ten percent.

And this period of time.

The market value of Hengyu Group has fallen back, because Hengyu Group is going to increase its stock price in a targeted manner, which has caused the stock price to plummet and continue to fall sharply.

This also caused the Li family's investment to suffer a loss of 10%.

That's over a billion dollars. but........

Although they are losing money now, they have not sold the cut meat. They know that if the Hengyu Group's drug is really launched on a large scale.

Double the market value, that's the lowest.

Moreover, it may be achieved in just two to three years.

Therefore, even though the Li family lost 10% on this investment, they didn't even bother to cut it off and bought more than 3 billion yuan.

I have to say, this is very courageous.

Li Zeju came back to his senses slightly and continued:"If we don't make any statement at this time, perhaps these future cooperation or investments will encounter great obstacles."


He didn't say the next sentence, he just said"and", but there was a hint of very strong fear in his eyes.

That's right!

It was fear.

Seeing the fear in Li Zeju's eyes, this Li Zejue Superman and his youngest son Li Zekai immediately guessed why they were so afraid.

They saw it..........

Once such a problem occurs with that person, the looming cooperation between them will be completely gone.

If they buy so much of that person's property, it will be regarded as a kind of annexation, rather than a simple investment behavior.

Of course it is annexation!

That's provocation.

Provoke that person's property and want to annex it? joke.

This person, in the entire capital circle, is known as the Big Mac Killer. In the past ten years, he has shorted countless Big Macs.

Not to mention anything else, let’s not talk about the Lei Man brothers in previous years.

Just in the late nineties.

At that time, the Internet exploded in Meilijian, and Yahu became a giant worth hundreds of billions of dollars in just a few years.

And that person, the Vientiane Group under his control, is shouting to reduce holdings, and there may be a problem. later..........

Vientiane Group has massively reduced its holdings of the major Internet giants of Meilijian that it bought, including Yahu, Microsoft and other Internet giants.

At that time, it was sold.

Later, Microsoft's market value exceeded 600 billion U.S. dollars, and Yahu's market value exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars. All major capitals were laughing at Wanxiang Group for not having the guts.

The results of it!

In less than a month, the entire Internet collapsed. The market value of major Internet giants was cut in half, and the market value was no longer 50% of its original value.

Even now.

Microsoft's current market value has not yet returned to the market value it had back then!

How could the Li family not know that if they offended that person, that person would stop cooperating with the Li family and instead attack the Li family's property?


The Li family's industrial assets now reach a scale of over one trillion Hong Kong dollars, but in front of that man, they are still as weak as ants.

It's not like he has never failed on this scale.

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