not to mention!

Zhang Yiming is very young, and he is obviously one of the team members that the third brother left behind for Ze Ming. They are not young anymore.

Belongs to middle age.

Although if you are lucky, you can live to be eighty years old.


Where is the other party!


It’s hard to be friendly with a young man who will be in the same camp in the future, who is more than 20 years younger than him, and who will be at his level in the future.

"Zhang Yiming is so lucky to get your attention, Third Brother."

Xiao Ping said with a slightly envious tone and a trace of sadness in her eyes.

She was not jealous...........

Just envious.

To know.

How many years has her company been established? Although it is not as long as those of Zhang Qiang, Lu Guoqiang and Wang Er, in fact, it is not that slow.

Here we are!

That was more than twenty years ago.

Over the years, the third brother has only visited the two companies she manages a few times. He can count them on one hand.


How long has Zhang Yiming’s company been established?

The third brother went to inspect it personally. This kind of treatment, even if Xiaoping's net worth has reached tens of billions, and the scale of assets under management has reached hundreds of billions.


Still showing an envious look.

The third brother really valued Zhang Yiming. This kind of treatment was really top-notch! also explains.........

Zhang Yiming's Tongtong company has a very bright future.

Thinking of this, Xiaoping's heart moved, because she knew that the beating company had just been established not long ago, and there would definitely be a series of financing in the future.


She thought about it. It seemed that she had to pay more attention. Once the other party raised funds, both Qunar and the two major listed companies would have to join.

Even if one of the two major companies invests in it, that is fine.

Think of this.

She secretly made up her mind.

Su Can didn't even know that Xiaoping had made such an important decision with just a few words. Xiaoping was now considered a big boss.

In 2009, the scale of assets under management reached 100 billion RMB, and among them, it also controlled two listed companies. At this time, this status was a top status. domestic..........

There are really not many people who have reached this level.

If Su Can hadn't given Zhang Yiming Su Zeming's business card, Xiaoping would have asked Zhang Yiming to find him, which would probably have made Zhang Yiming so excited that he couldn't sleep.

That's an investment worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Such an endorsement.

That is also extremely powerful.


The company run by Xiaoping also has Internet companies. These days, when it comes to investment, Internet giants invest in emerging Internet companies.

That’s really important!

Although this significance is not as great as that of later generations of Penguins investing in other Internet companies, it is still earth-shattering!

Can Zhang Yiming not be happy?

Su Can smiled faintly and said nothing.

This sentence.........

It's really inappropriate.

He is too lazy to do anything about it.

Especially Xiaoping's sad eyes, Su Can didn't know what they meant! Let’s get rid of this topic quickly and turn the page.

"Third brother, where are you going next? How about having afternoon tea together?"

Xiao Ping looked at Su Can expectantly.

Normally, it would be so rare to meet the third brother!

Now, meeting her on the street is such a rare opportunity. In addition, the weather today is good, the sun is out, it's very Suitable for going out.

Afternoon tea?

After hearing this, Su Can felt a little moved in his heart.

"I won’t have afternoon tea, but we can walk and chat together!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Then I'll choose a place........."

Xiaoping said excitedly.

Su Can didn't agree to have afternoon tea with her, but we could chat and walk together. This was much better than having afternoon tea, so much!

"No thanks, I thought of a good place! Su

Can said on a whim.

Meeting Xiaoping and Zhong Mingqiang next to him made Su Can think of a good place, and he had not been to this place for several years.

After moving out of that place, he was very Don't go back.

The last time!

Su Can had forgotten when it was.

By the way!

Was it his son, daughter and their friends who came there?

Some memories came to Su Can's mind.

"Third brother, where are you?.........."

Xiaoping asked curiously

"Do you still remember the courtyard house we lived in?"Su Can said with a smile.

"Of course I remember!"

When Xiaoping heard this, she said without hesitation. Of course she remembered it.

That was the place where her destiny changed, and it also changed her life, turning her from an ordinary person into the domineering female CEO she is today, with a net worth of tens of billions. Place.

If there wasn’t that courtyard, how could she be here?

Maybe! She had been forced by her father to marry someone she didn’t like, and then she gave birth to a child, worked every day, and lost her youth and her back. It's weird.


It won't be too hard now.

After all, although their home was in the suburbs of Yanjing City, the suburbs of Yanjing City back then are now around the Fifth Ring Road..........

After this place is demolished, there will be no shortage of money. but!

No matter what happens, how can we have the current scenery!

"I haven’t been back to that courtyard house for many years."Xiao Ping showed a trace of apology and said.

When was the last time she went back there?

It seemed to be Old Man Li's funeral!

It's now!

More than ten years have passed.

Xiao Ping's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

It's not that she didn't want to go back, but Things have changed and people have changed. That place is no longer what it used to be. People are no longer there. Why go back?


Back then!

Before old man Li passed away, the third brother started to move with his children. After coming out, Su Zeming and Su Duoer followed the third brother to live in the prospect villa.........

Only Old Man Li didn't want to leave there.

The third brother could only arrange for someone to take care of Old Man Li. later!

Old Man Li passed away, and no one lived in that place anymore. Naturally, Xiaoping never returned there. When she went to find Su Can, she was always at the prospect villa.

It’s been more than ten years!

In a flash, it was over.

The scenes I experienced back then seemed to be vividly in my mind, right in front of my eyes.

There was an inexplicable emotion spreading in Xiaoping's heart.

"So today, let’s go back and take a look!"

Su Can smiled slightly.


Xiao Ping said expectantly.

Although Zhong Mingqiang next to him said nothing, as for that place, it was also the place where he, Zhong Mingqiang, changed his destiny and his life.


One of the best times he's ever had. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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