"Third brother, you can take my car!"

Xiao Ping extended the invitation and said


Su Can did not refuse.

He was not worried that Xiaoping would do something bad to him.

If Xiaoping still can't believe it!

There are few people around Su Can who can believe it. After all, although Xiaoping is Following Su Can was not as long as Lu Guoqiang, Wang Er and the others.

However ,..........

But he is the person who has lived under the same roof for the longest time. besides!

Back then, his father wanted to force her to go home and marry someone else in order to exchange for the bride price and find a partner for his son, but Su Can sent someone to beat her out.

Moreover, they also used some means to prevent them from doing that again.


More than 20 years have passed since these things happened, but for Xiaoping, it was all a recreation of Entong. Without Su Can, she wouldn't know where she would be now.

As for her relatives.

Over the years, although Xiaoping rarely saw them or broke off the relationship, they were family members after all. Xiaoping still helped her family through some channels.

However, after that time, his family no longer dared to have any ideas about Xiaoping.

Not to mention.

Now Xiaoping's status is so high.

If they want to have other ideas, it is basically impossible.


Xiaoping opened the car door for Su Can personally, and Su Can got in. This was a very business car, with a very large space in the back.

Xiaoping followed up.

Zhong Mingqiang, on the other hand, sat in the passenger seat of the car.

The car door quickly closed.

Xiaoping told the driver the address


The car started and headed towards the destination.

It took about twenty minutes.

The car arrived at the entrance of the alley. These days, many people have cars. The entrance of the alley is not big. You might encounter something when you drive in. There was a traffic jam.

Su Can and the others got out of the car.

In the past few days, there have been heavy snowfalls in Yanjing City. Today is a sunny day with a bright sun, but there is still some snow in the corners.

Su Can Chan and the others go inside.........

This alley is very lively with people coming and going. after all!

At this time, there are really not many Hutong courtyards in Yanjing City that have not been demolished. They attract a large number of foreign tourists who come to Yanjing City.

Everyone is shopping.

But compared to the 1980s, when Su Can and the others lived there, it was much more lively. only!

It's lively, but things have changed.

When Su Can lived here, he often walked around to eat during dinner. He knew some of the people in the alley, and they were all familiar faces.

Although most of them are elderly, they are full of human touch. even.

There are several old people who want to introduce their little granddaughters to Su Can!

But Su Can was scared to death.

Don’t even look at it!

What kind of old man is this? If this granddaughter is like this, wouldn't Su Can be laid off?

Of course I refused.........

Now, more than twenty years have passed, and those sixty-year-old old men and women who deserved to die have already passed away completely.

And not dead.

He must be ninety!

The remaining young people have already bought commercial housing and lived outside. How many people are still willing to come back to this place?

A large courtyard, each household is twenty or thirty square meters, and several members of the family live together.

Who wants this?

Most of those who stayed were from families who had not made any money back then, or who had not bought a house. They had saved money for most of their lives, but in the end it was not enough to pay a down payment.

However, the situation in this alley is better. then!

While Su Can was staying here, walking around to eat, he chatted with some old men and women, and specifically talked about the commercial housing.

If you remember it carefully.

I guess I have bought several apartments..........

If you don't take it seriously.

Forget it. no way!

Su Can helped them unlock the code of wealth. Whether they know how to grasp it and achieve financial freedom depends on their own grasp.

The reason why Su Can said that was just because we lived in the same alley. others!

Su Can honestly said that he was too lazy to say anything.

But speaking of it.

In Yanjing City, people living in old courtyards were not demolished when the time came. In fact, most people lived a very ordinary life.

Want money!

Not really.

It’s just one household registration, just a house of ten or twenty square meters in this old courtyard, there are many families with two or three children...........

That's even sadder.

Most people always say that Yanjingcheng is rich, and indeed it is rich, but most of the people who are rich are those from New Yanjingcheng!

Looking at the alley, walking a few hundred meters further is Su Can's courtyard house.

At this moment!

Su Can's footsteps suddenly stopped

"Third brother!"

Xiao Ping looked at Su Can curiously.

Zhong Mingqiang also stopped.

The tourists passing by did not pay much attention to them, because there were foreigners and so on in this alley, and everyone was not surprised. They all regarded them as tourists..After all, compared with Su Can and the others, there are many tall ladies with hair dyed in various colors, wearing shorts and exposing their long tui!

They want style, not warmth...........

Look at them, don’t they smell good?

"Unexpectedly, this store is still open!"Su Can looked at the familiar small restaurant in front of him. He didn't expect that this restaurant is still there.


The decoration outside has been made new.


The plaque is still the same plaque from back then.

And hanging on I read some words on the wall, and the dishes written on them are still the same dishes from back then, such as stir-fried liver, stewed stewed belly, various braised dishes and noodles with soybean paste.

"Wanglaowu Restaurant."

Xiao Ping recited the name of the restaurant, with a look of recollection in her eyes.

Zhong Mingqiang also looked a little complicated.

They don't remember this restaurant! They remember it so much.

Back then.........

When she lived in the courtyard, if she didn't want to make breakfast by herself, or if Su Can wanted to eat fried liver, fried belly, etc., Xiaoping would come here early in the morning to buy it.

Go back and put it on the stove to heat up. Su Can can eat it with the hot food.

They didn't eat less.

It was also at that time that Xiaoping realized that there was such a luxurious life in this world. You could eat meat every day, let alone lunch and dinner.

This breakfast!

It's all a big bowl of meat.

She remembered that when she first came to work as a nanny for her third brother, she was so good at eating! a meal!

You can have a bowl of fried liver, a portion of stewed liver, a pound of steamed buns, and a portion of fried belly!

This requires a lot of appetite!

Now that I think about it, I really don’t dare to think about it!


In that era, many people could eat this much, but she only had such a big appetite in the first two months of her stay there...........

Later, I ate much better and ate less and less.


Sometimes, it is normal not to eat staple food for a day. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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