"I'm sorry! Brother Mingqiang!"

When Xiaoping heard this, she showed an embarrassed look.

She was no stranger to Zhong Mingqiang.

Back then!

When she came to Su Can to work as a nanny, Zhong Mingqiang was also the person in charge of security there. Everyone was in that courtyard. She lived there.

And! She lived there for several years.


Su Can gave her a sum of money to set up the company, but she came back frequently. Everyone was very familiar with each other and no strangers.........

Moreover, she also knew what Zhong Mingqiang had done, and she felt a little embarrassed when she saw that Zhong Mingqiang was facing a formidable enemy.


Zhong Mingqiang complained helplessly.

"Why are you here!"

Su Can smiled slightly, but didn't care so much, and asked.

Xiaoping's Qunar company is not here, it is between the third and fourth rings, and the company Xiaoping founded was on the second ring road. Within.

Then, after making money, Su Can suggested that she acquire land, or multiple pieces of land, and build an office building as the company's headquarters. In those days, for ordinary people, investing in a building was definitely the safest option. Things.

Although it is not as good as buying Moutai stocks!

Other stocks have risen thousands of times.

But it is safe.........

Besides, the money is not small!

Therefore, in the 1990s, Xiaoping acquired several pieces of land, some of which were used as employee apartments, and one of which was built into an office building with more than 20 floors.

Just this building.

Ten years later, the sales would have been no less than several billion.

But at the beginning!

The funds spent are only around tens of millions.

"There is an Internet company whose development model is similar to our website, and it is developing well. I will see if I can invest some shares in it, or acquire it outright."

Xiao Ping said with a bright smile.

"How was the talk!"

Su Can asked

"Not bad. They know how powerful we are. If we try to suppress them, they will encounter some crises, so they are willing to let us take a stake.........."

Xiaoping smiled and said:"However, our preference is to control this company and let it become a new platform for us to build a vertical website."

"Now, the other party is considering it. If they don't agree, we may launch a new platform to seize their market."

Looking at Xiao Ping talking about business wars so skillfully.

Who would have thought that

Xiao Ping at the beginning was actually just a runaway who was wanted to marry by her father. With so many gifts, she was replaced by a runaway who was married to her son. The child.

Then, she was met by Su Can, who thought she was pitiful.

Instead, she became the nanny in Su Can's courtyard. The monthly payment was quite a lot.

That was around the 1980s, when ordinary people were formal employees in factories. It’s less than thirty yuan a month!

Su Can gave Xiaoping four to five hundred yuan a year, and it included food and accommodation, and everything was meat and fish. Those days, at that time.

Really. She lived as a wealthy person.

Later, Su Can gave her money to start a business, and she became the domineering female president in charge of a giant asset worth hundreds of billions of RMB..........

The little nanny turns into a domineering female CEO with assets worth hundreds of billions.

This is just a small trick of Su Can. His ability to turn stone into gold changes the fate of everyone under his command. inside these people.

This also includes today’s Zhong Mingqiang. then!

His body was somewhat handicapped. After returning from his major, he was waiting for employment. After all, in those days, there were many positions for employees in factories.

Those are taken over by their parents' retired children, and a position can be passed down.

As a foreigner, it is really difficult for you to be rotated into such a position, unless the enrollment is expanded, so Zhong Mingqiang can only wait for employment at home.

Then, I met Su Can.

Only then did these changes occur.

That is not the case for those people under Su Can, except for Wang Er, who has a better family background and is from a big family in Yanjing City. other people.........

It all starts from the beginning.

Like Lu Guoqiang, let alone a family of five or six people, all living in a house of more than 20 square meters, if not for meeting Su Can. maybe!

He was reduced to a little kid. In 1983, he had been sentenced to death for hooliganism. How could he be the richest man now?

Su Can really changed the fate of these people, turning these people who started from humble beginnings into beings with a net worth of billions, even tens of billions, or tens of billions.

The same is true for Xiaoping.

Now her net worth is really not the lowest among those under Su Can, and certainly not the highest, but it has reached around 10 billion.

"You're doing a great job, but don't push people too hard. Sometimes, it's better to leave a line in your work so that we can see each other in the future!"Su Can nodded, very satisfied with Xiaoping's changes.

"It's the third brother!"

Xiao Ping said respectfully:"I know this is a business matter. I will not insult them in any way. It is all done using commercial means.........."


Su Can smiled slightly.

"Third brother, why are you here?"

Xiao Ping looked at Su Can curiously and asked

"Let me come to the Jump Company to have a look!"

Su Can didn't hide it, but said.

At the beginning!

It's not that Xiaoping didn't know about this talent selection plan organized by Su Can, and several people from her department were also selected to participate in this selection.

What a pity!

She Among the selected people, the tallest person ranked outside the top ten, and his ranking was not very good.


In fact, this is already a good result.

Su Can has too many princes under his command. No matter from the mainland, just in Hong Kong and abroad, there are all kinds of people, there are too many..........

The recommenders of these people were selected, and there were hundreds of people in total.

Being able to rank within fifteenth place is really impressive.


Su Can didn't choose twenty people, otherwise, she might have chosen among the candidates, because Su Can only chose five people.

Naturally, there is no way to choose her people. but!

Although they were not chosen, they all knew who Su Can had chosen and who ranked first.

Of course, they all knew about Zhang Yiming. and!

During this period of time, they were sending people to pay attention to the beating company established by Zhang Yiming, because this person was the first in the talent plan selected by Su Can.

That kind of people!

As long as we don't take the wrong path, our future achievements will definitely not be lower than theirs.

For such a person.........

An existence of the same level in the future.

It's normal for them to pay attention now, sell some favors, and make friends in advance. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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